2020-w979 - 29 June 2020

Désirée Van Der Walt to ask the Minister of Basic Education

What are the reasons that her department has not published a Government Gazette regarding the reopening of schools for (a) senior management teams, (b) education support personnel and (c) teachers regarding (i) the processes and/or procedures pertaining to the resumption of school attendance by learners, (ii) disinfecting the schools, (iii) the delivery of personal protective equipment and (iv) ensuring social distancing at schools in compliance with Covid-19 regulations?

Reply from the Minister of Basic Education on 29 Jun 2020

The Directions in respect of the phased return to school, which are an amendment of the earlier versions, have since been published on 23 June 2020 in Government Gazette (GG No 43465).

The Directions are attached for ease of reference.

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2020-w1181 - 24 June 2020

Nomsa Innocencia Tarabella Marchesi to ask the Minister of Basic Education

(1)       Given that social distancing requires classrooms to be split, what plans are in place to ensure that there are enough teachers to teach all the split classrooms of the different grades; (2) whether more teachers will be appointed across the Republic to teach all the split classrooms of the different grades; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details; (3) will teachers be paid overtime for the increased workload resulting from the split classrooms; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (4) will her department maintain the decreased ratio of learners to teachers after the lifting of the lockdown to curb the coronavirus pandemic; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the Minister of Basic Education on 24 Jun 2020

1. It is not expected that the demand for additional teachers due to social distancing will be significant, as the main constraint is the availability of classroom space.  Schools will use  various models to accommodate learners; all of them including alternate times / days / weeks attendance, depending on the context of a particular school.  Therefore, the same number of teachers will be used ...

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2020-w1211 - 24 June 2020

Désirée Van Der Walt to ask the Minister of Basic Education

(1)       What are the details of the school furniture requirements in terms of desks and chairs that (a) were supplied by her department in each province in the (i) 2019 and (ii) 2020 academic years and (b) will be supplied by her department in each province in the 2021 academic year; (2) whether school furniture is funded by her department; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details; (3) what steps has her department taken to ensure that all learners have desks and chairs that enable them to achieve the outcomes as set out in the curriculum?

Reply from the Minister of Basic Education on 24 Jun 2020

1. Reports received from the Provincial Education Departments indicate that school furniture has been planned and delivered as follows;








Number of Schools


Number of Schools


Number of Schools







56 829








82 102







763 ...

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2020-w1212 - 24 June 2020

Désirée Van Der Walt to ask the Minister of Basic Education

(1)       What total number of schools were (a) built and (b) renovated in each province in (i) 2014, (ii) 2015, (iii) 2016, (iv) 2017, (v) 2018, (vi) 2019 and (vii) since 1 January 2020; (2) what is the total cost in each specified year in each province?

Reply from the Minister of Basic Education on 24 Jun 2020

The parliamentary question has been submitted to the Provincial Education Departments (PEDs) for response and once the response has been received, then it will be forwarded.

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2020-w1086 - 23 June 2020

Chantel King to ask the Minister of Basic Education

Whether any research has been conducted to look at an alternative curriculum to be incorporated into schools; if not, why not; if so, what were the outcomes?

Reply from the Minister of Basic Education on 23 Jun 2020

Yes: The Department is constantly working towards aligning the curriculum to the demands of the 4th Industrial Revolution hence Robotics and Coding are being introduced. Marine Sciences and the Occupational stream for schools of skill, special schools and mainstream are being finalised. School communities where robotics and coding are currently piloted have welcomed the Department's direction, which is towards improving skills.

Since 1998, there have ...

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2020-w1179 - 23 June 2020

Nomsa Innocencia Tarabella Marchesi to ask the Minister of Basic Education

With social distancing being practised inside the classrooms of schools, what (a) plans does her department have in place and/or has directed to provinces to accommodate the remaining learners from other grades who will be phased back into attending school and (b) are the alternatives to dealing with the increased need for more classrooms and/or teaching spaces?

Reply from the Minister of Basic Education on 23 Jun 2020

(a) (b) In order to address social distancing protocols during the phasing in and full opening of school, provinces are providing mobile classrooms for additional spaces as well  identifying additional spaces inside the school campuses and or around the school  to address any additional needs for space. Provinces are also considering non-infrastructure solutions, which include 3 schooling models to cater for social distancing, These are:

  • Platoon / shift arrangements ...
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2020-w1044 - 17 June 2020

Nomsa Innocencia Tarabella Marchesi to ask the Minister of Basic Education

(1)       Whether, with reference to her reply to question 102 on 13 February 2020, (a) a timeframe has been set for the 2020 collection of national dataset to be completed; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) whether her department has any plans to get schools to reinstate Mathematics as one of the subjects to be offered; if not, what plans are in place to increase the number of learners taking Mathematics as a subject; if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the Minister of Basic Education on 17 Jun 2020

Response to Parliamentary question 1044


EMIS data is captured at source level (schools) on the transactional system called the South African School Administration and Management System (SA-SAMS) and uploaded to the National Data Repository called the Learner Unit Record Information and Management System (LURITS) from which statistical reporting takes place. The LURITS has built-in validation rules to verify data. This system was opened ...

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2020-w1161 - 17 June 2020

Haseena Ismail to ask the Minister of Basic Education

Whether her department has put any measures in place to ensure the safety of learners who (a) are asthmatic and (b) suffer from other underlying health conditions, including claustrophobia when wearing masks; if not, in each case, why not; if so, what are the relevant details in each case?

Reply from the Minister of Basic Education on 17 Jun 2020

(a) and (b) The Department has sought and received advice from the Department of Health through the Ministerial Advisory Committee on COVID-19 (MAC) on the medical conditions in children that place children at risk of severe COVID-19. Specifically, the MAC advisory is that children with well controlled asthma are NOT at high risk. Through the completed Learner Health Questionnaire that is submitted to schools, schools will be able to ...

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2020-w1084 - 17 June 2020

Chantel King to ask the Minister of Basic Education

(a) What are the relevant details of the special arrangements that will be made to reopen schools for children with special needs and (b) by what date will the specified schools be opened?

Reply from the Minister of Basic Education on 17 Jun 2020

(a) Details on the arrangements for the reopening of schools for children with special educational needs are encapsulated in the Directions that were published in the Government Notice signed by the Minister on 1 June 2020 as well as in the Department of Basic Education’s Standard Operating Procedures (SOP).

(b) The dates and other details are contained in the afore-mentioned Government Notice.

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2020-w1087 - 10 June 2020

Désirée Van Der Walt to ask the Minister of Basic Education

Whether learners are allowed to write their National Senior Certificate examinations in a language of their choice; if not, why not; if so, how will this be implemented?

Reply from the Minister of Basic Education on 10 Jun 2020

In terms of current policy, as articulated in the Regulations on the Conduct, Administration and Management of the National Senior Certificate Examinations,15 (2),  the candidate, unless otherwise stated, must respond to the question paper in the language of learning and teaching. Currently, at the Grade 12 level, the learner is either taught through the medium of English or Afrikaans. Hence, provision is currently made only ...

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