NW3333E - 18 October 2013

Ian Michael Ollis to ask the Minister in the Presidency: Performance Monitoring and Evaluation as well as Administration in the in the Presidency

(1) What amount has (a) the Office of the Presidency and (b) each of the entities reporting to it spent on advertisements placed on the SABC 24 hour news channel; (2) were these advertisements placed through the Government Communication and Information System?

NW3254E - 18 October 2013

Geordin Gwyn Hill-Lewis to ask the Minister in the Presidency: Performance Monitoring and Evaluation as well as Administration in the in the Presidency

Whether the Office of the Presidency has paid the SA Institute of Race Relations (SAIRR) to undertake (a) research and/or (b) consultancy work; if so, (i) what is the nature of this (aa) research and/or (bb) consultancy work, (ii) over what period will the SAIRR conduct this (aa) research and/or (bb) consultancy work, (iii) what are the (aa) long- and (bb) short- term benefits as a direct result of this (aaa) research and/or (bbb) consultancy work undertaken and (iv) how much was the SAIRR paid to conduct this (aa) research and/or (bb) consultancy work?

NW3081E - 11 October 2013

Hendrik Cornelus Schmidt to ask the Minister in the Presidency: Performance Monitoring and Evaluation as well as Administration in the in the Presidency

How much did (a) the Presidency and (b) each of the entities reporting to it spend on promotional events organised by The New Age newspaper between 1 September 2012 and 30 August 2013?

NW3041E - 11 October 2013

Erik Johannes Marais to ask the Minister in the Presidency: Performance Monitoring and Evaluation as well as Administration in the in the Presidency

With reference to the Presidential Review Committee on state-owned entities (SOEs) on proposed SOE reforms, what are (a) the time frames and (b) his envisaged end date in order to put in place the proposed reforms?

NW3212E - 11 October 2013

Bennet Mzwenqaba Bhanga to ask the Minister in the Presidency: Performance Monitoring and Evaluation as well as Administration in the in the Presidency

(1) Whether the National Youth Development Agency (NYDA) Board relies on any of its regulations to raise the salary of the (a) Chief Executive Officer (name and details furnished) and (b) other executives, even while on suspension; if so, which provisions is the Board relying on; (2) whether he intends to (a) take any steps to review these salaries and (b) table legislation to regulate salary grades of executives of government entities; if so, what are the relevant details?

NW3148E - 11 October 2013

Semakaleng Patricia Kopane to ask the Minister in the Presidency: Performance Monitoring and Evaluation as well as Administration in the in the Presidency

(1) Whether any performance bonuses were paid to employees in the Office of the Presidency in the 2012-13 financial year; if so, what is the total (a) number of employees that received bonuses and (b) amount paid out by the Office of the Presidency for these bonuses; (2) what percentage of outputs were achieved by the Office of the Presidency as measured against each target set in its Annual Performance Plan in the 2012-13 financial year?

NW2972E - 20 September 2013

Sanna Keikantseeng Plaatjie to ask the Minister in the Presidency: Performance Monitoring and Evaluation as well as Administration in the in the Presidency

(1) Whether, in view of his report on the performance of Ministers, the performance contracts for Ministers are in line with Government’s performance expectations; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, (2) whether penalties will be pressed against the non-performing Ministers, their departments and managers; if not, why not; if so, when; (3) what specific areas were identified for a turn-around strategy in each relevant department where performance did not meet the specified expectations; (4) (a) what are the full details of his measurements of excellence, (b) how can they be achieved and (c) in what time frame?

NW2928E - 20 September 2013

Arron Cecil Steyn to ask the Minister in the Presidency: Performance Monitoring and Evaluation as well as Administration in the in the Presidency

(1) What amount has the Government Communication and Information System spent on placing advertisements for (a) each government department and (b) their entities since 1 September 2012; (2) since 1 September 2012, how much advertising has it placed on behalf of (a) government departments, (b) its entities with (i) community newspapers, (ii) community radio stations and (iii) community television stations and (c) how many of these newspapers were supported by the Media Development and Diversity Agency (MDDA); (3) (a) which community newspapers are supported by the MDDA, (b) for how long has each newspaper been supported, (c) what amount has been spent on each newspaper and (d) what is the circulation of each newspaper; (4) (a) which community newspapers have stopped receiving support from the MDDA since 1 September 2011 and (b) why was the support of the MDDA stopped in each specified case?

NW2908E - 20 September 2013

Erik Johannes Marais to ask the Minister in the Presidency: Performance Monitoring and Evaluation as well as Administration in the in the Presidency

In light of the recommendations by the Presidential Review Committee on State Owned Entities, what time frames has he set to ensure that (a) partnerships with the private sector are entrenched and (b) improved infrastructure funding methodologies and models including a resource tax are in place?

NW2573E - 16 August 2013

Emma More to ask the Minister in the Presidency: Performance Monitoring and Evaluation as well as Administration in the in the Presidency

(1) Whether any staff member in the Presidency (a) performed work in addition to the responsibilities related to his or her work, outside normal working hours, in the (i) 2008-09, (ii) 2009-10, (iii) 2010-11, (iv) 2011-12 and (v) 2012-13 financial years and (b) has been performing such work during the period 1 April 2013 up to the latest specified date for which information is available; if not, how is it determined whether such work is being performed or not; if so, in each case, (aa) how many staff members and (bb) in what job or work categories are the specified staff members employed; (2) whether approval for such work was obtained in each case; if not, what are the relevant details; if so, (a) what is the policy of the Presidency in this regard, (b) by whom are such applications considered and approved, (c) how many contraventions of this policy were brought to the attention of the Presidency in the (i) 2010-11, (ii) 2011-12 and (iii) 2012-13 financial years and (d) what steps have been taken against trans- gressors?
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