2020-w67 - 06 March 2020

Denis Joseph to ask the Minister of Basic Education

What (a) type of performance and/or incentive bonuses exist in her department excluding the 13th cheque and (b) amount was budgeted for these performance and/or incentive bonuses in the (i) 2017-18, (ii) 2018-19 and (iii) 2019-20 financial years?

Reply from the Minister of Basic Education on 6 Mar 2020

(a) Performance Bonuses (merit awards); pay progressions and grade progressions

(b)(i) R6 993 000.00

(ii)  R6 157 000.00

(iii)  R6 806 000.00

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2020-w25 - 06 March 2020

Mogamad Ganief Ebrahim Hendricks to ask the Minister of Basic Education

When will a certain person (name and details furnished) be dismissed, as the specified person does not seem to take the concerns of the community into account regarding the rolling out of the proposed Comprehensive Sexuality Education to primary school learners from Grade 4 onwards?

Reply from the Minister of Basic Education on 6 Mar 2020

Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) has been part of the National Curriculum Statement since 2000. Recent interventions to improve the quality of CSE teaching in our schools were piloted in more tthan 1500 schools and a wide range of education statkeholders were consulted. In addition, the Depatment of Basic Education held public consultations with the Teacher Unions, SGB Associations, Youth,  as well as Religious and Traditional leaders. Comments ...

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2020-w49 - 06 March 2020

Chantel King to ask the Minister of Basic Education

How will budget cuts affect post provisioning norms?

Reply from the Minister of Basic Education on 6 Mar 2020

Implementation of budget cuts will potentially have an effect on the number of posts declared and may result in increased learner to educator ratios and consequently larger class sizes. The impact will vary across provinces depending on their historical budget pressure circumstances. However, Provincial Education Departments are expected to implement measures to lessen the impact. These measures include improving efficiencies in the management of ...

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2020-w100 - 06 March 2020

Nomsa Innocencia Tarabella Marchesi to ask the Minister of Basic Education

(1)  What is the name of the textbook of the United Nations Children’s Fund that her department is using to develop its comprehensive sexuality education lesson plans; (2) whether a certain person (name furnished) has co-authored the specified textbook?

Reply from the Minister of Basic Education on 6 Mar 2020

1. The Department of Basic Education did not use any textbook of the United Nations Children's Fund to develop the Scripted Lesson Plans

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2020-w102 - 06 March 2020

Nomsa Innocencia Tarabella Marchesi to ask the Minister of Basic Education

(a) What number of schools have dropped Mathematics as one of the subjects offered (i) in each of the past five academic years and (ii) since 1 January 2020, (b) what is the name of each school, (c) where is each school located and (d) what was the reason for dropping Mathematics in each case?

Reply from the Minister of Basic Education on 6 Mar 2020

a) (i) 


No of schools












(ii) Collection of National dataset for all 2020 registered learners is still in progress.

(b) & (c)   Refer Annexure A

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2020-w47 - 06 March 2020

Chantel King to ask the Minister of Basic Education

(a) What total cost was incurred on the 25 principals’ study tour to China in 2019 and (b) which principals from which schools visited China?

Reply from the Minister of Basic Education on 6 Mar 2020

a) There was no costs incurred on the 25 principals' study tour to China in 2019. All costs (flights, accommodation, ground transport and refreshments) were covered by the Chinese government in line with the 2013 signed Cooperation Agreement on Basic Education between the Minister of Basic Education and the Minister of Education in China.

b) The list is attached.

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2020-w48 - 05 March 2020

Chantel King to ask the Minister of Basic Education

With reference to her reply to oral question 248 on 21 November 2019, what amount was sponsored by the United States Agency for International Development towards scripted lesson plans for Comprehensive Sexuality Education for Grades 4 to 12?

Reply from the Minister of Basic Education on 5 Mar 2020

USAID awarded Education Development Center a five year contract worth 25 million USD to implement the School-Based HIV Prevention and Sexuality Education Activity.

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2020-w1684 - 06 January 2020

Manuel Simão Franca De Freitas to ask the Minister of Basic Education

Whether any assessments have been done to ascertain the need for additional schools to be built in Johannesburg in Wards 23, 54, 55, 56, 57, 124 and 125; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what (a) was the outcome of each such assessment, (b) plans are in place to build additional schools in the specified areas and (c) are the timeframes and deadlines in this regard?

Reply from the Minister of Basic Education on 6 Jan 2020

Information received from the Gauteng Department of Education indicates that their Districts have completed infrastructure assessments with regard to the number and type of facilities during the 2018/19 financial year. This data informs the number of additional facilities, including classrooms, required per school and by implication the number of new schools required in any given residential area.

a)  The table below summarises the findings ...

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2020-w1426 - 06 January 2020

Rosina Ntshetsana Komane to ask the Minister of Basic Education

Whether there are plans in place to upgrade and/or refurbish the facilities at the Kgosi Shope Secondary School in the Ngaka Modiri Molema District Municipality in Ratlou; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, (a) what amount is (i) budgeted and (ii) allocated and (b) by what date will the project be finalised?

Reply from the Minister of Basic Education on 6 Jan 2020

Information has been requested from the North West Department of Education and the response will be provided once the requested information has been received from the province.

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2020-w1557 - 06 January 2020

Annelie Lotriet to ask the Minister of Basic Education

(a) Which schools in Gauteng still contain and/or are constructed from materials containing asbestos and (b) what total number of asbestos classrooms does each school have?

Reply from the Minister of Basic Education on 6 Jan 2020

(a) (b) According to the National Education Infrastructure Management System (NEIMS), there are 26 remaining schools entirely built out of asbestos in Gauteng. The Department intends to replace this 26 asbestos schools within the next 5 years. The table below indicates the remaining 26 schools and the number of asbestos classrooms in each school.


School Name

EMIS Number



Noordgesig Primary ...

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