Dr Wilma Susan Newhoudt-Druchen

Formerly: National Assembly

Wilma Susan Newhoudt-Druchen

Dr Wilma Susan Newhoudt-Druchen on social media:

About Wilma Susan Newhoudt-Druchen

Dr Newhoudt-Druchen is a Member of Parliament (MP) in the National Assembly. She currently serves in the Portfolio Committee on Justice and Correctional Services (National Assembly Committees). Dr Newhoudt-Druchen is currently the only deaf Member of Parliament and has dedicated her term in Parliament to legally recognise South African Sign Language as the 12th official language in South Africa.

Dr Newhoudt-Druchen has been recognised for her achievements in promoting the rights of deaf people, these includes the World Federation of the Deaf(WFD's) Award of Merit, and an honorary doctor of laws degree from her alma mater Gallaudet University. She was also awarded as the Outstanding Young Alumnus by the Gallaudet University Alumni Association and received the Edward Miner Gallaudet Award from the Laurent Clerc Cultural Fund for improving the lives of deaf people in Africa, and the rest of the world.

Click here to read more about Dr Newhoudt-Druchen

Constituency Offices

Not associated with any constituency offices

Contact Details:

Former positions:

Public messages sent to this politician

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Politician Activity

Attendance of committee meetings:

2024 (6th Parliament) committee attendance as mp

100% attendance rate (9 of 9 )

2023 committee attendance as mp

96% attendance rate (68 of 71 )

2022 committee attendance as mp

88% attendance rate (66 of 75 )

2021 committee attendance as mp

100% attendance rate (76 of 76 )

2020 committee attendance as mp

93% attendance rate (64 of 69 )

2019 committee attendance as mp

82% attendance rate (42 of 51 )

2018 committee attendance as mp

77% attendance rate (17 of 22 )

2017 committee attendance as mp

100% attendance rate (17 of 17 )

2016 committee attendance as mp

100% attendance rate (9 of 9 )

DISCLAIMER: This information has been obtained via the Parliamentary Monitoring Group. PMG makes every effort to compile reliable and comprehensive information, but does not claim that the data is 100% accurate and complete.

What they said in committee meetings:

What are committee meetings?

Committee meetings are planned events where real-world impactful work happens such as law-making, oversight and public participation - which are all cornerstones of the work our MPs do. Although often citizens focus on the public debate taking place in main chambers, the majority of MPs' time is spent working within committees. Here is a place to see what your committee is saying.

No appearances found

Questions asked to ministers:

What are questions asked to ministers?

Written questions and feedback are essential tools used by MPs for oversight and hold the executive accountable. This oversight mechanism allows MPs’ to extract detailed information that would normally be difficult to comprehend through oral engagement. You can see the questions that your MPs are asking here.

Considering the rights of inmates in correctional centres, what steps, beyond confiscation, has his department taken to curb the unlawful ...

What assistance is being given to child victims of sexual abuse?

Plenary appearances:

What are plenary appearances?

Plenary sessions are forums that have been created for the purpose of public debate and decision-making. This mechanism is used to convey the messages of our MPs within main chambers on important decisions, like how they vote.

... rededicated the collective leadership to the continent's development.

This declaration and rededication called for the development of a continental agenda that will guide the work towards a peaceful, integrated ...

Hon Deputy Speaker, as this is the month of November, I'd like to remind the House that South Africa commemorates the National Disability Rights Awareness Month, which we remember annually ...

Declaration of interests

What are declaration of interests?

Annually, MPs are required by parliament to register their financial interests and gifts received in their official capacity. Due to the significant influence of the role that MPs take on, there may be times when their personal or business interests become in conflict with the duty prescribed to them as elected officials representing the public interest. You can see what interests your MPs declared here.
Details of Contract and Management thereof Period of Contract Value of Contract Name of State Entity

Nothing to disclose

Directorship/Partnership in any Corporate Body Type of Business Activity

Nothing to disclose

Source Description Value

Gallaudet University

Cutting board

45 dollars

Gallaudet University

2 framed pictures

50 dollars

Nothing to disclose

Gallaudet University


30 Dollars

Gallaudet University

Butter knife

15 dollars

Gallaudet University

2 books

30 dollars

Gallaudet University


40 Dollars

Gallaudet University


25 Dollars

Gallaudet University


45 dollars

Gallaudet University


15 dollars

Extent of the Property Location-Area Description of Property

5 bedroom house

Retreat, Cape Town


Source Public/Private

Nothing to disclose

Nominal Value Number of Shares Name of Company Nature

Old MutualDumutualisation

Sponsor Description of Journey

Nothing to disclose

Source Description of Benefit

Nothing to disclose

Source of Sponsorship Extent Description of Assistance/Sponsorship

Nothing to disclose

Name of Employer Type of Business

Nothing to disclose

Type of Business Activity Value of any Benefits derived Name of Organisation

Nothing to disclose

Trustee/Beneficiary Details of benefits derived Registration Number Name of Trust

Nothing to disclose

Details of Contract and Management thereof Period of Contract Value of Contract Name of State Entity

