2017-w1746 - 22 June 2017

Thembekile Richard Majola to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and FisheriesQUESTION

Does (a) he, (b) his Deputy Minister or (c) any of the heads of entities or bodies reporting to him make use of security services paid for by the State for (i) him/herself, (ii) his/her immediate family members or (iii) any of their staff members; in each case (aa) what are the reasons for it, (bb) from which department or entity’s budget is the security services being paid, and (cc) what are the relevant details?

Reply from the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and FisheriesQUESTION on 22 Jun 2017


(a) Minister and, (b) Deputy Minister are protected by South African Police Service VIP Protection Unit paid for by State as per Ministerial Handbook.

No immediate staff members at the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries are making use of security services paid for by the State.


The PPECB has not made use of security services paid for by the State for ...

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2017-w1478 - 13 June 2017

Santosh Vinita Kalyan to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and FisheriesQUESTION

Whether (a) his department and (b) each entity reporting to him procured any services from and/or made any payments to (i) a certain company (name furnished) or (ii) any other public relations firms; if not, in each case, why not; if so, in each case, what (aa) services were procured, (bb) was the total cost, (cc) is the detailed breakdown of such costs, (dd) was the total amount paid, (ee) was the purpose of the payments and (ff) is the detailed breakdown of such payments?

Reply from the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and FisheriesQUESTION on 13 Jun 2017


DAFF has not procured services from any public relations firm including Bell Pottinger.


PPECB has not procured services from any public relations firm including Bell Pottinger.


OBP has not procured services from any public relations firm including Bell Pottinger.


NCERA has not procured services from any public relations firm including Bell Pottinger.


ARC has not procured services from any ...

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2017-w1051 - 22 May 2017

Ross Kriel Purdon to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and FisheriesQUESTION

(1)  (a) What is the total number of years that a certain person (name furnished) has had the license to catch octopuses in False Bay, (b) what are rates of each ton caught for the duration of the license and (c) to which countries are octopuses marketed; (2) has the specified person provided his department with data relating to (a) the size of each catch, (b) the sex ratio, (c) seasonal fluctuations, (d) depth differences and (e) local community training; if not, why not; if so, will he provide Mr R K Purdon with the data for 2017; (3) (a) what is the total number of (i) boat trips and (ii) factory visits that his department has undertaken to assess the validity of any data provided and (b) why has no assessment been done in nine years since data had been collected; (4) whether the specified person will be granted an extended five-year licence from February 2018 and (b) by what date will his department decide on the viability of an octopus fishery in (i) False Bay and/ (ii) anywhere else on the South African coastline? NW1181E

Reply from the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and FisheriesQUESTION on 22 May 2017

(1)(a) The first phase of the experimental fishery ran for 5 years from 2004 until 2009.  The permit holder held permits in this fishery, along with a further 14 permit holders in 8 areas with 2 vessels per area.  The second phase was ‘relaxed’ to an exploratory fishery for a further 5 years from 2012 until 2017 (last permit expires at the end of February ...

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2017-w948 - 22 May 2017

Annette Steyn to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and FisheriesQUESTION

How many hectares and (b) what types of crops were planted for the purpose of supplying the Springbokpan Agri-Park in the North West for each of the past two financial years?

Reply from the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and FisheriesQUESTION on 22 May 2017

The Cropping around SPRINGBOKPAN AGRIPARK in the past two financial years are for 2015/2016 and 2016/2017 are as follows as a summary;

  1. 2015/2016: Maize - 977ha and Sunflower -5 126.6ha
  2. 2016/2017: October to December 2016 ( Maize- 2 299ha , Sunflower - 3 174ha, 30ha - Vegetables)
  3. 2016/2017: January to March 2017 (Maize - 660ha, and Sunflower- 2 832ha).

See attached POE'S as verification.

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2017-w890 - 26 April 2017

Roger William Tobias Chance to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and FisheriesQUESTION

Whether he is aware of any excessive regulations and/or red tape due to the delayed finalisation of land transfers for the Grabouw Investment Initiative that is preventing the development of agricultural opportunities in the Theewaterskloof Local Municipality; if so, what steps will his department take to ensure that the investment initiative project continues in order to create agricultural opportunities?

Reply from the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and FisheriesQUESTION on 26 Apr 2017


It should be noted that to date, my Department has not received nor documented any receipt of an application from Theewaterskloof Local Municipality in accordance with Subdivision of Agricultural Land Act.

