NW1671E - 20 May 2016

Bridget Staff Masango to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

(1) Whether his department was approached by any political party for any form of funding (a) in the (i) 2013-14, (ii) 2014-15 and (iii) 2015-16 financial years and (b) since 1 April 2016; if so, what are the relevant details in each case; (2) whether his department provided any form of funding to any political party (a) in the (i) 2013-14, (ii) 2014-15 and (iii) 2015-16 financial years and (b) since 1 April 2016; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details in each case?

NW1667E - 20 May 2016

Zelda Jongbloed to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

Does his department have any records of boats, vessels or fishing trawlers belonging to (a) a certain entity (name and details furnished) and/or (b) any other entity registered in the People’s Republic of China that enters South African waters to fish; if so, what are the relevant details in each case?

Reply from the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries on 20 May 2016

No. There are no foreign entity or Vessels including Lu Huang Yun Yu registered in the People’s Republic of China permitted to fish in South African waters.

No. South Africa does not allow foreign vessels to fish in South African territorial waters.

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NW1666E - 20 May 2016

Zelda Jongbloed to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

Whether any fishing rights were granted to any non-South African entity and/or individual to fish in South African waters in the (a) 2011-12, (b) 2012-13, (c) 2013-14, (d) 2014-15 and (e) 2015-16 financial years; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details in each case in terms of (i) the name of the specified entity and/or individual, (ii) the (aa) nationality and/or (bb) country of origin of the specified individual and/or entity respectively, (iii) any (aa) specifications and/or (bb) limitations contained in the granted rights and (iv) any other material details in this regard?

Reply from the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries on 20 May 2016

Section 18(4) of the Marine Living Resources Act, 1998 (Act No. 18 of 1998) as amended (“the Act”) stipulates that unless otherwise determined by the Minister in relation to the holders of existing rights, only South African persons shall acquire or hold rights in terms of section 18 of the Act. Accordingly, no fishing rights have been granted to any non-South African entity and/or ...

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NW1593E - 13 May 2016

Zelda Jongbloed to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

(1) Whether the business plan for the construction of a fish market to be used by the local fishing community in Elands Bay in the Cederberg Local Municipality in the Western Cape was presented to the specified municipality’s technical committee; if not, why not; if so, (a) on what date and (b) what are the further relevant details; (2) (a) who approved the final business plan of the specified fish market, (b) when did construction of the specified fish market commence, (c) who are the contractors, (d) what was the initial budget for the construction of the specified fish market, (e) what amount has been spent to date, (f) what has the money been spent on, (g) what percentage of the specified fish market has been completed and (h) by what date is the specified fish market expected to be completed?

Reply from the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries on 13 May 2016

1(a) The building plans for the Cederberg Fish Processing Plant were approved by the local municipality’s building section on the 8 July 2014 and its Council on the 28 of July 201.

1(b) All Western Cape Provincial Government approvals were obtained on the 1 October 2014

2(a) The final Business Plan for the Cederberg Fishing Infrastructure Development and Management Working for Fisheries Project (WFFP) ...

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NW1531E - 13 May 2016

Hendrik Christiaan Crafford Krüger to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

Whether (a) his department and (b) all entities reporting to him are running development programmes for (i) small businesses and (ii) co-operatives; if not, why not; if so, in each case, (aa) what are the relevant details, (bb) what amount has been budgeted and (cc) how many jobs will be created through the specified development programmes in the 2016-17 financial year?

Reply from the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries on 13 May 2016

Small business and cooperative development function in the department resides within the sub-programme of Cooperatives and Rural Enterprise Development whose mandate is to facilitate and support the development of businesses to ensure transformation of the agriculture, forestry and fisheries sectors. This is done by implementing the following support programmes:

1. Cooperative development

1.1 Facilitate establishment of Commodity Based Cooperatives

Through the cooperative development programme, ...