Nothing to disclose

Type of Business Activity Directorship/Partnership in any Corporate Body

Nothing to disclose

Source Description Value

Nothing to disclose

Extent of the Property Location-Area Description of Property

5 bedroom house

Retreat, Cape Town


Source Public/Private

Nothing to disclose

Nominal Value Number of Shares Name of Company Nature

Old MutualDumutualisation

Sponsor Description of Journey

Nothing to disclose

Source Description of Benefit

Nothing to disclose

Source of Sponsorship Extent Description of Assistance/Sponsorship

Nothing to disclose

Name of Employer Type of Business

Nothing to disclose

Type of Business Activity Value of any Benefits derived Name of Organisation

Nothing to disclose

Trustee/Beneficiary Details of benefits derived Registration Number Name of Trust

Nothing to disclose

Name of State Entity Details of Contract and Management thereof Period of Contract Value of Contract

Nothing to declare

Directorship/Partnership in any Corporate Body Type of Business Activity

Nothing to declare

Source Description Value

Nothing to declare

Extent of the Property Location – Area Description of Property

5 bedrooms, with one bedroom granny flat


Home (house)

Source Public/Private

Nothing to declare

Nominal Value Number of Shares Name of Company Nature

Old Mutual

Old Mutual


Sponsor Description of Journey

Gallaudet University (Feb 2020)

Flight: Board meeting, and accommodation

Source Description of Benefit

Nothing to declare

Source of Sponsorship Description of Assistance/Sponsorship Extent

Nothing to declare

Name of Employer Type of Business


Type of Business Activity Name of Organisation Value of any Benefits derived

Nothing to declare

Details of all benefits derived Registration Number Trustee/Beneficiary Name of Trust

Nothing to declare

Nominal Value Number of Shares Name of Company Nature

De-matured Old Mutual Shares

Old Mutual

Sponsor Description of Journey

Gallaudet University (Washington DC)

Return Flight Ticket from Cape Town to Washington Dulles July 2018

Galludet University

Return Flight from Cape Town to DC to Atlanta June 2019

Gallaudet University

Return Flight from Cape Town to DC may 2018

Gallaudet University

Return Flight from Cape Town to Florida, USA April 2019

Extent of the Property Location – Area Description of Property

4 Bedrooms

Retreat (Western Cape)


2 Bedrooms

Fishoek (Western Cape)


No Name of Company Nature

Old Demutualisation Shares

Old Mutual


Description Sponsor

Flight Tickets

Gallaudet University

Description Extent Location



Retreat, Cape Town

Name of Company Nature

Old Mutual

Remunerated Shares

Description Sponsor

GU in Washington DC [Board Member} Pays my travel, accommodation [May

Gallaude University

Description Extent Location





Auckland Park

Name of Company Nature

Old Mutual

Demutualisation Shares

Source Description Extent

Gallaudet University

Travel, accommodation to Washington DC

$1 000 to give talk at event


Flight ticket to WFD Board Meeting in Reunion and $100 per day [2013]

10 Days


Ticket to Geneva to WFD Board Meeting

8 Days x $100 per day


Ticket and accommodation in New York - to attend COSP meeting as WFD Vice President

8 Days @ $100 per day

Source Description Value


SAA treatment



Pur Explora Decoder


DEAFSA/WFD Organising Committee

Mandela Coin

R5 000

Description Extent Location







Description Sponsor

World Federation of [WFD] - Board meetings in Norway [Nov 2011] including $100 per day


WFD Board meeting in USA [June/July 2011] including $100 per day


Travel to Washington DC to accept award and talk at conference

Galaudet University


DEAFS Chairperson and WFD Organising Committee Chairperson

Source Description Value

Multichoice [MNet]

Spa treatment



Hotel stay during Congress [WFD]



Jazz Festival tickets [2]



Rugby tickets [2]


Columbia Deaf Association

Coffee cup set [2]


Turkey Association of the Deaf

China doll


Pakistan Deaf Association



Malaysia Deaf Association




DSTV Decoder


Turkey Associaition of the Deaf

Turkey plate plaque


Turkey Association of the Deaf

Silver/Gold spoon


Description Location Extent







Chairperson : DEAFSA

Source Description Value


Soccer ball; Flask; Jacket



Wits training for PCC


Multichoice [M-Net]

Spa treatment


Description Extent Location






Name of Company Nature

Old Mutual

Demutualisation shares

Description Sponsor

Board Meeting[Includes $50 per day]


Source Description


Chairperson - Paid R250 per meeting

Name of Company Nature

Old Mutual

Demutualisation Shares

Description Sponsor

Washington-DC to receive Honorary Doctorate

Gallaudet University

Attend WFD Board Meeting - Uganda: Flight, Accommodation Per Diem


To attend WFD Board Meeting - Turkey: Flight, Accommodation Per Diem


Source Description

Wits University

Day training on Public Broadcasting


Honorarium from DEAFSA for meetings

UCT Graduate School of Business

Week long training for PCC

Source Description Value

Boys Home Macassar


Boys Home Macaccar

Turkey Deaf Association

Large plate


Description Extent Location


