2023-w3195 - 30 October 2023

Ghaleb Cachalia to ask the Minister in The Presidency for Electricity

(1) In light of his comments that the Republic could potentially face a grid collapse if efforts are not directed towards developing Eskom’s transmission capacity (details furnished), what is the scope of the planned upgrades to the transmission grid infrastructure, in terms of potential new grid network distribution; (2) with reference to the conservative estimates that show that the country needs to invest close to R254 billion in new grid capacity, what investment instruments and/or vehicles has the Government put in place to incentivise private sector participation in grid expansion? NW4268E

Reply from the Minister in The Presidency for Electricity on 30 Oct 2023

1. According to regulatory requirements, Eskom Transmission publishes a Transmission Development Plan (TDP) every year, looking 10 years ahead. It identifies infrastructure required to (i) keep abreast of load growth, (ii) comply with reliability/redundancy requirements, (iii) meet new generation integration requirements, and (iv) replace assets that are at end of life.

In the TDP2022, Eskom identified 1 009 projects requiring development and execution. This ...

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2023-w3213 - 30 October 2023

Samantha Jane Graham to ask the Minister in The Presidency for Electricity

1) With reference to maintenance of electricity infrastructure, (a) on what date was (i) the maintenance philosophy model adopted by Eskom and (ii) was the model implemented and (b) how does the maintenance philosophy model differ from a planned maintenance model; (2) Whether the specified model has been adopted by and implemented at all power stations and across all electricity infrastructure in the Republic; if not, (a) why not and (b) on what date will it be implemented; if so, (3) Whether the model is being adhered to and implemented effectively; if not, what measures have been taken to ensure adherence and implementation; if so, what are the relevant details? NW4286E

Reply from the Minister in The Presidency for Electricity on 30 Oct 2023

(1)(a) (i), (ii), (b) At the concept phase for each new power station, the maintenance requirements for each system and component are received from the Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs). These are adapted by Eskom to take Eskom-specific and environmental factors into account.

This results in a philosophy maintenance regime, which is implemented as the plant becomes operational, and which determines the required periodicity and ...

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2023-w3211 - 30 October 2023

Samantha Jane Graham to ask the Minister in The Presidency for Electricity

(1) What (a) is the projected total cost of the temporary repairs to the flue ducts of the Kusile Power Station to get Units 1, 2 and 3 online and (b) effect will the temporary repairs have on emissions from the specified units; (2) Whether Eskom has received a waiver on the emissions in terms of the commitment to the reduction of sulphur dioxide emissions; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (3) What is the projected cost (a) to address the design defect at Kusile Power Station and (b) for permanent repairs to the flue ducts to ensure optimal usage of the gas desulphurisation plant? NW4284E

Reply from the Minister in The Presidency for Electricity on 30 Oct 2023

(1)(a) The projected cost for the temporary stacks is estimated at R700 million excluding the operating and maintenance costs.

b) The construction of the temporary stacks for Units 1, 2 and 3 means that the flue gas from these units will not go through the flue gas desulphurisation plants, which reduces Sulphur dioxide levels. The Sulphur dioxide emissions from the temporary stack will thus ...

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2023-w3075 - 06 October 2023

Samantha Jane Graham to ask the Minister in The Presidency for Electricity

What (a) number of megawatts are being transmitted to the Republic from the Cahora Bassa power transmission system, (b) are the details of the extent of financing undertaken by the Republic to build and maintain the specified system since it was put back into operation in 1997 and (c) are the long-term plans for the system in terms of (i) life-span of the existing infrastructure, (ii) expansion of the system and (iii) on-going usage?

Reply from the Minister in The Presidency for Electricity on 6 Oct 2023

(a)Eskom is contracted for 1 150 MW until 31 March 2030.

(b)The extent of infrastructure investment/financing undertaken by Eskom to build/sustain Apollo high-voltage direct-current (HVDC) is provided in Table 1 below for a period of 13 years. Ten of the listed projects have been completed (over R241 million), and eight of the projects are in the execution phase (over R951 million), with the remainder in ...

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2023-w3127 - 06 October 2023

Yoliswa Nomampondomise Yako to ask the Minister in The Presidency for Electricity

(1)Noting the positive reports regarding bringing units back from planned maintenance like Unit 4 in Kusile Power Station, the expected new capacity soontobe unleashed by Unit 5 and the successes of fuel gas desulphurisation plant for clean emissions, what is the point of pursuing the various bid windows for the unreliable renewable generators?

Reply from the Minister in The Presidency for Electricity on 6 Oct 2023

The supply of South Africa’s energy demand is broadly determined by the energy mix as set out in The Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) 2019. Based on the 2019 IRP, Coal constitutes 43% of installed capacity followed by Wind (22.53) Solar PV (10.5) CSP (0,76) Nuclear (2,36) and Gas and Diesel (8.1) Hydro (5.84).

Whilst the IRP is currently being reviewed, Coal, Nuclear and Gas ...

