2024-w37 - 23 February 2024

Mzwanele Manyi to ask the Minister in The Presidency for Electricity

(1) What is the Government’s long-term strategic plan for energy procurement, (b) how does the specified strategic plan align with the overall energy security objectives, (c) what measures are in place to ensure a sustainable and reliable power supply beyond the 2024-25 financial year, (d) what criteria will be used to select vendors for the supply of energy and (e) what mechanisms are in place to prevent any undue influence and/or favouritism in the procurement processes; (2) Whether there are any plans in place to invest in long-term projects that enhance the nation's energy capacity and resilience, reducing the likelihood of last-minute rushes for power procurement during critical periods; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the Minister in The Presidency for Electricity on 23 Feb 2024

(a) The government’s strategic plan on energy procurement is codified in the 2023 draft IRP which has been released for public participation and comments.

(b) The IRP sets the strategic plan which includes the optimal energy mix to achieve our energy security objectives with due regard to our energy resource endowments

(c) The energy action plan sets out short and medium interventions measures to ...

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2024-w87 - 23 February 2024

Samantha Jane Graham to ask the Minister in The Presidency for Electricity

(1) Who will be responsible for procuring the petrol and/or diesel required to run the 450 generators that were delivered on 30 November 2023 from the Chinese government as part of the Technical Assistance Programme following the BRICS Summit; (2) Whether a budget allocation has been put in place for the respective institutions to procure fuel; if not, what measures can the institutions take to ensure that they derive benefit from the generators and that they are not just ornamental; if so, what are the relevant details; (3) Whether government institutions will be required to procure their fuel from a central supplier; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, (4) Will the fuel be charged at the normal retail price; if not, what are the full details of the premium

Reply from the Minister in The Presidency for Electricity on 23 Feb 2024

1. The respective facilities have requested to install, secure, operate and maintain the allocated units and furthermore these facilities were requested to record the generators in their individual asset register.

2. The individual facilities are responsible for the operational budget of the generators

3. Procurement of fuel will be done through the regular procurement process of the respect facilities

4. Please refer to answer ...

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2024-w4051 - 05 January 2024

Samantha Jane Graham to ask the Minister in The Presidency for Electricity

With regard to the planned smart meter programme, what contingency plans are put in place to mitigate potential delays or unforeseen challenges in the smart meter implementation process; (2) What measures has he undertaken to ensure that the smart meters meet all the necessary safety and quality standards; (3) Whether there are any provisions for consumer education and awareness campaigns regarding the benefits and usage of smart meters; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (4) Whether there will be any associated costs or fees to be incurred by consumers in relation to the smart meter installation or usage; if not, why not; if so, (a) who is liable for funding the smart meter programme and (b) what are the further relevant details; (5) Whether there are plans in place for cost-sharing with consumers or other stakeholders; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the Minister in The Presidency for Electricity on 5 Jan 2024

The Ministry/Minister was appointed to oversee and direct the implementation of the Energy Action Plan, with 5-outcome areas. As such, the focus of NECOM has been on strengthening/stabilising generation, enabling the fast tracking of new generation including addressing legislative bottle necks, and accelerating the scale and pace of implementation of renewable energy projects, as well as upscaling rooftop solar/embedded generation projects, and transforming the ...

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2024-w3790 - 05 January 2024

Jacobus Frederik Smalle to ask the Minister in The Presidency for Electricity

(1)What (a) total number of cases of transformer theft and/or sabotage to electrical infrastructure were reported in the (i) 2019-20, (ii) 2020-21, (iii) 2021-22 and (iv) 2022-23 financial years and (b) was the financial cost in terms of each province; (2) (a) which areas are yet to be restored and connected as a result of the theft incidents and (b) what action has been taken to restore and protect the electrical infrastructure?

Reply from the Minister in The Presidency for Electricity on 5 Jan 2024

The Ministry/Minister was appointed to oversee and direct the implementation of the Energy Action Plan, with its 5-outcome areas. As such, the focus of NECOM has been on strengthening/stabilising generation, enabling the fast tracking of new generation including addressing legislative bottle necks, and accelerating the scale and pace of implementation of renewable energy projects, as well as upscaling rooftop solar/embedded generation projects, and transforming ...

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2024-w3003 - 04 January 2024

Samantha Jane Graham to ask the Minister in The Presidency for Electricity

(1) With respect to the contractual relationship with Mozambique for the provision of electricity to the Republic, what (a) quantity of MWs (i) has Mozambique undertaken to provide to the Republic and (ii) is the Republic currently using and (b) are the terms of the agreement in respect of the (i) period, (ii) pricing matrix and (iii) other material elements of the agreement; (2) Whether the Republic uses the full allocation in terms of the agreement; if not, what are the reasons for the underutilisation of electricity in the midst of the loadshedding crisis; if so, what are relevant details?

Reply from the Minister in The Presidency for Electricity on 4 Jan 2024

(1)-(2) (1)-(2) We have received an offer of between 80-100 megawatts from Mozambique, Eskom is ceased with processing the power purchase agreement in terms of the current Ministerial determination for cross-broader purchases. Eskom has since issued the Standard Offer Cross Border Programme (CBSOP), in terms of which the Mozambique offer will have to be processed.

