2022-w816 - 05 May 2022

Mmoba Solomon Malatsi to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

What (a) is the total number of SA Post Office branches that were permanently closed since 1 January 2018, (b) are the reasons for each closure and (c) is the physical address of each closed branch?

Reply from the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies on 5 May 2022

I have been advised by SAPO as follows:

(a) Since 1 January 2018 a total of 248 branches were closed, for various reasons.

(b) Please see attached spread sheet

(c) Please see attached spread sheet

Authorised for submission by:






Recommended/not recommended





Approved/ not approved



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2022-w431 - 16 March 2022

Zandile Majozi to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

Whether, with reference to her statement during the debate on the State of the Nation Address on 15 February 2022 that an allocation of 10GB basic data would be made available to all households, and in view of the fact that the Republic is yet to complete its digital migration that was set in motion in 2006 and scheduled to be completed in 2015, a feasibility study and/or costing has been done for the proposed 10GB data roll-out; if not, why not; if so, what (a) are the full, relevant details and (b) is the proposed timeline for the roll-out?

Reply from the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies on 16 Mar 2022

I have been advised by the department as follows:

a) A specific feasibility study relating to the 10GB data has not been undertaken, however, the SA Connect Phase 2 proposal borrows on the tenets of universal access to basic and essential services (e.g. water, electricity and data being the next step). Recognizing the negative impact of the digital divide, especially in the rural and ...

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2022-w131 - 22 February 2022

Samantha Jane Graham to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

(a) Which branches of the SA Post Office operate from privately owned properties in the Dr Beyers Naudé Local Municipality, (b) what are the arrears in rentals to the owners of the properties, (c) what payment arrangements have been entered into with the owners where outstanding amounts are owed, (d) were the payment arrangements honoured and (e) what are the average daily amounts paid out to grant beneficiaries from each of the post offices in the Dr Beyers Naudé Local Municipality?

Reply from the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies on 22 Feb 2022

I have been advised by the SAPO as follows:


  • Graaff Reinet Post Office
  • Aberdeen Post Office
  • Willowmore Post Office
  • Jansenville Post Office


  • Graaff Reinet – R552,534.75
  • Aberdeen – R150,743.43
  • Willowmore – R103,500.00
  • Jansenville – R0

(c) All SAPO landlords were sent a letter explaining the financial situation of SAPO and negotiating a payment model. The commitment made was that payments would be ...

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2022-w9 - 22 February 2022

Wouter Wynand Wessels to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

(1)    What is the current outstanding amount owed by the SA Post Office (SAPO) to (a) landlords, (b) municipalities and/or (c) water and electricity suppliers for (i) outstanding rentals, (ii) water and (iii) electricity across all branches of SAPO; (2) What are the reasons for the specified amounts owed; (3 What is the impact of the arrear accounts on the (a) business and (b) daily (i) activities and (ii) responsibilities of SAPO; (4) Whether there is a plan in place to pay arrear accounts and mitigate the effect thereof on the daily activities of SAPO branches; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies on 22 Feb 2022

I have been advised by the SAPO as follows:

1. (a) Landlords

As at 31 January 2022 an amount of R304 million was owed. The amounts owing to landlords include rental and operational/ utilities costs

(b) & (c) Municipalities & Water and electricity

The current balance for municipalities as at 10 February 2022 is R915 000 which is only the current costs for the ...

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2022-w180 - 22 February 2022

Hendrik Christiaan Crafford Krüger to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

(a)What number of supplier invoices currently remain unpaid by (i) her department and (ii) each entity reporting to her for more than (aa) 30 days, (bb) 60 days, (cc) 90 days and (dd) 120 days, (b) What is the total amount outstanding in each case and (c) By what date is it envisaged that the outstanding amounts will be settled

Reply from the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies on 22 Feb 2022

I have been advised by the Department and entities as follows:


a) Currently there are no invoices that are unpaid by the Department for,

b) N/A.

c) N/A




(aa) 30 days

(bb) 60 days

(cc) 90 days

(dd) 120 days




















20 ...

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2022-w60 - 22 February 2022

Tsepo Winston Mhlongo to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

Whether she has found that there are enough sports commentators for all indigenous languages on all SA Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) channels; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; 2. By what date does her department intend to have (a) Afrikaans and/or (b) isiXhosa and/or (c) isiZulu cricket radio commentaries on the SABC channels; 3. Whether there is a time frame in place of when her department will pursue the idea that we must have all African language sports commentators on SABC channels in all sporting codes; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; 4. By what date(s) will the service of sports commentators in different languages be available on SABC channels?

Reply from the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies on 22 Feb 2022

I have been advised by the SABC as follows:

1. There are sufficient commentators for all indigenous languages and for all covered sporting codes, even XK FM has started doing live commentary in !Xu and Khwe languages.

2. (a,b,c) The SABC has always carried live cricket commentary in the three languages (English, isiXhosa and Afrikaans).  This is still in place on the respective radio ...

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2022-w152 - 18 February 2022

Michael Bagraim to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

Whether she and/or her department ever received correspondence from a certain political organisation (details furnished), via email, WhatsApp, hardcopy and/or in any other format of which the original file is dated June 2020; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, (a) on what date was the specified correspondence received, (b) who was the sender of the correspondence and (c) what steps were taken by her department in this regard?

Reply from the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies on 18 Feb 2022

No, the department did not receive such correspondence from the Political Party in question.

A rigorous procedure guided by Public Service prescripts is followed in the recruitment and appointment processes in the department.

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2021-w2219 - 17 November 2021

Tsholofelo Katlego Motshidi-Bodlani to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

What (a) are the details of the post offices that are and/or were closed to date in Gauteng, (b) informed the decision to close the specified outlets and (c) has she found had been the impact of the closures to the communities?

Reply from the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies on 17 Nov 2021

I have been advised by the South African Post Office (SAPO) as follows:

a) (24) Twenty-four Post Office branches have been permanently closed in Gauteng for which official approvals have been granted. Another (66) sixty-six branches have been closed awaiting official approval for the closure. The closure of these branches relate to landlord disputes, lockouts due to rental arrears, electricity ...

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2021-w2263 - 17 November 2021

Zandile Majozi to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

(1)In light of the fact that the dispute between mobile network operators and the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa is set to remain unresolved after the 30 November 2021 extended deadline on temporary spectrum, as gazetted, what steps will the Government take to ensure smooth availability of internet to facilitate working-from-home; (2) whether the Government intends to find a permanent solution of making the spectrum available; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what steps are being taken to bring all parties to a consensus?

Reply from the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies on 17 Nov 2021

1. The dispute between mobile network operators and the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA) was finally resolved on the 15th September 2021 with the granting of a court order, in terms of which the decisions taken by the Authority to publish the Invitations-to-Apply (ITAs) for the release of high demand spectrum and licensing of the Wireless Open Access Network (WOAN) was set ...

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2021-w1821 - 17 November 2021

Zandile Majozi to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

What (a) steps has she taken to resolve the litigation given the impasse regarding the auctioning of spectrum and (b) immediate interventions have been put in place to ensure that the impasse caused by the litigation does not put the Republic behind in the rolling out of modern communications offered by 5G technology?

Reply from the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies on 17 Nov 2021

a) The Minister continues to facilitate engagements between the parties to the litigation to find an amicable solution. These efforts have resulted in consensus on matters on dispute be they on the release of the spectrum or temporary spectrum.

b) The Department continues to support the development and advancement of modern technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), etc. At this ...

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