NW3421E - 12 October 2012

James Selfe to ask the Minister of Correctional Services

(1) Whether his department contracted the services of a certain company (name furnished) for the maintenance of fences at various correctional facilities; if not, how was this conclusion reached; if so, (a) when did this contract come into operation, (b) what was the value per month of the contract at the time that the tender was awarded, (c) how many correctional facilities are included in this contract and (d) when does the contract expire; (2) whether the contract has an escalation clause; if not, why not; if so, what is the value per month of the contract; (3) whether he has found that the services rendered under this contract are being supplied in accordance with the specific terms of the contract at all facilities concerned; if not, why not; if so, what specific services are being rendered; (4) whether his department intends to extend this contract; if not, what other measures will be put in place to maintain the fences; if so, what process will be followed to affect such an extension?

NW3418E - 12 October 2012

James Selfe to ask the Minister of Correctional Services

(1) Whether her department will assume responsibility for providing services that are currently being provided by Bosasa; if not, why not; if so, when; (2) whether the target date announced by her department will be met by all (a) correctional centres and (b) management areas; if not, why not, in each case; if so, what are the relevant details, in each case; (3) whether remedial action will be taken against (a) individuals and (b) institutions responsible for delays; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

NW3322E - 21 September 2012

Trevor Donald Lee to ask the Minister of Correctional Services

Whether his department has awarded any contracts to a certain company (name furnished) since its establishment in 1996; if so, in each case, (a) when was the contract awarded and (b) what was the (i) nature of the contract and (ii) total accumulative value of the tender?

CW630E - 14 September 2012

Dennis Victor Bloem to ask the Minister of Correctional Services

(1) (a) How many court cases relating to parole issues has his department (i) won in the (aa) 2008-09, (bb) 2009-10 and (c) 2010-11 financial years and (ii) lost and (b) how many of these cases resulted in financial implications for the Government; (2) (a) how many of these cases are (i) labour-related and (ii) parole issues and (b) how many of these cases are currently before the court and (c) what is the duration thereof; (3) whether the legal advice received in respect of the various cases in which his department is a litigant has been found to be correct; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the Minister of Correctional Services on 14 Sep 2012

1) (a) The following are details of court cases related to parole: i) Won by the DCS: (aa) 2008-2009 financial year: 9 (bb) 2009-2010 financial year: 9 (cc) 2010-2011 financial year : 16 ii) Lost by the DCS (aa) 2008-2009 financial year: 4 (bb) 2009-2010 financial year: 3 (cc) 2010-2011 financial year: 2 (b) Legal costs were paid to counsel by the office of ...

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NW3113E - 07 September 2012

James Robert Bourne Lorimer to ask the Minister of Correctional Services

(1) Whether (a) his Ministry, (b) his department and (c) any entity reporting to him plan to host end-of-year parties; if not, in each case, what is the position in this regard; if so, in each case, (i) for how many persons and (ii) at what cost; (2) whether the cost of the specified end-of-year parties has been budgeted for in the current financial year; if not, from where will the funding be sourced; if so, (a) what amount has been budgeted and (b) from which part of the budget will it be incurred?

NW2958E - 31 August 2012

James Selfe to ask the Minister of Correctional Services

(1) Whether any offices housing Community Correction centres have been closed owing to rent that was not paid; if so, in each case, (a) what are the relevant details of the office and (b) why was the rent not paid; (2) (a) what alternative arrangements have been made for the supervision of parolees and probationers and (b) how many parolees and probationers have been affected in each case; (3) whether any (a) parolees and (b) probationers have failed to report to their probation officers after the specified offices were closed; if not, why not in each case; if so, in each case, (i) how many and (ii) what steps have been taken against them; (4) what steps has he taken to avoid a repetition of such closing of Community Corrections offices?

NW2880E - 24 August 2012

Theo Willem Coetzee to ask the Minister of Correctional Services

(a) What steps has he taken to give effect to the performance agreement that he signed with the President in 2010, (b) what outcomes have been measured and (c) what follow-up steps has he taken with regard to each specified outcome?

NW2699E - 17 August 2012

Mohammed Rafeek Sayedali Shah to ask the Minister of Correctional Services

Whether (a) his department or (b) any entity reporting to him makes use of private security firms; if so, in each case, (i) which firms and (ii) what is the (aa) purpose, (bb) value and (cc) duration of each specified contract?

NW2013E - 17 August 2012

Velaphi Bethuel Ndlovu to ask the Minister of Correctional Services

Whether any staff members of his department are employed in an acting capacity; if so, (a) in what position is each specified person so employed, (b) what processes is his department following to fill the specified positions permanently and (c) when will the specified positions be filled?

NW2543E - 10 August 2012

Mohammed Rafeek Sayedali Shah to ask the Minister of Correctional Services

(1) Whether (a) he, (b) his Deputy Minister and (c) any official from an entity reporting to him will be attending or attended, the 2012 Olympic Games; if so, what is the (i)(aa) name, (bb) rank and (cc) position/designation of each specified person accompanying (aaa) him, (bbb) his Deputy Minister and (ccc) each specified person and (ii)(aa) nature and (bb) official reason for the visit; (2) what (a) total amount will be spent or has been spent on the trip, (b) is the (i) description and (ii) detailed breakdown of the amounts that will be spent or have been spent on (aa) accommodation, (bb) travel and (cc) subsistence costs and (c) from which budget will these funds be incurred in each case?
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