2020-w1499 - 25 August 2020

Cameron Mackenzie to ask the Minister in the Presidency

Whether he has held any discussions regarding potential candidates to be considered for appointment to the Board of the Media Development and Diversity Agency; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, (a) with whom and (b) what are the relevant details of each discussion he has held?

Reply from the Minister in the Presidency on 25 Aug 2020

No, the Minister in the Presidency has not held any discussions regarding the potential candidates to be considered for appointment to the Board of the Media Development and Diversity Agency.



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2020-w1434 - 21 July 2020

Michéle Odette Clarke to ask the Minister in the Presidency

1. What total number of complaints have been received via the Presidential hotline since the announcement of the lockdown to curb the spread of Covid-19; 2.what is the status of the specified complaints; 3. What total number of the specified complaints (a) have been resolved and (b) remains unresolved? NW1805E

Reply from the Minister in the Presidency on 21 Jul 2020

Name: Dr Neeta Behari

Designation: CD: Frontline Monitoring & Support Contacts: 072 1229696 Neeta.Behari@dpme.gov.za

Recommended /

Mr Robert Nkuna
Director General (DPME)
Date: 12/07/2020

Approved /

Hon Jackson Mthembu, MP
Minister in the Presidency|
Date: ../…/2020

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2020-w887 - 08 June 2020

Michéle Odette Clarke to ask the Minister in the Presidency

Whether his Office will offer any form of Covid-19 financial or other relief to small businesses; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details;

Reply from the Minister in the Presidency on 8 Jun 2020

The Minister in the Presidency is not responsible for Small Business Development. The member is kindly advised to refer her question to the Minister of Small Business Development.

Approved / Not agreed

hon. Jackson Mthembu, MP

Minister in the Presidency

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2020-w668 - 08 June 2020

Mmoba Solomon Malatsi to ask the Minister in the Presidency

Whether he, his Office and/or any entity reporting to him purchased any personal protection equipment since l February 2020; if so, in each case, what are the relevant details of(a) the date on which the equipment was purchased, (b) the name of the supplier where the equipment was purchased, (c) the monetary value of the purchase, (d) the branding that appeared on the purchased equipment, including the branding of any political party, and (e)(i) how and (ii) where was the purchased equipment distributed?

Reply from the Minister in the Presidency on 8 Jun 2020

The office of the Minister in the Presidency did not purchase any personal protection equipment since 1 February 2020

  1. Media Development and Diversity Agency (MDDA)

MDDA purchased masks, sanitisers, hand wash and wet wipes between the 16-18° March 2020 from Dischem, Clicks and a Pharmacy for R2000.00.

  1. Brand South Africa has purchased the following personal protective equipment since 1 February 2020.



Supplier ...

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2019-w1124 - 25 November 2019

Leon Amos Schreiber to ask the Minister in the Presidency

(a) What is the name of each (i) Director-General and (ii) Head of Department who failed to submit mid-term reviews by 31 September 2019 as agreed to in the performance monitoring system for the 2018-19 financial year and (b) in which (i) national and (ii) provincial government department is each specified Director-General and Head of Department employed?

Reply from the Minister in the Presidency on 25 Nov 2019

Name: K Mashapha

Designation: Director Financial Administration

Contacts: 012 300 5998


Director-General — The Presidency Date: /J //

Ap roved / NQ

n. Jackson Mthembu, MP Minister in Th Pre 'dency Date: g/ /







President de Klerk



President de Klerk



President de Klerk


President de Klerk


President de Klerk


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2019-w1023 - 28 October 2019

Manuel Simão Franca De Freitas to ask the Minister in the Presidency

(1) With reference to each BrandSA Country Head, (a) what is the name of each Country Head, (b) how long has each Country Head been in the position in each case, ( c) what is the annual salary of each Country Head, ( d) what are the (i) other perks and/or benefits such as accommodation and living expenses and (ii) costs in each case; (2) (a) what bank accow1ts does each international BrandSA office have in each case, (b) how often are the bank accounts audited in each case and ( c) who audits the bank accounts in each case?

Reply from the Minister in the Presidency on 28 Oct 2019

Name: Kgomotso Seripe

Designation: Acting Chief Financial Officer

Contacts: kgomotso@brandsouthafrica.com


Acting CEO BrandSA
Date: 22/10/2019


Hon Jackson Mthembu, mp
Minister in the Presidency
Date: 24/10/2019

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2019-w1022 - 28 October 2019

Manuel Simão Franca De Freitas to ask the Minister in the Presidency

(1) (a) What was BrandSA's annual budget in each country in the past three financial years, (b) what budget was spent in each year and ( c) how is budget expenditure monitored: (2) (a) what activities have been hosted in each month in each county by Brand SA in the past three financial years, (b)(i) how are activities decided upon and (ii) by whom, (c) what were the objectives for each activity in each case, (d) what objectives were (i) met and (ii) not met in each case and (e) what amount was spent for each activity in each case? NW2176E

Reply from the Minister in the Presidency on 28 Oct 2019

1) (a) As per the published respective Annual Reports already tabled in Parliament, the Annual Budget in each financial year were:

Financial Years





R 5, 625,164

R 5, 835,028

R 5, 572,199


R 3, 995,456

R 6, 290,479

R 4, 618,137

2016- 2017

R 10 355,000

R 8, 318,400

R 9, 561,702

Find here: {b) Budget spent on each ...

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2019-w1149 - 28 October 2019

Mmoba Solomon Malatsi to ask the Minister in the Presidency

What total expenditure was incurred by Brand SA on the Right to Vote campaign on (a) television channels, (b) out-of-home platforms, (c) print publications, (d) digital platforms and (e) influencers in the (i) 2014-15, (ii) 2015-16, (iii) 2016-17, (iv) 2017-18 and (v) 2018-19 financial years?

Reply from the Minister in the Presidency on 28 Oct 2019

Name: Ms Sithembile Ntombela

Designation: Chief Marketing Officer (Acting) Contacts: sithembilenG›brandsouthafrica.com


Ms Thulisile Manzini

Chief Executive Officer (Acting)

Brand South Africa Date: 22/10/2019

Approved / not approved

Hon Jackson Mthembu, MP
Minister in the Presidency

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2019-w1147 - 28 October 2019

Mmoba Solomon Malatsi to ask the Minister in the Presidency

What was the total expenditure incurred by the (a) Media Development and Diversity Agency, (b) Statistics SA and (c) Brand SA for (i) car hire, (ii) travel claims, (iii) cellphone allowances, (iv) flights and (v) hotels for board members since 1 April 2014?

Reply from the Minister in the Presidency on 28 Oct 2019

Name: Bheki Mathunjwa

Designation: Chief Financial Officer

Contacts: Landline: 012 310 4813 - Mobile: 082 888 2532


Risenga Maluleke Statistician-General: Statistics South Africa
Date: 23/10/2019

Approved/Not approved

Hon Jackson Mthembu (MP)
Minister in the Presidency
Date: 24/10/2019

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2019-w1148 - 28 October 2019

Mmoba Solomon Malatsi to ask the Minister in the Presidency

What (a) number of copies of the (i) Vuk'uzenzele newspaper and (ii) Public Sector Monager magazine were published and distributed and (b} was the total cost for publishing and distributing each of the specified publications (i) in the (aa) 2014, (bb} 2015, (cc} 2016, (dd) 2017 and (ee) 2018 calender years and (ii) since 1 January 2019?
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