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NW1520E - 13 May 2016

Mev A Steyn to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

(1) With reference to his reply to question 4175 on 14 December 2015, (a) what criteria were used to establish which farmers would receive drought relief through the drought relief fund in each province, (b) how many farmers were assisted through the specified fund in each province and (c) what was the average amount of assistance provided to each of the specified farmers; (2) which provinces are still identified as drought disaster areas; (3) whether any additional funding has been requested from the National Treasury to assist his department in providing drought relief; if not, why not; if so, how much additional funding was (a) requested from and (b) granted by the National Treasury?

Reply from the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries on 13 May 2016

1. a) The Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF) has developed a Framework meant to give direction to all provinces on the implementation of assistance being provided in the event of a disaster occurrence. In terms of that framework, farmers are classified into three categories namely Small scale (farmer who owns 30 or less LSU); Subsistence (farmer who owns 31 to 50 LSUs) ...

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NW1519E - 13 May 2016

Mev A Steyn to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

(1) Whether any further requests for drought relief assistance were received from provinces since his reply to question 3982 on 25 November 2015; if so, (a) which provinces requested the specified assistance, (b) on what dates and (c) what amount has been requested by each specified province; (2) whether any additional drought relief assistance funding has been made available to (a) (i) the North West, (ii) the Free State, (iii) Mpumalanga, (iv) Limpopo and/or (v) KwaZulu-Natal and/or (b) any additional provinces since his reply to the specified question; if not, why not; if so, (aa) what amounts of additional drought relief assistance funding was made available in each case and (bb) on what dates; (3) what is the detailed breakdown of the expenditure of R226 million that was prioritised by his department to assist small-scale and subsistence farmers; (4) whether any further funding to assist small-scale and subsistence farmers with fodder and livestock water has been made available since his reply to the specified question; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries on 13 May 2016

(1) Yes; all affected provinces have submitted requests for funding to the department. DAFF has submitted the requests to the National Disaster Management Centre (NDMC) for further processing to the National Treasury. The requests have been received from all provinces. Refer to the table below:




Free State

R 102 500 000.00

September 2015

Kwa -Zulu Natal ...

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2016-w1094 - 11 May 2016

Ken Peter Robertson to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

(1) What are the reasons why 49 non-operational tractors at his departments’s Umzinti training facility in Mpumalanga have not been repaired for more than 12 months; (2) Is his department ring-fencing finances for the continued maintenance of the specified tractors; (3) What is the impact on emerging farmers when the land of beneficiaries cannot be properly prepared due to a lack of operational tractors?

NW1362E - 22 April 2016

Thomas Zwelakhe Hadebe to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

Whether, with reference to the takeover by his department of the function of monitoring the conservation and usage of marine resources from Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife, his department has enough resources to fulfill this important role; if so, what are the relevant details in respect of the human resources that his department has allocated for the specified monitoring?

Reply from the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries on 22 Apr 2016

The Protocol Agreement between the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife is in force until 31 July 2016. In preparation for the termination of this agreement, the Department has already entered into a Memorandum of Agreement with an organisation called Amagagasoshintsho for the implementation of the Small-scale Fisheries programme in the province as well as for the deployment and management ...

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NW1226E - 15 April 2016

Ken Peter Robertson to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

(1) What are the reasons why 49 non-operational tractors at his department’s Umzinti training facility in Mpumalanga have not been repaired for more than 12 months; (2) is his department ring-fencing finances for the continued maintenance of the specified tractors; (3) what is the impact on emerging farmers when the land of beneficiaries cannot be properly prepared due to a lack of operational tractors?

Reply from the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries on 15 Apr 2016

DAFF has engaged Mpumalanga Department of Agriculture, Rural Development, Land and Environmental Affairs (DARDLE). They provided the following answers:-

1.The DARDLE has collected all the tractors that used to be allocated to cooperatives into one central place after realizing that there were challenges in this method when it comes to servicing farmers on the ground who were not members of the cooperatives. Furthermore, the ...

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