2019-w894 - 05 December 2019

Henry Andries Shembeni to ask the Minister of Basic Education

Whether the Government built Silulu Secondary School in Kamaqhekeza in Mpumalanga Province; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, (a) on what date was it built and (b) what total amount did it cost to build the school?

Reply from the Minister of Basic Education on 5 Dec 2019

a) The Department has not yet built Silulu Secondary School but conducted planning and design in the 2018/19 Financial year and earmarked construction commencement in the 2019/20 and completion in the 2020/21 financial year. The Project was out on tender in May, however was withdrawn and will be re-advertised in the 4th quarter of the 2019/20 Financial Year.

b) The estimated total project cost ...

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2019-w610 - 29 November 2019

Ngwanamakwetle Reneiloe Mashabela to ask the Minister of Basic Education

What (a) total amount has (i) her department and (ii) each of the entities reporting to her spent on (aa) cleaning, (bb) security and (cc) gardening services in the (aaa) 2017-18 and (bbb) 2018-19 financial years, (b) amount was paid to each service provider to provide each specified service and (c) total amount was paid to each of the service providers?

Reply from the Minister of Basic Education on 29 Nov 2019

Department of Basic Education (DBE):

(a) (i) The Department of Basic Education (DBE) has signed a Public Private Partnership (PPP) for the finance, design, construction and maintenance of the head office building. The DBE pays a unitary monthly fee for the capital as well as maintenance cost. The unitary fee cannot be broken down into the various services provided.

(ii) Not applicable

(aa) Not ...

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2019-w1428 - 29 November 2019

Ngwanamakwetle Reneiloe Mashabela to ask the Minister of Basic Education

Whether the Mokala Primary School in the Ratlou Local Municipality in North West was closed by her department; if so, what are the alternative measures that have been put in place to assist the learners to go to school and/or continue with their education?

Reply from the Minister of Basic Education on 29 Nov 2019

Mokala Primary School was initially a farm school about 13km from Setlagole Village. In 2011, due to the low enrolment of learners the school was forced to close. Learners from the school were moved to Senwamatsana Primary School in Setlagole in 2012. In 2013 the school was reopened in Lopapeng Section in Setlagole. This school was merged with Badiri Primary School from Westend Ranch ...

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2019-w1458 - 29 November 2019

Désirée Van Der Walt to ask the Minister of Basic Education

(1)What number of (a) learners are currently enrolled at the Thabakhibidu Primary School in Rooiberg, Thabazimbi, (b) permanent teachers have been appointed at the specified school and (c) vacant positions are on the staff; (2) what number of (a) classrooms does the school have and (b) learners does the school have in each classroom; (3) what number of educators reside on the school premises; (4) whether buildings that were previously used as offices are now being used as a school building; if so, (a) since what date and (b) on what date will a suitable school be built on the allocated stand for the community of Thabazimbi? NW2724E

Reply from the Minister of Basic Education on 29 Nov 2019

(1) Thabakhibidu Primary School has (a) 370 learners and (b) 8 permanent teachers in 2019 with (c) 2 vacant positions;

(2) (a) (b) It has 8 classrooms with between 37 and 57 learners per class. There are 10 educators residing on the schools premises. Please see Table 1 below for more detail.

Table 1: Number of learners per class, in Thabakhibidu Primary School, in ...

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2019-w1396 - 19 November 2019

Chantel King to ask the Minister of Basic Education

With reference to the post provisioning norms as set by her department, what number of vacancies still exist in schools?

Reply from the Minister of Basic Education on 19 Nov 2019

Number of vacancies in schools at the end of September 2019 as reported by the Provincial Education Departments. Although these are reported vacancies that need to be advertised, this does not translate to real vacancies at the schools affected as temporary teachers have been appointed in these posts until they are filled permanently.


Number of vacancies as at the end of September 2019 ...

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2019-w1389 - 19 November 2019

Wynand Johannes Boshoff to ask the Minister of Basic Education

(1)Whether her department has commenced with a consultation process with parents and teachers regarding the implementation of comprehensive sexual education; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, (2) whether a timeline for the roll-out of the learning material for comprehensive sexual education has been finalised; if not, why not; if so, (3) whether she unequivocally declares that comprehensive sexual education will not be implemented with the commencement of the 2020 academic year; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, (4) whether she will make a statement on the matter?

Reply from the Minister of Basic Education on 19 Nov 2019

(1) Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) has been included in the curriculum since 2000. The Department of Basic Education (DBE) is thus not introducing a new curriculum. The DBE has just initiated a process to strengthen the teaching of CSE in Life Skills (LS) and Life Orientation (LO). In this regard, Scripted Lesson Plans (SLPs) were developed and tested in over 1 500 schools in ...

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2019-w804 - 13 November 2019

Chantel King to ask the Minister of Basic Education

What amount does her department currently owe to the Department of Public Works and Infrastructure for construction work in each province?

Reply from the Minister of Basic Education on 13 Nov 2019



Total Amount owed to the Provincial Department of Public Works & Infrastructure on work done

When will the owed money be settled?



Department of Public Works, Road and Transport

R 32 438 741.21

31 October 2019




R 0.00





R 0.00





R 0.00





R 0.00

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2019-w1002 - 13 November 2019

Désirée Van Der Walt to ask the Minister of Basic Education

(1)With regard to the building of schools in each province in the (a) 2014-15, (b) 2015-16, (c) 2016- 17, (d) 2017-18 and (e) 2018-19 financial years, (i) who were the implementing agents and (ii) what is the total cost of each contract; (2) was each contract finalised on time; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details? NW2154E

Reply from the Minister of Basic Education on 13 Nov 2019

Information has been requested from provinces and will be made available as soon as it is received.

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2019-w1251 - 13 November 2019

Nomsa Innocencia Tarabella Marchesi to ask the Minister of Basic Education

Whether she has found that the drop-out rate of 13 to 17,5%, as stated by her department’s Director-General at the meeting of the Portfolio Committee on Basic Education on 8 October 2019, is a true and accurate reflection of the actual drop-out rate; if so, on what evidence is this drop-out rate based; if not, what is the actual current drop-out rate?

Reply from the Minister of Basic Education on 13 Nov 2019

There is a lot of confusion about drop-out rates – how these are defined and measured. Often what South African people have in mind when loosely referring to “the drop-out rate” is something along the lines of the proportion of children who leave the schooling system without completing Grade 12. However, another way in which drop-out rates are conceived is the proportion of children ...

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2019-w645 - 07 November 2019

Alexandra Lilian Amelia Abrahams to ask the Minister of Basic Education

(1)What (a) is the current status of the upgrades to the Asherville Secondary School in Graaff-Reinet and (b) are the details of the time frames for the completion of the upgrades; (2) (a) what are the details of all outstanding amounts owed to (i) the main contractor and (ii) each other contractor or professional team and (b) by what date(s) will the outstanding amounts be settled; (3) what additional expenses has her department incurred in each month since the upgrade works were stopped?

Reply from the Minister of Basic Education on 7 Nov 2019

1. (a) Information received from the Eastern Cape Department of Education indicates that the current status of the upgrades to the Asherville Secondary School are at Stage 7 works and that the contract stalled due to consultants who have abandoned work.

(b) The time-frames are yet to be determined pending budget availability and reappointment of replacement consultants.

2. (a) professional fees and contractor claims; ...

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