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2017-w911 - 26 April 2017

Zelda Jongbloed to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and FisheriesQUESTION

Whether there is any position of (a) chief executive officer, (b) chief financial officer and/ or (c) chief operating officer that is currently vacant in each entity reporting to him; if so, (i) how long has each specified position been vacant and (ii) what is the reason for each vacancy; (2) Have the vacancies been advertised; if so, (a) were interviews done and (b) on what date will the vacancies be filled; (3) (a) what is the total number of persons who are currently employed in the specified positions in an acting capacity, (b) for what period has each person been acting in each position and (c) has any of the specified persons applied for the positions?

Reply from the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and FisheriesQUESTION on 26 Apr 2017


(1) (a) No (DAFF has a Director-General position which is filled).

(b) No (DAFF has a Chief Financial Officer position which is filled).

(c) No (DAFF does not have a position of Chief Operating Officer on the post establishment of the Department).


(1) (a) No (The ARC has a Chief Executive Officer position ...

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2017-w724 - 24 April 2017

Annette Steyn to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and FisheriesQUESTION

(1) What plant protection mechanisms has his department put in place to (a) ensure effective surveillance, (b) early detection and (c) prevention of (i) plant diseases and (ii) invasive plant pests; (2) what (a) plant diseases and (b) plant pests has his department detected through its (i) surveillance and (ii) early detection mechanisms in the past three financial years?

Reply from the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and FisheriesQUESTION on 24 Apr 2017

1. (a) & (b) The DAFF Plant Health Early Warning Systems Division was started in 2004 with the aim to develop surveillance programs and contingency plans for the early detection of and response to plant pests that might enter the country. Pest surveillance and detection can only be achieved through species specific programs as each pest program must be adapted according to the pest ...

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2017-w725 - 13 April 2017

Annette Steyn to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and FisheriesQUESTION

On what date was his department first informed of the presence of the fall armyworm (FAW) in South Africa, (b) (b) on what date did his department make positive confirmation of the presence of FAW in South Africa, (c) (c) how many hectares of (i) maize, (ii) soya bean and (iii) sugar cane crops have been lost due to the FAW to date? NW784E

Reply from the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and FisheriesQUESTION on 13 Apr 2017

a) DAFF was first informed on 19 January 2017 by the ARC Grain Crops Institute through Grain SA that they had collected larvae (caterpillars) that resemble Fall Armyworm.

b) DAFF was informed by the ARC Biosystematics Division on 3 February 2017 of the positive identification of the larvae collected at various areas (which had at that passed through the pupa stage of their lifecycle ...

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2017-w726 - 10 April 2017

Annette Steyn to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and FisheriesQUESTION

(1) What is the (a) total amount that his department spent on combating the fall armyworm (FAW), (b) breakdown of the expenditure on each item and (c) departmental (sub) programme from which the money was disbursed; (2) (a) what is the total number of small scale and subsistence and (b) commercial farmers/beneficiaries affected by the FAW who have received support from his department in each (i) province and (ii) district and (c) in each case, (i) what support have these farmers received and (ii) at what cost?

Reply from the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and FisheriesQUESTION on 10 Apr 2017

(1)(a) Total amount spent by DAFF on combatting FAW to date is R88 500.

(1)(b) Sub programme: Plant Production and Health (policy) Directorate Plant Health:

Scouting, visiting farms and addressing extension personnel in provinces: R42000

Attending Portfolio Committee: R12000

Subtotal: R54 000

Subprogram: Inspection and Quarantine Services (operational)

Directorate Food Import Export Standards:

Conduct activities on awareness and education to extension personnel and producers ...

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2017-w679 - 31 March 2017

Anchen Margaretha Dreyer to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and FisheriesQUESTION

(1)  Did (a) his department or (b) any entity reporting to him participate in the Dialogue with the President: Unpacking of the SONA 2017 on Radical Economic Transformation Implementation event hosted at the Oyster Box Hotel in Umhlanga, Durban, on 25 February 2017; if so, what amount was spent in each case; (2) did (a) his department or (b) any entity reporting to him participate in the auction of the (i) souvenirs or (ii) personal belongings of the President of the Republic, Mr Jacob G Zuma; if so, (aa) which items were purchased and (bb) at what cost, in each case? NW738E

Reply from the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and FisheriesQUESTION on 31 Mar 2017

Department of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF)

  1. DAFF did not participate in the dialogue unpacking SONA 2017 with the President on the 25th of February 2017.
  2. DAFF did not participate in the auction of souvenirs or personal belongings of the President.

Agricultural Research Council (ARC)

  1. The ARC did not participate in the dialogue unpacking SONA 2017 with the President on the 25th of February ...
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