Mr Walter Tebogo Letsie

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Walter Tebogo Letsie

About Walter Tebogo Letsie

Committee Meetings Attended

  • Higher Education CPUT shutdown
    17 Mar 2020

    Due to the pandemic travel restrictions announced by the President on 15 March, the agenda had to be adjusted as some stakeholders could not attend the meeting. The Minister wrote to the Committee requesting that the University of Zululand be excused due to sensitive negotiations taking place that were already ...

  • Higher Education State of Affairs at TVET colleges: Tshwane North Technical; Gert Sibande & Central Johannesburg
    11 Mar 2020

    The Committee received briefings from Tshwane North College, Central Johannesburg and Gert Sibande TVET Colleges on their state of affairs. The colleges had similar challenges on enrolments and registration; student accommodation; governance; financial aid bursary disbursements; and student governance. However, the Central Johannesburg and Gert Sibande Student Representative Councils had ...

  • Higher Education Technology Innovation Agency on challenges, innovation & SMME support: follow-up briefing
    10 Mar 2020

    The Portfolio Committee on Higher Education, Science and Technology was briefed on the support provided by the Technology Innovation Agency to Small, Medium and Micro-sized Enterprises, and grassroots innovators.

    The Agency also addressed the geographic footprint of technology stations around the country, to delineate for the Committee the beneficiaries of ...

  • Higher Education UKZN, UWC & UFH on their state of affairs; NSFAS on disbursement of funding and allowances to students at UKZN, UWC and UFH
    3 Mar 2020

    The Committee was briefed by the management and SRC of the UKZN, UFH and UWC on the challenges they encountered that resulted in protest situations. The Committee also met to be briefed by the NSFAS on the disbursement of funds to institutions.

    The Committee heard that student unrest in the ...

  • Higher Education Science and Innovation for Energy Security
    26 Feb 2020

    The Department of Science and Innovation (DSI) within the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology briefed the Committee on energy security and touched on a number of projects that it has partnered on with various stakeholders locally and internationally. It reported that energy security has been on a downward ...

  • Higher Education Community Education and Training (CET) colleges update
    25 Feb 2020

    The Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) spoke to its mitigating strategies for the infrastructure, governance and management challenges at Community Education and Training colleges which were established in 2015. DHET had established five-year term councils and appointed managers as permanent employees of the Department. Student Representative Council (SRC) ...

  • Higher Education Indigenous Knowledge Systems & IKS legislation overview
    19 Feb 2020

    Documents handed out: Key Aspects of the Indigenous Knowledge Legislation and Implementation Readiness

    The Department of Science and Innovation told the Committee that the Indigenous Knowledge Act was essentially about redress, and bringing indigenous knowledge into the main stream. It was also a transformative Act, because it addressed how indigenous communities ...

  • Higher Education Certificate backlog: SITA, DHET, Umalusi; with Deputy Minister
    18 Feb 2020

    DHET explained that certification backlog is defined as all eligible candidates who met the certification requirements but were not yet issued with certificates within three months from results approved by Umalusi. It reported to the Committee on:
    • Progress and status of the certification backlog statistics
    • Key obstacles to ...

  • Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs VBS Bank investment impact on Merafong City Local Municipality
    4 Dec 2019

    The Portfolio Committee did not get the logic behind the officials implicated in the R50m investment made to VBS Mutual Bank by the Merafong City Local Municipality only getting written warnings. They had failed in their fiduciary duties as required by the Municipal Financial Management Act to act in the ...

  • Higher Education Science and Technology Laws Amendment Bill: adoption; Committee Reports
    3 Dec 2019

    The Science and Technology Laws Amendment Bill [B42B-2018] was adopted as revived from the Fifth Parliament without amendment. The Committee considered and adopted its Committee Reports on the National Student Financial Aid Scheme; SETA Annual Reports; Post-School Education and Training Sector; 4IR Colloquium; ICGEB Convention; and the Science and Technology ...