CW312E - 27 October 2014

Younus Cassim Vawda to ask the Deputy President

(1) Whether the Government has any plans to commission the SA National Aids Council to investigate the socio-economic impact of the HIV/Aids epidemic in South Africa, with a view to assist future strategic planning; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) whether socio-economic impact of HIV/Aids in sub-Saharan Africa (a) is extensive and (b) will impact on South Africa; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details; (3) whether the Government has any plans in place to support neighbouring countries in this regard; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (4) whether the Government has any substantial plans to curb substance abuse, especially alcohol, which is contributing immensely to the spread of HIV/Aids; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

CW311E - 27 October 2014

Younus Cassim Vawda to ask the Deputy President

Whether the Government has established any specific measures to promote social cohesion in the new South Africa; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

CW309E - 27 October 2014

Seiso Joel Mohai to ask the Deputy President

Whether the Government has considered strategic interventions to expand economic interventions that are intended towards higher trajectory as stated in the National Development Plan (details furnished); if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

CW308E - 27 October 2014

M F Thlake to ask the Deputy President

(1) Whether the Government has looked at the slow pace South Africa is moving in achieving the target of 2% equity in the employment of persons with disabilities; if not, why not; if so, (a) what actions will be taken to ensure that South Africa achieves this target and (b) what are the further relevant details; (2) whether the Government will consider any other measures to ensure that persons with disabilities are not left to fend for themselves within the system that continues to subject them to marginalisation, poverty and unemployment (details furnished); if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

CW303E - 27 October 2014

Bridget Staff Masango to ask the Deputy President

(1) Whether the Moral Regeneration Movement is having the desired impact in combating crime and violence; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) what are (a) his plans and (b) the proposed outcomes for the Moral Regeneration Movement to ensure that it meets its stated outcomes of facilitating and coordinating all processes and initiatives aimed at combating moral degeneration?

CW300E - 27 October 2014

Makoti Sibongile Khawula to ask the Deputy President

Whether he promoted social cohesion in any government functions, especially on National Days; if not; why not; if so, (a) how, (b) at which functions and (c) what are the further relevant details?

CW220E - 27 October 2014

Lewis Paul Musawenkosi Nzimande to ask the Deputy President

(1) Whether the Human Resource Development Council has looked at the degree of skills and capacity gaps in the public service, especially at provincial and local levels; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) whether there are any strategies in place to close and respond to the skills and capacity gaps in the public service; if not, why not; if so, what mechanisms are in place to assist provinces and municipalities to attract the essential skills in order to respond effectively and efficiently to the challenges facing South Africa?

CW219E - 27 October 2014

Litho Suka to ask the Deputy President

(1) Whether the Government has ensured that there is shared vision and consensus between the various stakeholders represented at Nedlac (details furnished); if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) whether this included ways of achieving inclusive growth as set out in the National Development Plan; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

NW2627E - 24 October 2014

Mosiuoa Gerard Patrick Lekota to ask the Deputy President

Whether the Government will seek to encourage the rapid realisation of an active citizenry, as envisaged in the National Development Plan, by fostering support for the establishment of an independent SA Social Compact Organisation with an initial grant, so that the country’s many communities that are still languishing in poverty can (a) easily access information and data in the economic sphere to become active in small businesses, (b) break down barriers to private investments in their largely untransformed townships that still continue to exist on the periphery of our towns and cities with little change in the past two decades, (c) become directly involved in food production in the urban landscape, (d) rapidly transform spatial arrangements through the Government’s increased devolution of meaningful planning powers to them and (e) work together as a community for the realisation of wards and districts that are gang free, drug free and crime free; if not, why not; if so, will the Government examine the model being used by Social Compact in the United States of America to spur the establishment of a South African counterpart on a similar or different basis?

NW1528E - 12 September 2014

William Mothipa Madisha to ask the Deputy President

Whether in view of the significant role he played in supporting the peace process in Northern Ireland, the Government, moved by the death and destruction that the conflict in the Middle East had caused, had issued or was willing to issue an invitation to the Palestinian Authority as well as to Israel to use the considerable expertise and experience South Africa had to help broker a permanent and equitable peace solution that will give to Palestine and Israel an opportunity to chart a new course and find a secure future; if not, why not; if so, what are the details?
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