NW2392E - 10 August 2012

Azwihangwisi Faith Muthambi to ask the Minister in the Presidency: Performance Monitoring and Evaluation as well as Administration in the in the Presidency

Whether he increased the allocation for the Media Development and Diversity Agency Act, Act 14 of 2002, if not, (a) why not and (b) when will it be increased; if so, by what amount?

NW2376E - 03 August 2012

Sejamotopo Charles Motau to ask the Minister in the Presidency: Performance Monitoring and Evaluation as well as Administration in the in the Presidency

Whether any entity reporting to him has budgeted for (a) financial donations or (b) sponsorships in the (i) 2009-10, (ii) 2010-11 and (iii) 2011-12 and (iv) 2012-13 financial years; if not, why not; if so, in each case, what amount was (aa) budgeted and (bb) spent?

NW2338E - 03 August 2012

Gareth Richard Morgan to ask the Minister in the Presidency: Performance Monitoring and Evaluation as well as Administration in the in the Presidency

(1) Whether he has been informed of the Inclusive Wealth Report 2012: Measuring Progress toward Sustainability that was released by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) on 18 June 2012 (details furnished); if so, what steps has he taken in this regard; if not, (2) whether he will study the contents; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (3) whether he intends to initiate inclusive wealth accounting in his department; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (4) whether his department is collecting capital stock data in the form of (a) exhaustible natural capital, (b) land, (c) physical capital and (d) human capital for possible use in future inclusive wealth accounting measurements; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

NW2326E - 03 August 2012

Santosh Vinita Kalyan to ask the Minister in the Presidency: Performance Monitoring and Evaluation as well as Administration in the in the Presidency

(1) Whether he has received a copy of a certain document (name furnished); if so, what was his response to the report; if not, (2) whether he intends to investigate the contents of the document; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details; (3) whether he intends to discuss the contents of the report with any other members of the Cabinet; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

NW2305E - 03 August 2012

Joseph Job McGluwa to ask the Minister in the Presidency: Performance Monitoring and Evaluation as well as Administration in the in the Presidency

(a) What is the (i) total and (ii) itemised breakdown of costs incurred in respect of (aa) car hire and (bb) accommodation for the Youth Day event held in Port Elizabeth on 15 June 2012 and (b) from which budget were these funds obtained?

NW2286E - 03 August 2012

Dion Travers George to ask the Minister in the Presidency: Performance Monitoring and Evaluation as well as Administration in the in the Presidency

(1) Whether provision has been made in the 2012-13 financial year for the repayment of unauthorised expenditure incurred by the Presidency in the 2010-11 financial year; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) what (a) has been the expenditure on transfer to households in the 2010-11 financial year and (b) is the breakdown of the specified cost?

NW2281E - 03 August 2012

Joseph Job McGluwa to ask the Minister in the Presidency: Performance Monitoring and Evaluation as well as Administration in the in the Presidency

(1) (a) What are the details of all contributions made by the National Youth Development Agency (NYDA) to the Youth Day event held in Port Elizabeth on 15 June 2012 and (b) what is the (i) total amount and (ii) detailed breakdown of all the contributions; (2) (a) which members of the NYDA assisted in organising the event and (b) what (i) were their responsibilities and (ii) are their respective positions in the NYDA?

NW2243E - 27 July 2012

Stevens Mokgalapa to ask the Minister in the Presidency: Performance Monitoring and Evaluation as well as Administration in the in the Presidency

(1) Whether (a) the Presidency and (b) all entities reporting to him make payment to (i) suppliers and (ii) service providers within the 30 day payment period as specified by the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA), Act 1 of 1999; if not, in each case, (aa) how many service providers are awaiting payment, (bb) what is the monetary value of outstanding payments and (cc) how long is payment overdue; (2) whether (a) the Presidency and (b) all entities reporting to him are liable for any interest charged on overdue payments in any of the cases mentioned; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, in each case, what is the (i) percentage and (ii) monetary value of interest charged; (3) whether (a) the Presidency and (b) all entities reporting to him have negotiated revised payment schedules with each of the service providers mentioned; if not, why not; if so, in each case, what are the relevant details; (4) what are the reasons for (a) his department and (b) all entities reporting to him not making payment within 30 days as specified by the PFMA; (5) whether (a) the Presidency and (b) all entities reporting to him have implemented any measures to (i) ensure full compliance with the PFMA and (ii) facilitate immediate payment for overdue accounts; if not, why not; if so, in each case, what are the relevant details?

NW2240E - 27 July 2012

Marian Robin Shinn to ask the Minister in the Presidency: Performance Monitoring and Evaluation as well as Administration in the in the Presidency

(1) Whether the (a) Government Communication and Information System (GCIS) and (b) Media Development and Diversity Agency have been mandated to develop a print media charter; if so, (i) who mandated these entities, (ii) when were they mandated, (iii) what are the (aa) terms and (bb) deadlines of the mandate, (iv) when will work on this project commence and (v) what are the relevant details of the processes that will be followed; (2) whether any funds have been allocated to these entities for the production of this charter; if not, why not; if so, (a) what amount has been allocated to each entity and (b) from which departmental budget will these funds be incurred; (3) (a) which officials from each entity will be actively involved in this project, (b) what (i) are their job titles and (ii) will their responsibilities be in this regard and (c) who has been mandated to lead the overall Charter Development Project?

NW2180E - 27 July 2012

Dirk Jan Stubbe to ask the Minister in the Presidency: Performance Monitoring and Evaluation as well as Administration in the in the Presidency

(1) Whether (a) a certain person (name furnished) and (b) his reputation management consultancy firm (name furnished) were contracted to provide consultancy or editorial services to any entity reporting to the Presidency; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, (a) for which entity reporting to the Presidency, (b) what services were offered, (c) over what time period or date did the said entity conduct services, (d) what was the total amount paid to said entity for their services and (e) what are the relevant details of each project undertaken by said entity; (2) whether any of the editorials written by said entity for any of the entities reporting to the Presidency were published in the mainstream media; if so, (a) on what date was the editorial published and (b) in which media did it originally appear?
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