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2023-w3126 - 06 October 2023

Yoliswa Nomampondomise Yako to ask the Minister in The Presidency for Electricity

(1)What amount of sulphur has been extracted through the fuel gas desulphurisation unit in Kusile Power Station; (2) whether the sulphur has been sold to other industries like agriculture, pharmaceuticals and rubber industries; if not, (a) why not and (b) what are the consequences of storing such a corrosive chemical; if so, what amount in revenue has Eskom derived from the sales?

Reply from the Minister in The Presidency for Electricity on 6 Oct 2023

1. Eskom removes sulphur dioxide (SO2), which is a by-product of fossil fuel combustion, from the flue gases. This SO2 is removed by means of a wet flue gas desulphurisation system. The flue gas flows through a spray of calcium carbonate (limestone) slurry and forms an end product of calcium sulphate (gypsum).

2. (2)(a) Therefore, no sulphur in its pure, corrosive form is extracted ...

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2023-w3076 - 06 October 2023

Samantha Jane Graham to ask the Minister in The Presidency for Electricity

(1)What number of megawatts (MWs) (a) has Mozambique undertaken to provide to the Republic in terms of the contractual relationship with Mozambique and (b) is the Republic currently using; (2) whether the Republic uses all the allocated MWs; if not, what are the reasons for the underutilisation of electricity in the midst of the loadshedding crisis; if so, what are the relevant details; (3) what are the terms of the agreement in respect of (a) the period, (b) the pricing matrix and (c) other material elements of the agreement?

Reply from the Minister in The Presidency for Electricity on 6 Oct 2023

(1)(a)Mozambique is currently developing a number of power plant projects and is engaging with South Africa at present. At this point, there are no firm commitments. The projects would need to be incorporated into the Integrated Resource Plan (IRP).

(1)(b) Yes, Eskom is currently using the power from Hidroeléctrica de Cahora Bassa (HCB), as well as purchasing power from the Southern African Power ...

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2023-w3143 - 28 September 2023

Samantha Jane Graham to ask the Minister in The Presidency for Electricity

With reference to the constant shifting of deadlines to return generating units at the Kusile Power Station to operation, by what date will (a) unit 5 be synchronised to the grid and (b) all units be returned to operation?

Reply from the Minister in The Presidency for Electricity on 28 Sep 2023

a) Synchronisation of Kusile Unit 5:

  • Kusile Unit 5 is forecast for first synchronisation in November 2023.

b) Return to operation of all other Kusile units:

  • Kusile Unit 4 has been in commercial operation since 31 May 2022, the unit was taken out on a 30 day planned outage and was scheduled to return to service on the 17 September 2023, the unit was ...
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2023-w2870 - 28 September 2023

Mzwanele Manyi to ask the Minister in The Presidency for Electricity

(1) With reference to the delay in the closure of Eskom coal power stations in relation to the conditions of the climate change pledges for the Just Energy Transition (JET) made by the rich nations to the Republic, with coal being discontinued at Komati Coal Power Station and replaced with Renewable Energy, what are the reasons for the rush to demolish the stack and the cooling towers that will be needed should there be a need to complement renewables which only give 270 MW on a 1000 MW Assets with either gas to power or small modular nuclear reactors (SMRs) in the near future and (b) total number of Eskom Coal Power Stations are also due to be replaced with Renewable Energy; (2) (a)(i) which power stations are to be replaced with Renewable Energy and (ii) on what date and (c) what number of the specified power stations has he been able to motivate for their delayed closure; (3) what is the reason that the Climate Change Pledge money flows into the JET only on condition that Eskom closes its coal power stations, whereas some rich nations such as Germany, the United Kingdom and Japan are reviving their old coal power stations that were closed some years ago and are taking coal from the Republic via the Richards Bay Coal Terminal?

Reply from the Minister in The Presidency for Electricity on 28 Sep 2023


Cabinet has resolved that the current generation fleet must be maximised based on a broader socio-economic benefit analysis and interest of securing energy security. In terms of the NERSA license conditions, Komati Power Station cannot be decommissioned until the shutdown has been approved by NERSA, although Komati Power Station units has been shut down cannot be decommissioned until the NERSA and the PFMA ...

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2023-w2621 - 15 September 2023

Piaba Madokwe to ask the Minister in The Presidency for Electricity

With reference to his reply to question 2043 on 9 June 2023, how does he reconcile the cost of his office to the taxpayer being over R13 million per annum, while the National Assembly was informed that his office does not have a specific budget and will not therefore need direct oversight of its own dedicated Portfolio Committee?

Reply from the Minister in The Presidency for Electricity on 15 Sep 2023

a) The staff establishment for the private office of members of the executive is done in accordance with the approved 2019 guide for members of the executive in order to provide administrative support to the member in discharging his/her delegated constitutional duties. The operational cost relating to the Minister in the Presidency responsible for Electricity is drawn from the budget of the Presidency.


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