2023-w1535 - 19 May 2023

Haseena Ismail to ask the Minister in The Presidency for Electricity

With reference to the state of disaster that has been declared due to the load shedding crisis, what are the reasons that Rand Water reservoirs and all other water reservoirs and/or feeds and systems are not exempt from load shedding as it directly impacts the supply of water to residents?

Reply from the Minister in The Presidency for Electricity on 19 May 2023

The NRS048-9 specification states that bulk potable water supply points should be exempted from loadshedding where the network allows this. The issue is that the bulk water supply points very rarely have the necessary independent network connections that would allow this to happen, and the water pumps are distributed very widely in the electrical networks, so excluding them would mean unacceptably large amounts of ...

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2023-w1502 - 19 May 2023

Narend Singh to ask the Minister in The Presidency for Electricity

(1) What are the reasons that the eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality residents in KwaZulu-Natal will face 22% higher electricity rates tariff from 1 July 2023 compared to other provinces once the city’s draft budget for 2023-24 is approved; (2) whether he will furnish Mr N Singh with the official guidelines for rate tariffs for the 2024-25 financial year; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the Minister in The Presidency for Electricity on 19 May 2023

(1) We advise the member to direct the question to the Department of Cooporative Governance and Traditional Affairs.

(2) The National Energy Regulator of South Africa (NERSA) is the regulatory authority, inter alia, on municipal electricity pricing guidelines. It publishes an annual determination of Municipal Tariff Guidelines and the revision of Municipal Tariff Benchmarks around May of each year, which is applicable to the ...

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