2023-w130 - 24 March 2023

Magdalena Duduzile Hlengwa to ask the Minister in The Presidency for Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities

(1) Whether, considering that the number of births delivered by adolescents aged between 10 and 19 in the public health facilities of the Republic rose from 129 223 in 2019 to 139 361 in 2022, she will furnish Ms M D Hlengwa with an overview of how her Office monitored adolescent pregnancies in schools in 2022; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) (a) how has her Office’s monitoring of adolescent pregnancies assist adolescent mothers and (b) what steps has her Office taken to assist the Department of Basic Education to prevent adolescent pregnancies from increasing in

Reply from the Minister in The Presidency for Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities on 24 Mar 2023

1. The monitoring of adolescent births is a competency of the Department of Health. This part of the question may be directed to the Minister of Health.

2(a) . Not applicable.

(b) The Department of Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities (DWYPD) is cooperating with the Department of Basic Education (DoE) to develop a Plan of Action (PoA) on Teenage Pregnancy. The PoA will ...

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2022-w4009 - 23 November 2022

Michael Bagraim to ask the Minister in The Presidency for Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities

What monitoring steps has her Office taken to ensure that government departments reach the 3% target of employing person with disabilities in the Public Service?

2022-w4012 - 23 November 2022

Sibongiseni Ngcobo to ask the Minister in The Presidency for Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities

Whether she intends to implement any measures to advocate for funding of nongovernmental organisations working in the disability sector; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details of the (a) engagements and (b) outcomes thereof?

Reply from the Minister in The Presidency for Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities on 23 Nov 2022

Yes, the department intends to advocate continually for funding of non-governmental organisations working in the disability sector.The Disability organisations are an important stakeholder and the department collaborates with the sector. Government departments through different initiatives do fund sector specific programs.

The Department of Women , Youth and Persons with disabilities in its work to advocate and mainstream for disability inclusion continually works and assists ...

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2022-w4005 - 23 November 2022

Magdalena Duduzile Hlengwa to ask the Minister in The Presidency for Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities

Considering that the report of the Auditor-General of South Africa on her Office highlighted the severe challenge of underspending which was flagged across all the programmes in the portfolio of her Office, which indicates a clear lack of strategic planning, how will she capacitate the human resource division in her Office to strengthen overall work performance?

Reply from the Minister in The Presidency for Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities on 23 Nov 2022

The Auditor-General of South Africa found that the underspending on Goods and Services in departmental Programmes was due to COVID-19 implications and not a lack of strategic planning or under-capacitated human resources. Given the suspension of all COVID-19 restrictions, the Department shall take all necessary measures to ensure that allocated funds are appropriately spent.


Approved by Minister

Ms M Nkoana-Mashabane, MP

Date ...

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2022-w4007 - 23 November 2022

Ntokozo Khonziwe Fortunate Hlonyana to ask the Minister in The Presidency for Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities

What steps has she taken to preserve the dignity of young girls of school-going age who are menstruating and provide them with free sanitary towels?

Reply from the Minister in The Presidency for Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities on 23 Nov 2022

During the 2022/23 financial year, there is a budgetary allocation R225 million in equitable share allocation was given to provinces in order to supply sanitary pads to learners. In the event that a Provinces do not deliver on the mandate, it will not be due to the absence of the budget but due to provincial internal processes.


Approved by Minister

Ms M Nkoana-Mashabane, ...

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2022-w4010 - 23 November 2022

Nazley Khan Sharif to ask the Minister in The Presidency for Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities

What (a) is the current status of the task team set up by her Office to explore options to manufacture sanitary products in-house to ensure that schoolgirls have access to free sanitary products as part of the Sanitary Dignity Programme of her Office and (b) are the relevant details of any findings and/or recommendations the specified task team has made in this regard to date?

Reply from the Minister in The Presidency for Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities on 23 Nov 2022

  • A National Task Team has been established and the following three departments are working in collaboration; Department of Women, Youth & Persons with Disabilities (DWYPD), Department of Small Business & Development (DSBD) and National Youth Development Agency (NYDA) for the sanitary dignity economic value chain program.
  • The project seeks to explore entry points and opportunities for increased participation of Women, youth, & Persons with ...
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2022-w4011 - 23 November 2022

Nazley Khan Sharif to ask the Minister in The Presidency for Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities

What are the relevant details of how the (a) R15 million allocated over the 2019-22 MediumTerm Expenditure Framework for the establishment of the National Council on Gender-Based Violence and Femicide was spent and (b) specified council will be funded once the relevant legislation for its establishment has been signed into law?

Reply from the Minister in The Presidency for Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities on 23 Nov 2022

(a) The R15 Million allocated over 2019 – 22 Medium-Term Expenditure Framework is spent on payment of salaries for the NCGBVF Secretariat and their operations of developing strategies, frameworks and plans to be utilized in the coordination and monitoring of the National Strategic Plan on Gender Based Violence and Femicide (NSP on GBVF).

(b) The Council’s main source of funding would be monies appropriated ...

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2022-w4013 - 23 November 2022

Ahmed Munzoor Shaik Emam to ask the Minister in The Presidency for Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities

What measures did she and/or her Office put in place at grassroots level with the different stakeholders including Basic Education, Social Development and the SA Police Service to monitor the protection woman enjoy against the risks of being raped, murdered and becoming victims of genderbased violence?

Reply from the Minister in The Presidency for Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities on 23 Nov 2022

The Department is facilitating establishment of Gender Based Violence and Femicide Rapid Response Teams (GBVF RRTs) at Local and District Municipality levels. The purpose of these Multi Stakeholder GBVF structures is to coordinate supportive response to GBVF victims and GBVF Prevention initiatives in the Municipalities. The GBVF RRTs are made up of government departments (i.e. Department of Basic Education, Social Development, South African Police ...

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2022-w4408 - 23 November 2022

Janho Engelbrecht to ask the Minister in The Presidency for Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities

What is the (a) total number of staff employed and/or provided as departmental support in (i) her and (ii) the Deputy Minister’s private offices and (b)(i) job title and (ii) annual remuneration package of each specified person?

Reply from the Minister in The Presidency for Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities on 23 Nov 2022

a) (i) 13.

(ii) None, following the passing of the late Deputy Minister.

b) (i)


Chief of Staff

level 14

Administrative Support and Coordination

level 13

Parliamentary and Cabinet Officer

level 13

Community Outreach Officer

level 11

Parliamentary and Cabinet Support

level 11

Media Liaison Official

level 10

Speech Writer

level 10

Assistant Appointment and Administrative Secretary

level 9

Registry Clerk ...

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2022-w3006 - 22 September 2022

Eleanore Rochelle Jacquelene Spies to ask the Minister in The Presidency for Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities

Whether she and/or her Office submitted a policy review document and/or any other government policy document to structures outside of the Government, either to private and/or external structures or structures of any political affiliation during the past five years; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, (a) will she furnish Ms E R J Spies with copies of all such documents and (b) what are the reasons that the Government documents were provided to each structure?

Reply from the Minister in The Presidency for Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities on 22 Sep 2022

My office did not submit a policy review document and or other government policy document to structures outside of Government either private or political affiliations during the past five years.


Approved by Minister

Ms M Nkoana-Mashabane, MP


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