CW236E - 06 November 2009

Amos Gerald Matila to ask the Deputy President

(1) Whether the Government is considering taking steps to minimise or incorporate the number of provinces; if so, (a) what is the process thus far and (b) what are the further relevant details; (2) whether the current arrangement of nine provinces is a suitable mechanism for governance and service delivery to communities, as well as for redressing historical imbalances?

Reply from the Deputy President on 6 Nov 2009

Government is currently finalising a Policy Review of Provincial and Local Government. While Cabinet has not yet received a formal report on this work, the Review is expected to reflect on key governance lessons of the past 15 years as they relate to the role and performance of provincial and local government and the implications of these lessons. It is quite possible that issues ...

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NW1300E - 06 November 2009

S P Lebenya-Ntanzi to ask the Deputy President

(1) Whether, in light of his reply to Question 80 for oral reply on 15 September 2009 and the recently-reported loss of 267 000 jobs (details furnished), the Government will increase its target of creating 500 000 new jobs by the end of 2009 to a target of 767 000 new jobs by the end of 2009; if so, what plans are in place to create these new jobs; if not; (2) whether this will be considered a failure to deliver on the promise made; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the Deputy President on 22 Feb 2010

a) Yes, the NFVF has, since its inception in 1999, supported the making of a total of 48 films: thirty (30) feature films and eighteen (18) short films through the development of dozens of film scripts. b) To date, the NFVF has also supported the making of Ninety Five (95) Documentaries. The NFVF uses programs like Sediba, which is a script development program to ...

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NW2471E - 23 October 2009

Semakaleng Patricia Kopane to ask the Deputy President

(1) (a) What amount was budgeted for the “War on Poverty” campaign and (b) what total amount was actually spent in each province per year since the inception of the programme; (2) which (a)(i) districts, (ii) municipalities and (iii) wards were identified in each province as targeted areas for this campaign and (b) what criteria was used to identify these areas; (3) whether any problems have been identified with regard to the coordination of the campaign in each province; if not, why not; if so, (a) what problems, (b) in which provinces and (c) what action has been taken to (i) address each of these problems and (ii) prevent it from recurring; (4) whether any information is shared between provinces; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (5) whether there are any processes and mechanisms in place to ensure that communication is effective; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the Deputy President on 11 Feb 2010

1) The number of patients per facility that have died of septicaemia during the period mentioned is not known. The current patient information system(s) employed by public health facilities does not routinely capture this information. The information system employed by Statistic South Africa that is based on the Department of Home Affairs’s Death Notification form and on the ICD-10 coding also does not provide ...

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