2023-w3998 - 20 December 2023

Noko Phineas Masipa to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development

What measures has she put in place to improve the situation of the Animal Health Directorate that has to date failed livestock farmers, which is also reflected by the Ministerial Task Team’s report which highlighted numerous issues?

Reply from the Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development on 20 Dec 2023

The Animal Health Directorate has not failed livestock farmers. The mandate of the Directorate is “to provide for the control of animal diseases and parasites, for measures to promote animal health, and for matters connected therewith”.

To this end, the Department has regulations and guidelines for the prevention of entry as well as the control of diseases. The sub-directorates of Epidemiology and Disease Control ...

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2023-w3518 - 20 December 2023

Russel Nsikayezwe Cebekhulu to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development

Whether her department has contributed towards the training and upskilling of youth agri-preneurs in rural areas in the current financial year; if not, why not; if so, (a) in what way was the upskilling done and (b) what total (i) number of youths were beneficiaries and (ii) what amount was spent?

Reply from the Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development on 20 Dec 2023


a) The Department is contributing towards the training and upskilling of youth agri-preneurs in rural areas through various training interventions categorised as follows:

  • Production: goat, poultry, crops, animals, maize, livestock and beef production, artificial insemination, hydroponics etc;
  • Business and Entrepreneurship: bookkeeping, business management, financial management, record keeping, marketing, new venture creation, farm management, veld management, South African Good Agricultural Practice (SA-GAP), ...
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2023-w3269 - 20 December 2023

Mothusi Kenneth Montwedi to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development

Given that during her visit to Taung in 2020 she made a commitment to farmers that the Lesedi store would be handed over to farmers to be fully used for agricultural activities, what (a) steps has she taken to fulfil the specified promise and (b) time frames have been put in place to acquire the Lesedi store?

Reply from the Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development on 20 Dec 2023

a) Steps taken are as follows:

  • Appointment and Mandate of the Task Team: In November 2021, the Head of Department (HOD) of the North West Provincial Department of Agriculture (NW-PDA) formed a Task Team. This Team's primary objective was to address two key issues at the North West Provincial agricultural facility: firstly, determining the rightful ownership of the facility, and secondly, evacuating non-agricultural ...
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2023-w4069 - 20 December 2023

Anna Maria Van Zyl to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development

What (a) are the details of her department’s community outreach projects and plans to spay and/or neuter and provide general care of animals in communities in each (i) province, (ii) municipality and (ii) town and (b) is the (i) time frame and (ii) frequency in each case; (2) whether she will furnish Ms A M van Zyl with a list of state veterinarians for each (a) province, (b) municipality and (c) town; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (3) whether the programme reaches every community in the Republic; if not, (a) why not and (b) what steps will she take to ensure that the programme reaches into every community?

Reply from the Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development on 20 Dec 2023

(1)(a)(i),(ii) The Department has a Primary Animal Health Care (PAHC) Strategy which was developed in 2013 for the implementation of primary animal health care services across the country.

The aim of the Animal Health Care Strategy is to provide veterinary services, especially to resource-poor communities of South Africa thus improving the livelihood and Animal Health.


  • To promote accessibility is main element of the ...
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2023-w3505 - 20 December 2023

Russel Nsikayezwe Cebekhulu to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development

Whether her department has details of the total number of successful young commercial farmers who have attained funding through her department in the (a) 2019-20, (b) 2020-21, (c) 2021-22 and (d) 2022-23 financial years; if not, why not; if so, (i) what are the figures in each municipality, (ii) which sectors of agriculture have seen the most investment and (iii) what was the total expenditure?

Reply from the Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development on 20 Dec 2023

(a),(b),(c),(d) Yes. This response covers young commercial farmers who have received funding from the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development (DALRRD) through Conditional Grants (Comprehensive Agricultural Support Programme “CASP” and Ilima/Letsema) that are transferred to Provincial Departments of Agriculture who implement agricultural projects. The young farmers reported herein are beneficiaries (owners or shareholders) of projects that were implemented in the respective financial ...

