2021-w1687 - 30 June 2021

Baxolile Babongile Nodada to ask the Minister of Basic Education

(1) What is the breakdown of the state of incomplete school infrastructure in each province; (2) whether she will furnish Mr B B Nodada with a list of schools in each province that are (a) incomplete and (b) complete; if not, why not, if so, on what date; (3) what has been the budget allocation of her department for school infrastructure in the (a) 2015-16, (b) 2016-17, (c) 2017-18, (d) 2018-19, (e) 2019-20 and (f) 2020-21 financial years in each province; (4) what is the estimated cost of her department meeting school infrastructural goals in order to meet the Minimum Norms and Standards for schools in each province?

2020-w2975 - 18 December 2020

Marie Elizabeth Sukers to ask the Minister of Basic Education

In view of the reports that public schools will have to choose their source materials that achieve the learning outcomes of the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement curriculum before the end of 2020, (a) what is the status of the pilot studies on the Scripted Lesson Plans (SLPs), (b) have the final SLPs been approved and (c) by what date does her department intend to roll out the SLPs nationally?

Reply from the Minister of Basic Education on 18 Dec 2020

(a) what is the status of the pilot studies on the Scripted Lesson Plans (SLPs), and (b) have the final SLPs been approved:

The Grades 4 - 12 Scripted Lesson Plans have been  piloted and approved by the DBE. These are available on the DBE website.

(c) by what date does her department intend to roll out the SLPs nationally?

The SLPs are a teacher ...

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2020-w2272 - 02 November 2020

Ciliesta Catherine Shoana Motsepe to ask the Minister of Basic Education

What (a) total number of schools in the Republic still use pit toilets as at the latest specified date for which information is available and (b) is the provincial breakdown of the specified schools?

Reply from the Minister of Basic Education on 2 Nov 2020

a. The site assessment and scoping report recently completed (09/10/2020) revealed that, about 719 Schools require new sanitation facilities as they still make use of the pit toilets. All the other schools which were declared as part of the 3898 have been actioned (allocated to Implementing Agent, who have commenced with planning, or are under construction, or have reached final completion; while some small unviable ...

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2020-w734 - 13 October 2020

Manuel Simão Franca De Freitas to ask the Minister of Basic Education

(a) What are the relevant details of the subsidies that her department allocated to each school in the Johannesburg South District, (b) what (i) criteria and (ii) formulae are used by her department for such subsidies and (c)(i) how and (ii) to whom do schools apply for the subsidies?

Reply from the Minister of Basic Education on 13 Oct 2020

(a) (b) and (c) The question has been referred to Gauteng Department of Education (GDE) and response will be provided once received from the GDE. 

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2020-w481 - 22 September 2020

Désirée Van Der Walt to ask the Minister of Basic Education

(a) Who are the financial contributors to the Sanitation Appropriate for Education campaign since its launch, (b) what is the total monetary value of each contribution since the launch and (c) how were the contributions spent in each case since the launch?

Reply from the Minister of Basic Education on 22 Sep 2020


Number of Projects

Completed to date













Department of Environment Affairs                  



Department of Water and Sanitation                           



Nelson Mandela Foundation






Tiger Brands









The financial contributors were allocated schools; at which the contributors conducted the necessary condition assessments, compile ...

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2020-w715 - 02 September 2020

Ngwanamakwetle Reneiloe Mashabela to ask the Minister of Basic Education

What plans has she put in place in the event that it becomes impossible for schools to reopen before September 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic?

Reply from the Minister of Basic Education on 2 Sep 2020

Schools have reopened; and the health and safety measures have been put in place to protect educators, learners and staff. The Department continues to monitor the situation to ensure that lives are saved.

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2020-w1007 - 11 August 2020

Alexandra Lilian Amelia Abrahams to ask the Minister of Basic Education

What are the details of the joint phasing-in plan of her department working jointly with the Department of Social Development for the reopening of early childhood development centres (ECDs) under level 3 of the risk- adjusted approach to Covid-19 within the Republic with regard to the (a) date ECDs will be allowed to open under level 3, (b) opening of ECDs in provinces which remain on level 4, (c) provision by the Government of personal protective equipment (PPE) to ECDs, (d) total number of children that will be permitted in each ECD facility, (e) enforcement of social distancing and PPE regulations within ECDs and (f) training ECD facilitators and/or practitioners will receive in preparation to receive learners?

Reply from the Minister of Basic Education on 11 Aug 2020

What are the details of the joint phasing-in plan of her department working jointly with the Department of Social Development for the reopening of early childhood development programmes (ECDs) under level 3 of the risk-adjusted approach to Covid-19 within the Republic?

The Department of Basic Education (DBE) and the Department of Social Development (DSD) are still in the process of the early childhood development (ECD) function shift. ...

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2020-w351 - 04 August 2020

Nomsa Innocencia Tarabella Marchesi to ask the Minister of Basic Education

Whether there are any (a) district directors, (b) managers and (c) institutional development and support officials in each specified district who have been appointed without the requisite levels of experience of running or managing schools; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what (i) is the total number in each case and (ii) are the further relevant details; (2) what number of the (a)(i) directors and (ii) deputy directors are employed at (aa) the national head office of her department and (bb) each provincial head office and (b) specified officials were former principals at schools?

Reply from the Minister of Basic Education on 4 Aug 2020

1. The information requested is not available in the Department of Basic Education but rather in the respective Provincial Education Departments. In terms of Section 3(7)(a) of the Public Service Act, 1994 (Proclamation 103 of 1994) the Member of the Executive Council (MEC) in a province determines districts’ public service staff establishment and also determines the educator staff establishment in terms of Section 5(1) ...

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2020-w1180 - 13 July 2020

Nomsa Innocencia Tarabella Marchesi to ask the Minister of Basic Education

What options will her department provide parents who (a) are unable to provide their children with home schooling, (b) are too afraid and refuse to send their children to school due to the threat of contracting Covid-19 and (c) do not have means to continue with online learning at home?

Reply from the Minister of Basic Education on 13 Jul 2020

(a)The Department has put measures in place for parents to contact the Circuit or the school to make arrangements for learners to be supported while they are at home. Parents are therefore advised to contact the school to receive such support. 

(b) Response same as in (a) above.

(c) Response same as in (a) above.

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2020-w1089 - 13 July 2020

Désirée Van Der Walt to ask the Minister of Basic Education

(1)       Whether any determination has been made of the (a) full cost of running a public ordinary school that is considered adequately resourced with regard to teaching and non-teaching staff, infrastructure, school furniture and equipment, (b) funding supplied by the provincial departments to run such a school and (c) shortfall in funding which must be covered by the school and the school community; if not, why not, in each case; if so, what are the relevant details in each case; (2) whether such a determination will be made; if so, on what date; (3) whether any determination has been made of the (a) ability of no-fee schools to cover such a shortfall in funding to achieve adequate resourcing and (b) situation in schools where it has not been possible to cover the shortfall; if not, why not, in each case; if so, what are the relevant details in each case; (4) (a) which natural or juristic person bears the responsibility for fundraising at a school and (b) how is performance by principals and other employees from the provincial department formally recognised in this regard (5) whether she has any plans to encourage school communities to assist with the funding of schools; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the Minister of Basic Education on 13 Jul 2020

1. (a) Whether any determination has been made of the (a) full cost of running a public ordinary school that is considered adequately resourced with regard to teaching and non-teaching staff, infrastructure, school furniture and equipment, (b) funding supplied by the provincial departments to run such a school and (c) shortfall in funding which must be covered by the school and the school community; ...

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