NW4099E - 16 November 2012

Anchen Margaretha Dreyer to ask the Minister in the Presidency: Performance Monitoring and Evaluation as well as Administration in the in the Presidency

(1) Which criteria are used to determine whether a function is presidential or not; (2) (a) how many events have been declared as such (i) in the (aa) 2007-08, (bb) 2009-09, (cc) 2009-10, (dd) 2010-11 and (ee) 2011-12 financial years and (ii) since 1 April 2012 and (b) what was been the reason(s) for such decision in each case?

NW4010E - 16 November 2012

Anchen Margaretha Dreyer to ask the Minister in the Presidency: Performance Monitoring and Evaluation as well as Administration in the in the Presidency

(1) (a) How many state functions, including state funerals and national orders, were held in the (i) 2007-08, (ii) 2008-09, (iii) 2009-10, (iv) 2010-11 and (v) 2011-12 financial years, (b) what was the nature of each specified function and (c) which entities were responsible for (i) organising and (ii) paying for each specified function; (2) what (a) amount was (i) budgeted and (ii) actually spent and (b) is the breakdown of the expenditure in each case?

NW3937E - 02 November 2012

Natasha Wendy Anita Mazzone to ask the Minister in the Presidency: Performance Monitoring and Evaluation as well as Administration in the in the Presidency

(1) Whether the Presidency is currently subscribed to The New Age (TNA) newspaper; if so, (a) how many subscriptions does the Presidency have, (b) when was each subscription initiated, (c) what has been the annual subscription fee for each specified subscription since it was initiated and (d) what is the exact purpose of each subscription; (2) whether a discount was negotiated for any of the specified subscriptions; if so, (a) for which specified subscriptions and (b) what discount in each case; (3) whether the Presidency has mass-purchased the TNA on an ad hoc basis since the inception of the newspaper; if so, (a) on what dates, (b) how many copies in each case and (c) why were the papers purchased in each case; (4) whether (a) the publishers of the TNA and (b) any other entity donated copies of the paper to (i) the Presidency and (ii) any entity reporting to him; if so, in each case, (aa) which entity donated the papers, (bb) to which entity were they donated and (cc) how many copies were donated?

NW3893E - 02 November 2012

Marius Swart to ask the Minister in the Presidency: Performance Monitoring and Evaluation as well as Administration in the in the Presidency

(1) Whether any steps have been taken to ensure that the National Youth Development Agency (NYDA) complies with the prescripts of the supply chain management process; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) whether he has taken any steps to eliminate the high incidence of non-repayment of loans by the NYDA; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what (a) targets have been set and (b) are the further relevant details?

NW3452E - 12 October 2012

Emma More to ask the Minister in the Presidency: Performance Monitoring and Evaluation as well as Administration in the in the Presidency

Whether any corruption with regard to social development was recorded in any of the provinces in the (a) 2008-09, (b) 2009-10 and (c) 2010-11 financial years; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, in each specified financial year, with regard to each specified province, (i) what amount was (aa) recorded and (bb) recovered and (ii) how many persons were charged with corruption?

NW3396E - 12 October 2012

Mosiuoa Gerard Patrick Lekota to ask the Minister in the Presidency: Performance Monitoring and Evaluation as well as Administration in the in the Presidency

Whether he has (a) identified all of the municipal officials who were found to have been directly or indirectly responsible for fraud, corruption and interference in tender processes that caused municipalities to lose R15.5 billion in irregular spending in 2011 (details furnished), (b)(i) used the appropriate processes to ensure suspension of the officials from duty and (ii) instituted disciplinary proceedings against them, (c) demanded a written explanation from the failing councils for allowing such irregular expenditure to take place and (d) taken any steps to prevent a repetition of all irregular practices identified by the Auditor-General in the 2011-12 financial year; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

NW3111E - 07 September 2012

Dirk Jan Stubbe to ask the Minister in the Presidency: Performance Monitoring and Evaluation as well as Administration in the in the Presidency

(1) Whether (a) the Presidency, (b) his department and (c) any entity reporting to him plan to host end-of-year parties; if not, in each case, what is the position in this regard; if so, in each case, (i) for how many persons and (ii) at what cost; (2) whether the cost of the specified end-of-year parties has been budgeted for in the current financial year; if not, from where will the funding be sourced; if so, (a) what amount has been budgeted and (b) from which part of the budget will it be incurred?

NW2945E - 31 August 2012

Joseph Job McGluwa to ask the Minister in the Presidency: Performance Monitoring and Evaluation as well as Administration in the in the Presidency

What are the detailed operational costs related to the Jobs and Opportunities Seekers’ Database (JOBS) of the National Youth Development Agency (NYDA), including but not limited to (a) salaries, (b) the Jobs Database roadshow and (c) technical support?

NW2941E - 31 August 2012

Marius Swart to ask the Minister in the Presidency: Performance Monitoring and Evaluation as well as Administration in the in the Presidency

(a) What is the current staff complement of the National Youth Development Agency (NYDA) in terms of the approved organogram and (b)(i) monetary cost and (ii) percentage of the NYDA budget for salaries for the 2012-13 financial year?

NW2924E - 31 August 2012

Marius Swart to ask the Minister in the Presidency: Performance Monitoring and Evaluation as well as Administration in the in the Presidency

With reference to his reply to question 343 on 31 May 2012, what did the National Youth Development Agency’s (NYDA) loans amount to in the 2010-11 financial year?
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