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2023-w4013 - 20 December 2023

Russel Nsikayezwe Cebekhulu to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development

Whether her department has (a) drilled and/or (b) maintained any boreholes since 1 January 2023 in each province; if not, why not; if so, what (i) total number of boreholes were drilled and/or maintained during the specified period and (ii) was the total cost in each case; (2) whether water was found at each specified borehole; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the further, relevant details?

Reply from the Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development on 20 Dec 2023

(1)(a),(b),(i),(ii) and (2) Please refer to Annexure A.


(a) Boreholes Drilled


Boreholes Maintained

Reasons for not drilling/ Maintaining


Total Number of Boreholes Drilled


Total Number of Boreholes Maintained


Total Cost of Drilling (ZAR)


Total Cost of Maintenance (ZAR)

Borehole Identification

Water Discovery

Details if Water Not Found

Additional Relevant Details

Eastern Cape

0 ...

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2023-w3623 - 20 December 2023

Noko Phineas Masipa to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development

What (a) are the full detailed arrangements and/or contracts that are in place between her department and the SA Farmers Development Association (SAFDA) and (b) is the detailed breakdown of funds received by SAFDA from the allocated budget of her department. (2) what (a) are the details of farmers who were funded and/or supported through SAFDA, (b)(i) items were received and (ii) is the price of each item and (c) is the success rate of the farmers to date. (3) what are the (a) details of farmers who were excluded from the support provided by SAFDA and (b) reasons for their exclusion?

Reply from the Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development on 20 Dec 2023

(1) (a) The Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development (DALRRD) signed an overarching MoA with the National Agricultural Marketing Council (NAMC) which controls all commodity organization trusts through the Marketing of Agricultural Act No. 47 of 1996 including the introduction of levies on agricultural products. A portion of these levies is used for transformation of the sectors. The MoA allows DALRRD to ...

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2023-w4097 - 13 December 2023

Khanya Ceza to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development

Whether, in light of the statistical information on the outstanding settlement of land claims as at 30 November 2022, which indicates a high number of outstanding claims in KwaZulu-Natal and Mpumalanga, she can furnish Mr K Ceza with the (a) full details of the 1 565 outstanding claims, including (b) locations of the land that is being claimed and (c) names of the claimants?

Reply from the Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development on 13 Dec 2023

(a)(b) Please refer to Annexure A for KwaZulu-Natal and to Annexure B for Mpumalanga.

(c) In line with the provisions of Section 23 (4)(a) of the Protection Of Personal Information Act, 2013 (Act No.4 of 2013) (POPIA), the Commission on Restitution of Land Rights is restricted from releasing personal information of third parties.


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2023-w3995 - 13 December 2023

Thandeka Moloko Mbabama to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development

What is delaying the finalisation of the Kramer Family restitution claim that was submitted 27 years ago, considering that the Kramer Family responded to the Mayecon Report within the legal timeframe with evidence to support their dispute, and that all the necessary documentation have been submitted to the Land Claims Commission?

Reply from the Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development on 13 Dec 2023

The family initially disputed the outcome of the investigation that was conducted by MayeCon and raised dissatisfaction on the extent of the land. A mapping exercise was then conducted by the National Geo-Spatial and Information (NGI) to determine the extent of the land in support of the investigation report. Thereafter the family consented to the outcome of the mapping exercise and this resulted in ...

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2023-w4098 - 13 December 2023

Khanya Ceza to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development

What are the relevant details of the land claim case (a) by the Motha family in Sycamore and/or Elandshoek 339JT and (b) in Sycamore Farm 340JT in Schoonspruit in Emakhazeni Local Municipality wherein only six people are recorded as claimants?

Reply from the Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development on 13 Dec 2023

The Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development through the Commission on Restitution of Land Rights does not have a record of land claim lodged by Motha family. A claim form or any confirmatory documents from the family would assist in confirming the status.


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