2017-w3281 - 28 November 2017

Terri Stander to ask the Minister in the Presidency

(1)(a) What number of incidents of contraventions of (i) supply chain management and (ii) the Public Finance Management Act, Act 1 of 1999, were identified in her department (aa) in each of the past three financial years and (bb) since 1 April 2017 and (b) what are the relevant details of each incident, including the dates, amounts and names of the persons involved; (2) whether disciplinary processes were instituted in each case; if not, in each case, why not; if so, in each case, what are the relevant details of the (a)(i) action taken and (ii) progress thereof, (b) relief sought and (c) projected conclusion date; (3) whether any measures have been put in place to ensure that contraventions of supply chain management and the specified Act are prevented in the future; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details of the measures and implementation status in each case?

Reply from the Minister in the Presidency on 28 Nov 2017

1. (a) (i) Number of incidents of contravention of supply chain management are as follows:

aa) 2014-15 financial year – 18 cases

2015-16 financial year – 95 cases

2016-17 financial year – 60 cases

bb) 2017-18 financial year – 12 cases

(ii) There are no cases of contravention of the Public Finance Management Act for the period requested.

a) Not applicable.

2. Not applicable. ...

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2017-w3685 - 21 November 2017

Sejamotopo Charles Motau to ask the Minister in the Presidency

What are the details of all steps taken by the National Planning Commission (a) in each of the past three financial years and (b) since 1 April 2017 to assist in the implementation of Cabinet’s approved national priorities relating to (i) job creation and (ii) small business development?

Reply from the Minister in the Presidency on 21 Nov 2017

The second NPC has established three work-streams focusing on measures to inter alia:

  • Ensure an expanded and fairer economy;
  • Enhance the quality of life; and
  • Promote active citizenry and to enhance state capacity and leadership.

Within the economy work-stream several task teams have been created to focus on various initiatives in order to transform and grow the economy, as well as address unemployment, poverty ...

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2017-w3613 - 21 November 2017

Mmabatho Olive Mokause to ask the Minister in the Presidency

Whether (a) his Office and/or (b) any entity reporting to him own land; if so, in each case, (i) where is each plot of land located, (ii) what is the size of each specified plot and (iii) what is each plot currently being used for?

Reply from the Minister in the Presidency on 21 Nov 2017

The Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluations (DPME) and the National Youth Development Agency (NYDA) do not own land.

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2017-w3444 - 21 November 2017

Mmabatho Olive Mokause to ask the Minister in the Presidency

(1)How many officials and/or employees in his Office were granted permission to have businesses and/or do business dealings in the past three financial years; (2) are any of the officials and/or employees that have permission to have businesses and/or do business dealings doing business with the Government; if so, (a) what was the purpose of each business transaction, (b) when did each business transaction occur and (c) what was the value of each business transaction

Reply from the Minister in the Presidency on 21 Nov 2017

No employees in my Office had requested and had been granted permission to do business with government.

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2017-w3579 - 21 November 2017

Mmoba Solomon Malatsi to ask the Minister in the Presidency

(a) What is the total number of supplier invoices that currently remain unpaid by (i) his Office and (ii) each entity reporting to him for more than (aa) 30 days, (bb) 60 days, (cc) 90 days and (dd) 120 days and (b) what is the total amount outstanding in each case?

Reply from the Minister in the Presidency on 21 Nov 2017

The Department of Planning Monitoring and Evaluation (DPME) and the National Youth Development Agency (NYDA) pay all their suppliers within 30 days of receipt of valid invoices.

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2017-w3686 - 21 November 2017

Sejamotopo Charles Motau to ask the Minister in the Presidency

With reference to the high expenditure on consultants in the Presidency’s 2016-17 annual report, what steps has the Presidency taken to curb the use of consultants since 1 April 2017, particularly for work that could easily be performed by the Presidency’s employees?

Reply from the Minister in the Presidency on 21 Nov 2017

In instances where consultants have been used, the expenditure has been reduced by using negotiated rates. The remuneration rate at which consultants are appointed is below the standard rate. The Presidency also cuts the number of hours of work where possible as a further initiative. In areas with less capacity constraints transfer of skills is applied. Furthermore, the Department is reviewing the structure to ...

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2017-w3306 - 13 November 2017

Mmabatho Olive Mokause to ask the Minister in the Presidency

(1)Whether the (a) chief executive officer and (b) chief financial officer of entities reporting to his Office are employed on a permanent basis; if not, (2) whether the specified officers are employed on a fixed term contract; if so, (a) what are the names of each of the officers and (b) when (i) was each officer employed and (ii) will each officer’s contract end?

Reply from the Minister in the Presidency on 13 Nov 2017

The Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the NYDA are appointed on a fixed term contracts not exceeding five years.

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2017-w3166 - 13 November 2017

Mmabatho Olive Mokause to ask the Minister in the Presidency

(1)What are the details including the ranks of service providers and/or contractors from which (a) his office and (b) the entities reporting to him procured services in the past five years; (2) what (a) service was provided by each service provider and/or contractor and (b) amount was each service provider and/or contractor paid; (3) (a) how many of these service providers are black-owned entities, (b) what contract was each of the black-owned service providers awarded and (c) how much was each black-owned service provider paid? Please see attached the spreadsheet for consolidated response

Reply from the Minister in the Presidency on 13 Nov 2017

The required information covers a significantly long period of time and a vast amount of data. In summary, the information pertaining to the National Development Agency (NYDA) is as follows:

For 2012/ 2013, the number of Suppliers used was 1 468 at an amount of R286 282 317.

For 2013 / 2014, the number of suppliers used was 1 378 at an amount of 251 286 357.

For 2014 ...

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2017-w3279 - 09 November 2017

Terri Stander to ask the Minister in the Presidency

(1)How many (a) full-time and (b) part-time vacancies for commissioners of the Commission for Gender Equality exist as at 30 September 2017; (2) whether a list of potential candidates to fill the specified vacancies was sent to the President of the Republic; if not, by what date will the specified list be sent to the President; if so, (a) what is the name of each candidate and (b) by what date does he expect the President’s decision to be gazetted; (3) whether any of the candidates to fill the specified vacancies have already been appointed as commissioners; if so, on what date(s); (4) whether any delays in the appointment of commissioners for the specified commission were experienced; if so, what are the relevant details; (5) whether all of the vacancies that existed on 30 September 2017 will be filled by the specified candidates; if not, (a) why not and (b) what are the further relevant details?

Reply from the Minister in the Presidency on 9 Nov 2017

The process of appointing CGE Commissioners is no longer handled by the Department of Women, but is now being handled by the National Assembly as published in the ATC’s of 16 November 2016, 17 March 2017and 22 March 2017.


Approved by the Minister on


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2017-w2941 - 30 October 2017

David John Maynier to ask the Minister in the Presidency

Whether, with reference to his statement on the Mandate Paper for Budget 2018 on 7 September 2017, (a) the National Development Plan and/or (b) the Budget Prioritisation Frameworks have been adopted by other developmental states; if not, why not; if so, in each case, what (i) is the name of each country that adopted the specified frameworks and (ii) are the further relevant details in each case?

Reply from the Minister in the Presidency on 30 Oct 2017

Development planning, which can be defined as national level, medium (5-year) to long-term (ten to 50 years) planning is common in what has been referred to as development states, especially in the so-called East Asian Tigers. Latin-America also has extensive planning systems.

Long-term and medium-term plans are developed in some key development states as follows:

In addition to a range of other planning instruments, ...

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