2021-w2262 - 17 November 2021

Zandile Majozi to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

Whether, in light of the fact that the dispute between the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa and mobile network operators has dragged on for some time in the courts, preventing the auctioning of much-needed spectrum, the Government has any immediate plans to release spectrum that is held and used by broadcasters which is required for 5G bidding; if not, why not; if so, what are the (a) plans, (b) dates and (c) other time frames for the release of the spectrum?

Reply from the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies on 17 Nov 2021

The dispute between mobile network operators and the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA) was finally resolved on 15 September 2021 with the granting of a court order, in terms of which the decision taken by the Authority to publish the Invitations-to-Apply for the release of high demand spectrum and the licensing of the Wireless Open-Access Network (WOAN), was set aside and the ...

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2021-w1887 - 17 November 2021

Thamsanqa Bhekokwakhe Mabhena to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

What (a) prompted the SA Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) to move Ikwekwezi FM from Johannesburg to Tshwane a few years ago, (b) are the running costs associated with running Ikwekwezi FM, (c) is the projected savings for the SABC to move Ikwekwezi FM back to Auckland Park and (d) is the total number of other SABC radio stations that are affected by the move.

Reply from the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies on 17 Nov 2021

I have been advised by the SABC as follows:

a) The decision to move Ikwekwezi to Tshwane was done by the previous leadership of the SABC and the reasons are unknown.

b) The SABC has moved Ikwekwezi FM back to Auckland Park due to associated previous running costs of R684k per month. The station will be housed at the SABC’s Auckland Park campus with ...

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2021-w539 - 15 September 2021

Cameron Mackenzie to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

Whether the SA Post Office offers a registered email communication and/or registered SMS service to its customers; if not, why not; if so, (a) what IT system/supplier is being used to provide this service, (b) on what date was the service procured, (c) at what cost was the service procured and (d) what are the full details of the relevant tender?

Reply from the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies on 15 Sep 2021

I have been advised by the South African Post Office (SAPO) as follows:

Yes, the South African Post Office does offer registered digital communication. There is one system in operation, namely:

(a) Registered electronic mail system on RiPoste TrEx from Escher Group (IRL) Ltd;

b) SAPO entered into the Escher contract on 29 November 2013 and a modification was done on 27 ...

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2021-w665 - 15 September 2021

Thomas Charles Ravenscroft Walters to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

Whether (a) her department and/or (b) any entity reporting to her makes use of private security firms; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, in each case, what is the (i) name of each firm, (ii) purpose, (iii) value and (iv) duration of each specified contract?

Reply from the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies on 15 Sep 2021

I have been advised by the Department and SOEs as follows:



(i) Name of the company

Vimtsire Protection Services

(ii) Purpose

To provide physical security for the department (both Hatfield and Cape Town offices).

(iii) Value

R 18 091 921,34

(iv) Duration

Three years (01 December 2018 – 30 November 2021)

b) State-Owned Entities (SOEs)



(i)Name ...

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2021-w319 - 15 September 2021

Cameron Mackenzie to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

With reference to the pension of SA Post Office (SAPO) pensioner, Mr Carl Olivier, (details furnished) and the fraud committed on his account, (a) what steps have been taken to stop the fraudulent activity on Mr Olivier’s pension account, (b) what progress has been made in issuing Mr Olivier with a functional SA Social Security Agency card that will allow him to draw his pension, (c) by what date will this matter be resolved, (d) what number of other accounts have been fraudulently accessed in a manner similar to the specified person's account and (e) what steps are being taken by the SAPO to deal with the matter?

Reply from the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies on 15 Sep 2021

I have been advised by the SAPO as follows:

(a) On 11/07/2020 a fraudulent reissue card was performed (Card number 4213 xxxxxx100415) at Umzinto Post Office. The account was reimbursed on the 28/09/2020.

(b)(c) Another card was issued (4213xxxxx991290) on 18/11/2020 at Halfway Post Office which has an active status on the client’s profile.

(d) SAPO did not receive any new affidavit for any ...

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2021-w2071 - 08 September 2021

Zakhele Njabulo Mbhele to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

Given the crucial importance of private sector players in the communications and digital technologies arena with regard to their expertise, resources and assets, what steps has she taken or does she plan to take towards cultivating value-creating and synergistic public-private partnerships that will contribute to the imperative of advancing the Fourth Industrial Revolution and narrowing the digital divide in the Republic?

Reply from the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies on 8 Sep 2021

We believe in the founding tenets of this country of a social compact between government, business, labour and the value that cooperation and collaboration with other stakeholders adds to the reach and depth of any programme.

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2021-w1099 - 21 July 2021

Cameron Mackenzie to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

Whether, with reference to her reply to question 538 on 16 March 2021 and the appointment of a certain company (name furnished) as an authorised representative of the SA Post Office (SAPO) on 5 February 2020, any services, technology and/or products have been supplied by the specified company to the SAPO; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, (a) what is the nature of the services rendered, technology and/or products supplied, (b) what is the monetary value of the services, technology and/or products and (c) was any request for proposal and/or request for quotation issued?

Reply from the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies on 21 Jul 2021

I have been advised by the SAPO as follows:

The contractual matters involving the parties, including possible requests for proposals and/or requests for quotations are currently under review as part of an internal disciplinary process. SAPO is therefore unable to provide details until such time that this process has been finalised.



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2021-w1098 - 21 July 2021

Cameron Mackenzie to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

Whether, with reference to her reply to question 538 on 16 March 2021 and the appointment of a certain company (name furnished) as an authorised representative of the SA Post Office on 5 February 2020, she will furnish Mr C MacKenzie with the full details of the contract entered into by a certain person (name furnished) and the specified company; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies on 21 Jul 2021

I have been advised by the SAPO as follows:

The contractual matters involving the parties are currently under review as part of an internal disciplinary process. SAPO is therefore unable to provide details until such time that this process has been finalised.



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2021-w1244 - 02 July 2021

Zandile Majozi to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

Given current litigation surrounding the auctioning of spectrum, (a) how does the Government intend to ensure availability of high demand spectrum and (b) for how long will such initiatives last?

Reply from the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies on 2 Jul 2021

(a)(i) With regards to the pending litigation, the effect of the interdict granted on 8 March 2021, is that the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA) is prohibited from proceeding with auctioning the spectrum as planned. The Ministry and the Department of Communications and Digital Technologies remain desirous of the speedy resolution of the matter out of court and continues to support the ...

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2021-w1717 - 02 July 2021

Geordin Gwyn Hill-Lewis to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

With reference to the directive of the President, Mr M C Ramaphosa, which she refers to in her remarks in Government Gazette No. 42388 of 9 April 2019, that her Office assumes responsibility to oversee and lead the work of the Presidential Commission on the Fourth Industrial Revolution (PC4IR), what are the full details of all fees and monies paid to the (a) individual members of the PC4IR and (b) Chairperson of the PC4IR?

Reply from the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies on 2 Jul 2021

a) The Department set aside an amount of R1 650 000, as a once-off gratuity payment to (33) thirty-three PC4IR Commissioners, wherein each Commissioner would receive an amount of R50 000. Of the 33 Commissioners, (6) six were already in employment of the State which eliminated them from receiving the gratuity. In addition, (11) eleven Commissioners opted not to receive the gratuity, while (1) one Commissioner resigned ...

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