Mr Willem Frederik Faber

Politician Profile Page

Willem Frederik Faber

About Willem Frederik Faber

Committee Meetings Attended

  • NCOP Economic and Business Development Department of Energy on its 2015/16 Annual Performance & Strategic Plans, with Minister
    5 May 2015

    The Department of Energy (DoE) briefed the Committee on its annual performance plan (APP) and its strategic plan for 2015/16-2019/20. It had been experiencing a number of challenges, including generation capacity, distribution infrastructure, poor access to energy and volatility of petroleum prices. Other challenges concerned the aging energy infrastructure, escalating ...

  • NCOP Economic and Business Development Nairobi International Convention on Removal of Wrecks ratification: briefing by Department of Transport
    17 Mar 2015

    The Select Committee on Economic Development met to receive a briefing from the Department of Transport (DOT) on the Nairobi International Convention on the Removal of Wrecks, 2007. Ratification would allow South Africa to be a party as a signatory to the Convention, as adopted by the International Maritime Organisation ...

  • NCOP Economic Development & Trade Incentives Scheme: briefing by National Empowerment Fund (NEF)
    25 Feb 2015

    The National Empowerment Fund (NEF) presented its new initiative on driving economic growth across all provinces, and highlighted that black entrepreneurs were still largely left out of the economic mainstream because they lacked the capital to invest in large business ventures and penetrate large lucrative markets. Currently black entrepreneurs representation ...

  • NCOP Economic and Business Development Public Sector Employment programme: Department of Public Works briefing
    24 Feb 2015

    The Department of Public Works (DPW) presented a progress report to the Select Committee, setting out, for the public works programmes, the details on financial performance, integrated incentive grant performance, the Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) 3rd summit, progress on institutionalising the programmes and challenges faced. It was noted that ...

  • NCOP Economic Development & Trade Diplomacy strategy & functioning of SA Council on International Relations: DIRCO input
    18 Feb 2015

    The Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO) briefed the Committee on its Public Diplomacy strategy. Public diplomacy entailed communication of South Africa’s foreign policy, its priorities and objectives through direct and indirect communication, using various media platforms, including face-to-face communication, and new social media, in a way that was ...

  • NCOP Economic Development & Trade SA Tourism on its 2013/14 Annual Report; Committee Reports
    26 Nov 2014

    South African Tourism (SAT) briefed the Committee on its Annual Report 2013/14. SAT was essentially focused on the international marketing of SA as a tourist destination. Domestic tourism, brand awareness, key quality assurance beyond that of accommodation and business events growth were important pillars to SAT. On the corporate governance ...

  • NCOP Economic and Business Development Deputy Minister and Department of Public Works on 2013/14 Annual Report; Committee Oversight Reports
    25 Nov 2014

    The Department of Public Works (DPW), with the Deputy Minister of Public Works, presented the 2013/14 Annual Report to the Select Committee. The main focus of the presentation related to establishing links between the non-financial performance and financial results. The Clean Audit Turnaround Project (budgeted at R134 million) resulted in ...

  • NCOP Economic Development & Trade National Credit Regulator on its 2013/14 Annual Report
    19 Nov 2014

    The National Credit Regulator noted that it had received an unqualified opinion and had no findings on compliance, supply chain management and performance information. There was an under-expenditure of R 15.65 million. Key successes were to be found in its enforcement actions and its consumer education. The key challenges were ...

  • NCOP Economic and Business Development Department of Labour on its 2013/14 Annual Report
    18 Nov 2014

    The Department of Labour (DoL) reported on its annual report for 2013/14, providing details of the highlights and challenges of the year under review. It said it was focusing on strengthening social protection by giving greater attention to the fund components of their work -- the Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) ...

  • NCOP Economic and Business Development Economic Development Department 2014 Annual Report briefing, with Deputy Minister present
    11 Nov 2014

    The Economic Development Department (EDD) presented its 2013/14 Annual Report to the Committee, with substantial input and explanations given by the Deputy Minister of Economic Development and department officials. The mandate of the EDD was outlined, and emphasis placed on its role as secretariat to the Presidential Infrastructure Coordinating Committee ...