2016-w1158 - 09 May 2016

Mponeng Winston Rabotapi to ask the Minister of Arts and Culture

With regard to the Department’s Artists in Schools Programme; (a) how were the artists selected for his Department’s Artists in Schools Programme and (b) What is the; I. Age II. Gender and III. Heritage profile of each artist who was selected for the specific programme

2016-w1109 - 25 April 2016

Gregory Allen Grootboom to ask the Minister of Arts and Culture

(1) Whether the position of Project Manager for the Art Bank has been advertised; if not, when will the specified position be advertised; if so, on what date was the specified position advertised? (2) by when must the specified position be filled?

2016-w924 - 25 April 2016

Mmusi Aloysias Maimane to ask the Minister of Arts and Culture

Has (a) he and/or (b) his Deputy Minister ever (i) met with any (aa) member, (bb) employee and/or (cc) close associate of the Gupta family and/or (ii) attended any meeting with the specified persons (aa) at the Gupta’s Saxonwold Estate in Johannesburg or (bb) anywhere else since taking office; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, in each specified case, (aaa) what are the names of the persons who were present at each meeting, (bbb)(aaaa) when and (bbbb) where did each such meeting take place and (ccc) what was the purpose of each specified meeting?

2016-w904 - 25 April 2016

Asanda Matshobeni to ask the Minister of Arts and Culture

(1) Has he earned any additional income from businesses, in particular businesses doing work for the Government, since his appointment as Minister; if so, (a) when, (b) how much did he earn, (c) from which businesses and (d) for what work; (2) whether his (a) spouse, (b) children and (c) close family earned income from businesses, in particular businesses doing work for the Government, through his appointment as Minister; if so, in respect of each case, (i) when, (ii) how much did each earn, (iii) from which businesses and (iv) for what work?

2016-w1110 - 25 April 2016

Gregory Allen Grootboom to ask the Minister of Arts and Culture

With regards to the smooth running of the national film and video foundation, what steps have been taken to get the vacant position of chief executive officer at the foundation filled?

2016-w1111 - 25 April 2016

Gregory Allen Grootboom to ask the Minister of Arts and Culture

Has the position of chief executive officer at the Robben Island Museum been filled; if not, when will the specified position be filled; if so, when was the specified position filled?

NW1299E - 22 April 2016

Gregory Allen Grootboom to ask the Minister of Arts and Culture

(1) Whether the position of project manager for the Art Bank has been advertised; if not, when will the position be advertised; if so, on what date was the specified position advertised; (2) by when must the specified position be filled?

NW1298E - 22 April 2016

Gregory Allen Grootboom to ask the Minister of Arts and Culture

What total number of bursaries has been awarded by his department in the (a) 2011-12, (b) 2012-13, (c) 2013-14, (d) 2014-15 and (e) 2015-16 financial years?

Reply from the Minister of Arts and Culture on 22 Apr 2016

The Department of Arts and Culture awarded bursaries to a total of 2102 students in a period of five years who studied language practice and heritage studies.The number of beneficiaries is broken down according to financial years:




Language Bursary

Heritage Bursary















83 ...

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NW1297E - 22 April 2016

Gregory Allen Grootboom to ask the Minister of Arts and Culture

(a) How were artists selected for his department’s Artists in Schools Programme and (b) what is the (i) age, (ii) gender and (iii) heritage profile of each artist who was selected for the specified programme?

Reply from the Minister of Arts and Culture on 22 Apr 2016

(a). The following process is used during the recruitment and selection of the Artists in the Artists in Schools Programme;

      (i) Adverts are placed in the local newspapers, community radio stations, social-networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter requesting interested artists to submit the CVs to the Beneficiaries

      (ii) Auditions and interviews are conducted for the short-listed artists ...

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NW1245E - 15 April 2016

Gregory Allen Grootboom to ask the Minister of Arts and Culture

Has the position of chief executive officer at the Robben Island Museum been filled; if not, when will the specified position be filled; if so, when was the specified position filled?

Reply from the Minister of Arts and Culture on 15 Apr 2016

The position of the Chief Executive Officer at the Robben Island (RIM) has not been filled yet. The first advert for the position was published in September 2015 and interviews were held in October/November 2015. The preferred candidate from the interviews turned down the offer. The Council of RIM decided to re-advertise the position in February 2016 since the second and third placed candidates ...

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