Mr Willem Phillips Doman

Formerly: National Assembly

Willem Phillips Doman

About Willem Phillips Doman

Constituency Offices

Not associated with any constituency offices

Contact Details:

None available.

Former positions:

Public messages sent to this politician

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Politician Activity

What they said in committee meetings:

What are committee meetings?

Committee meetings are planned events where real-world impactful work happens such as law-making, oversight and public participation - which are all cornerstones of the work our MPs do. Although often citizens focus on the public debate taking place in main chambers, the majority of MPs' time is spent working within committees. Here is a place to see what your committee is saying.

No appearances found

Questions asked to ministers:

What are questions asked to ministers?

Written questions and feedback are essential tools used by MPs for oversight and hold the executive accountable. This oversight mechanism allows MPs’ to extract detailed information that would normally be difficult to comprehend through oral engagement. You can see the questions that your MPs are asking here.

Whether (a) his department or (b) any of its affiliated entities have purchased any tickets for the ICC Cricket World ...

Whether (a) his department or (b) any of its affiliated entities have purchased any tickets for the ICC Cricket World ...

Whether (a) his department or (b) any of its affiliated entities have purchased any tickets for the ICC Cricket World ...

Plenary appearances:

What are plenary appearances?

Plenary sessions are forums that have been created for the purpose of public debate and decision-making. This mechanism is used to convey the messages of our MPs within main chambers on important decisions, like how they vote.

Agb Speaker, ek gee hiermee kennis dat ek op die volgende sittingsdag van die Huis namens die DA sal voorstel: Dat die Huis die tweede Uitgebreide Openbare Werke-program bespreek ten ...


3 Nov 2010

Deputy Speaker, I think a big problem is that a lot of municipalities have paid no regard to competence. They have a lot of power and appoint just who they ...

Declaration of interests

What are declaration of interests?

Annually, MPs are required by parliament to register their financial interests and gifts received in their official capacity. Due to the significant influence of the role that MPs take on, there may be times when their personal or business interests become in conflict with the duty prescribed to them as elected officials representing the public interest. You can see what interests your MPs declared here.
Nominal Value No Name of Company Nature

R51 800

3 700

Old Mutual


R66 594

2 769



R234 000


Loan Agreement

Description Extent Location





156 sq.m.



741 sq.m.
