1. Did any foreign–flagged fishing vessels participate in joint venture agreements with fishing quota holders in South Africa’s exclusive economic zone (EEZ) in any of the past three financial years for which information is available; if not , how was this conclusion reached; if so, ( a) on which (i) provision and (ii) Act did the holders of fish quotas rely in each case,( b) which fishing quota holders were involved in each case, (c) what number of foreign vessels were engaged in this activity and (d) since what date have these joint venture agreements been taking place;
2. Whether licence to enter the EEZ were issued to reach of the foreign vessels in terms of section 39 of the Marine Living Resource Act, Act 18 of 1998; if not, how did the ships obtain permission to enter the EEZ in each case; if so, what are the relevant details in each case?
- Yes
a) Section 7.2 (e) of the Policy for the Allocation and Management of Fishing Rights in the Large Pelagic Longline Sector: 2015. This provision stipulates that because of a lack of suitable South African vessels and South Africa’s limited experience in tuna longlining, joint ventures with non – South Africans may be a necessity; In additi.on, South Africa is a Contracting Member of ...
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What (a) is the quantum of irregular, unlawful and wasteful expenditure incurred by (i) his department and (ii) entities reporting to him in the past three financial years and (b) percentage of the total budget of (i) his department and (ii) entities reporting to him does it constitute?
(a)(i) 2015/16: R 829 000
2016/17: R2 806 000
2017/18: R5 479 000
(b)(i) 2015/16: Total budget: R6 408 750 - percentage: 0.01%
2016/17: Total budget: R6 514 965 - percentage: 0.04%
2017/18: Total budget: R6 847 034 - percentage: 0.08%
No Irregular expenditure, unlawful and wasteful expenditure were incurred by NAMC for the past three years.
Financial year
Fruitless and ... |
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(1) (a) On what date did his department last conduct an audit of artwork owned by Government which is under his department’s curatorship and (b) what are the details of each artwork under the curatorship of his department according to the Generally Recognised Accounting Practice 103;
(2) whether any artworks under his department’s curatorship have gone missing (a) in each of the past five financial years and (b) since 1 April 2018; if so, what are the relevant details?
For the past ten (10) financial years artwork was not identified as a high risk area to be audited and therefore no internal audits were conducted of artwork owned by Government which is under the Minister’s department’s curatorship. Although no internal audits were done there are regular stock takes of assets performed by the Directorate: Asset Management. The latest stock take conducted on the ...
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Whether (a) his department and/or (b) entities reporting to him awarded any contracts and/or tenders to certain companies (DCD Group; Afrit; Elgin, Brown and Hamer, Hulisani Consortium; Elgin Dock; Diesel and Turbo Service Centre; Vox Telecommunications; Afrit Propco, Vox Holdings; Interpair Services, Simiglo, Cancerian Investments, Phuma Finance) from 1 January 2009 up to the latest specified date for which information is available; if so, in each case, (i) what service was provided, (ii) what was the (aa) value and (bb) length of the tender and/or contract, (iii) who approved the tender and/or contract and (iv) was the tender and/or contract in line with all National Treasury and departmental procurement guidelines?
The Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries entered into the following contracts with the service provider: VOX Telecommunications PTY (LTD)
What was the service provided
What was the value of the tender or contract
What was the length of the tender or contract
Who approved the tender or contract
Was the tender or contract in line with all National Treasury and ... |
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(1) (a) What number of inspector positions exist in the Directorate Food Safety and Quality Assurance and (b) what number of posts are (i) filled and/or (ii) vacant;
(2) Whether any work of the Food Safety and Quality Assurance is outsourced; if not, why not; if so, (a) what kind of work is outsourced and (b) what is the budget for outsourcing?
- (a) The Directorate Food Safety and Quality Assurance does not have positions or designations of inspector posts in their establishment since in the main it is the policy development unit. The Directorate utilizes a matrix of inspectors residing within the Directorate Inspection Services and the designated assignees to enforce the two legislations (Agricultural Product Standards Act 119 of 1990 and the Liquor Products Act ...
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Why was the remainder of Groote Zalze 998 in Stellenbosch excluded from the provisions of the subdivision of Agricultural Land Act, Act 70 of 1970, as published in notice 152 in Government Gazette 41473 on 2 March 2018?
- The remainder of the Farm Groot Zalze 998 in Stellenbosch was defined as an agricultural land prior to the publication of 2 March 2018, gazette 41473.
Following engagement with the Western Cape Provincial Department of Agriculture, Stellenbosch Municipality and public consultation through gazette, the Farm Groot Zalze 998 was excluded in terms of section 1 of SALA
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Whether any investigation has been undertaken in order to trace what happened to tractors that went missing after they were delivered to provinces; if not, what is his department planning on doing to (a) recover the tractors that disappeared and (b) ensure that those entrusted with the tractors are held accountable; if so, what are the relevant details?
The Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF), donated tractors to the Provincial Departments of Agriculture (PDAs) eight years ago as a once off support. On delivery these tractors became the ownership and responsibility of each PDA to distribute within their respective provinces.
DAFF has conducted an investigation to verify the status of all tractor assets for each PDA focusing on the condition and ...
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(1) With reference to certain companies (names furnished), (a) what (i) tenders were the firms appointed for, (ii) was the total value of the contracts, (iii) total amount was paid out to each firm and (iv) were the outcomes of work carried out as per the tender, (b) who were the person(s) responsible for the appointment of the firms and (c) what supply chain processes were followed in the appointment of the firms;
(2) has there been any recommendations by the Auditor-General to investigate the said firms; if so, what steps has been taken in this regard?
SA Fence and Gate
(i) Tenders firms appointed for
R 1 million (approx) (per year for 3 years)
R 50.6 million (approx)
Neither firms were appointed/concluded through bid processes
(ii) Total value of contracts
R 1 million (approx)
(per year for 3 years)
R 50.6 million (approx)
(iii) Total amount paid out to
No funds have been paid out to ... |
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What are the details of the tenders awarded to certain companies (a) Emang Basadi and Forensic (Pty) Ltd and (b) B Xulu and Partners Incorporated, what was the value of each contract that was awarded, (c) was the total amount paid to each specified company, (d) are the details of the outcomes of work carried out for each tender, (e) are the details of the person who awarded the specified companies the contract and (f) supply chain management processes were followed in awarding each contract?
What are the details of the tenders awarded to certain companies?
a) Emang Basadi and Forensic (Pty) Ltd, and Forensic (Pty) Ltd.
Appointment was done through contract awardment for litigation services approved by the Accounting Officer
b) B Xulu and Partners Incorporated, what was the value of each contract that was awarded?
Appointment was made via Emang Basadi who subcontracted to B Xulu. B ...
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1. What total amount of land owned by his department and the entities reporting to him in each province is (a) vacant and (ii) unused or has no purpose and (b) what is the (i) location and (ii) size of each specified plot of land.
2. How much of the land owned by his department and the entities reporting to him has been leased out for private use and (b) what is the (i) rand value of each lease and (ii) (aa) location and (bb) size of each piece of land
- The Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF) does not own land but administers the land on behalf of the Department of Public Works to preserve the land’s agricultural potential. (Attached is table with detailed information – annexure 1).
- ARC is an Entity that owns land reporting to the Ministers (attached as annexure 2).
- All the farms are ...
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