2024-w3950 - 04 January 2024

Karabo Lerato Khakhau to ask the Minister in The Presidency for Electricity

Whether (a) he and (b) any other official in his Office attended the Rugby World Cup final in France in October 2023; if not; what is the position in this regard; if so, what (i) are the relevant details of each person in his Office who attended the Rugby World Cup, (ii) is the total number of such persons and (iii) were the total costs of (aa) travel, (bb) accommodation and (cc) any other related costs that were incurred by his Office as a result of the trip(s)?

Reply from the Minister in The Presidency for Electricity on 4 Jan 2024

(a)-(b) We confirm that neither the Minister nor official(s) in his Office attended the Rugby World Cup final in France in October 2023.

(i)-(ii)-(iii)_(aa)-(bb) & (cc) please refer to the reply for (a) & (b)

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2024-w4071 - 04 January 2024

Anna Maria Van Zyl to ask the Minister in The Presidency for Electricity

(1)Whether there is a maintenance plan in place for the Eskom’s farm lines for Venterstad, Oviston and Steynsburg in the Eastern Cape; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details of the plan; (2) whether he has been informed that when there are power outages the specified farm areas and towns are left without power for more than five days; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the reasons that it takes Eskom so long to fix the lines; (3) whether his department will provide a new maintenance plan and time frame to ensure that the lines are investigated to pick up defects; if not, why not; if so, on what date?

Reply from the Minister in The Presidency for Electricity on 4 Jan 2024

1. Steynsburg Town and the surrounding farming areas are fed from the Bulhoek Steynsburg 22kV overhead power line. This is an Eskom Eastern Cape electricity network. This network is 205 km in length and is maintained yearly by Eskom.

Eskom is aware of a couple of prolonged power line faults in the area in the last year up to now. The inspections and defects ...

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2024-w4192 - 04 January 2024

Farhat Essack to ask the Minister in The Presidency for Electricity

(1)What total number of kilometres of the transmission lines in the Eskom transmission network (a) have already reached their life expectancy, (b) will reach their life expectancy and (c) are due for replacement in the 202324 financial year?

Reply from the Minister in The Presidency for Electricity on 4 Jan 2024

(1) Transmission owns and operates over 33 245 circuit kilometres of power lines, and regularly conducts asset health reviews on all its infrastructure, including the power lines, using international benchmark standards. Our last power lines condition assessment report was published in 2021 (the next revision is due in March 2024). The response below applies to the 2023/24 financial year:

(a) Transmission’s asset management approach ...

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2024-w4181 - 04 January 2024

Samantha Jane Graham to ask the Minister in The Presidency for Electricity

(1) Whether his Office has determined the total cost of implementing the smart meter project; if not, (a) why not and (b) what cost modelling has been done; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) (a) who is the designated service provider for the (i) installation and (ii) maintenance of the smart meter, (b) how was the service provider selected and (c) what criteria were used in the selection process; (3) what is the (a) commencement date of the specified project, (b) timeline for the completion of the smart meter roll-out and (c) timeline for each province?

2023-w3404 - 07 November 2023

Yoliswa Nomampondomise Yako to ask the Minister in The Presidency for Electricity

What (a) measures have been put in place to ensure that the transmission network does not have leakages that compromise the 1:1 ratio of energy transmitted to energy delivered, (b) was the cost of the measures and (c) is being done to safeguard the transmission network from being vandalised?

Reply from the Minister in The Presidency for Electricity on 7 Nov 2023

a) The transmission losses are the difference between the total energy that came into the transmission network from the generating sources and the energy delivered to Transmission customers. These are purely technical losses incurred in the transportation of energy. In the 2022/23 financial year, the transmission losses were 4 700 GWh or 2.32%. There are meters at all transmission boundaries to ensure accurate accounting ...

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2023-w3405 - 07 November 2023

Yoliswa Nomampondomise Yako to ask the Minister in The Presidency for Electricity

What are the relevant details of the actions that has been taken since he assumed Office to increase the ratio of nuclear in the energy mix of the Republic since, according to industry experts, nuclear is not only clean but also cheaper than renewable energy?

Reply from the Minister in The Presidency for Electricity on 7 Nov 2023

The supply of South Africa’s energy demand is broadly determined by the energy mix as set out in The Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) 2019. Based on the 2019 IRP, Coal constitutes 43% of installed capacity followed by Wind (22.53) Solar PV (10.5) CSP (0, 76) Nuclear (2,36) and Gas and Diesel (8.1) Hydro (5.84).

Whilst the IRP is currently being reviewed, Coal, Nuclear and ...

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2023-w3324 - 07 November 2023

Ghaleb Cachalia to ask the Minister in The Presidency for Electricity

(1)With generation capacity most likely to remain a problem for Eskom in the foreseeable future, and notwithstanding that independent power producers are ready to fill the gap with renewable energy, what (a) are the reasons that private sector funding for transmission development cannot coincide with private sector supply of energy generation and (b) amount of the generation supply gap will be filled by power generated from renewables; (2) whether the development of new transmission infrastructure with private sector financing can occur in tandem with increased supply to the grid from renewables; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, (a) when and (b) at what cost?

Reply from the Minister in The Presidency for Electricity on 7 Nov 2023

1. (a) It is estimated that more than R390 billion will be required over the next decade to meet the demand for grid capacity, largely due to the increase in generation capacity through renewable energy projects and insufficient grid capacity following the various Bid Windows.

Eskom’s current financial position places significant limitations on its ability to attract sufficient capital towards expanding the transmission grid, ...

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2023-w3262 - 07 November 2023

Lorato Florence Tito to ask the Minister in The Presidency for Electricity

In light of the rampant corruption and financial mismanagement across government departments, what measures have been put in place to ensure that the R163 million which was donated by the People’s Republic of China is spent in a transparent manner?

Reply from the Minister in The Presidency for Electricity on 7 Nov 2023

The Donation of emergency power equipment by the People’s Republic of China to South Africa is a consolidation of the strategic diplomatic partnership between the respect Republics, in an attempt to resolve the energy crisis, which presently besets South Africa.

The donation is in the form of emergency power equipment procured and supplied by the Chinese government, which will be distributed/dispatched in line with ...

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2023-w3284 - 07 November 2023

Mogamad Nazier Paulsen to ask the Minister in The Presidency for Electricity

(a) What has been the uptake from companies since they were allowed to generate up to 100 megawatts without applying for a generation license and (b) how will the uptake in small-scale embedded generation be monitored?REPLY

Reply from the Minister in The Presidency for Electricity on 7 Nov 2023

(a) the 100MW threshold has been lifted as part of the deregulation of the energy sector. Currently, no limit exists for embedded generation.

The pipeline of confirmed private sector generation projects has increased to 126 projects representing more than 12 GW of new capacity since the amendment of Schedule 2 of the Electricity Regulation Act to remove the licensing threshold for generation facilities. 1338 ...

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2023-w3283 - 07 November 2023

Mogamad Nazier Paulsen to ask the Minister in The Presidency for Electricity

Whether there are any resources allocated to enable municipalities in good financial standing to procure their power from the independent power producers; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the Minister in The Presidency for Electricity on 7 Nov 2023

Municipalities can purchase electricity from Independent Power Producers (IPP) through the Small Scale Embedded Generation Project, subject to section 217(1) of the Constitution, read with their respective Supply Chain Management Policies.

Further, Municipalities may apply to the Minister in the Presidency for Electricity under s34(1)(d) of the ELECTRICITY REGULATION ACT 4 OF 2006, as amended, for a determination that will enable a Municipality to ...

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