The CBSOP enables Eskom to procure energy on a ...

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2024-w2731 - 04 January 2024

Ghaleb Cachalia to ask the Minister in The Presidency for Electricity

With reference to his statement that a reduced unplanned capacity loss factor from 19000mw to 15000mw, coupled with increased generation of 29000mw due to the intentional delay of scheduled maintenance, was responsible for the improved load shedding situation, and that, as winter draws to a close, loadshedding will be alleviated due to a decline in demand, while he did not explain that the coming predicted period of reduced demand will coincide with the necessary maintenance of the generation units which have been running overtime during the winter, what are the full details of the measures that he will implement to ensure that Eskom manages the maintenance of generation units in such a way that the loss of generation does not exceed the expected decline in demand?

Reply from the Minister in The Presidency for Electricity on 4 Jan 2024

First, with respect, the assumptions or statements attributed to the Minister in the preamble to the question are a mis-representation of fact and or any comments that were made. In respect of Unplanned Capacity Loss Factor (UCLF), what was reported is that over a period of time, using the average May 2023 UCLF (17369 MW) as a baseline, unplanned outages averaged 15510 MW for ...

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2024-w3001 - 04 January 2024

Samantha Jane Graham to ask the Minister in The Presidency for Electricity

(1) Whether, in developing a sustainable energy mix to address the energy crisis, the National Energy Crisis Committee (Necom) has investigated (a) geothermal energy and (b) wave energy; if not, why not in each case; if so, what (i) were the determinations in terms of the suitability of the specified energy source in each case and (ii) are the relevant details in each case; (2) whether Necom has investigated funding for energy innovation geared towards developing solutions to address the energy needs of the Republic; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the Minister in The Presidency for Electricity on 4 Jan 2024

1. (a/b) The draft IRP 2023 reviews the approved IRP 2019 and covers two-time horizons, namely the 2030 and 2050 time horizons. Several key assumptions used in the IRP 2019 have significantly changed, including the electricity demand projection, Eskom’s energy availability factor, Eskom’s coal fired power plants shutdown plan, as well as the cost of new power generation technologies.

The 2030-time horizon (Horizon One) ...

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2024-w3002 - 04 January 2024

Samantha Jane Graham to ask the Minister in The Presidency for Electricity

(1) What are the full relevant details of the projects that are in the development stage for implementation under the Just Energy Transition Programme (JETP); (2) what (a) are the full relevant details of the projects that (i) have been and (ii) are being implemented under the programme in terms of the (aa) funding, (bb) timelines and (cc) location and (b) portion of the $8,5 billion has been utilised and/or assigned to each of the projects?

Reply from the Minister in The Presidency for Electricity on 4 Jan 2024

Cabinet approved the JET implementation plan, which will guide South Africa’s transition to low carbon economy through the scaling up of renewable energy sources. Three priority areas to support the economy of the future has been identified, being, electricity sector, New Energy Vehicles (NEV) and Green Hydrogen. The Investment Plan supports South Africa’s goal of achieving a low carbon economy and a climate resilient ...

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2024-w4182 - 04 January 2024

Samantha Jane Graham to ask the Minister in The Presidency for Electricity

(1)What are the full details of incentives that have been put in place for private households to install rooftop solar photovoltaic (PV) systems to mitigate the demand for electricity and lessen load shedding; (2) Whether the incentives that are currently in place will be extended; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (3) whether he has been informed that certain municipalities are charging residents a fee (details furnished) where consumers are off the grid and using their own renewable energy; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, (a) which other local municipalities and/or metros are following the strategy of charging consumers for being off the grid, (b) on what basis is the levy being charged and (c) what steps will he take to stop this as a disincentive to private households to be part of the rooftop solar PV programme?

Reply from the Minister in The Presidency for Electricity on 4 Jan 2024

1. To encourage the uptake of rooftop solar photovoltaic (PV), the government eased private generator regulation giving customers more private generation energy options through across-network wheeling and on-site self-generation. This year, the government introduced further incentives like SARS tax rebates and National Treasury energy bounce loan guarantee programmes making Roof Top PV systems more affordable to households and small businesses. This is against the ...

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2024-w3897 - 04 January 2024

Samantha Jane Graham to ask the Minister in The Presidency for Electricity

(1)Whether his Office has determined the total cost of implementing the smart meter project; if not, (a) why not and (b) what cost modelling has been done; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) (a) who is the designated service provider for the (i) installation and (ii) maintenance of the smart meter, (b) how was the service provider selected and (c) what criteria were used in the selection process; (3) what is the (a) commencement date of the specified project, (b) timeline for the completion of the smart meter roll-out and (c) timeline for each province?

Reply from the Minister in The Presidency for Electricity on 4 Jan 2024

(1) (a) Yes, Eskom has determined the total cost of implementing smart meters.

(b) Eskom has a financial evaluation model that is used for all its projects and the same model was used to evaluate the financial viability of the various

phases of the smart metering project.

(2) Eskom does not have a designated installer as multiple contractors are appointed to install meters in various regions ...

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