NW2946E - 11 November 2016

Michael John Cardo to ask the Minister of Economic Development

(a) For how long has the position of Deputy Commissioner of the Competition Tribunal been vacant, (b) what plans have been put in place to fill the vacancy and (c) on what date will the vacancy be filled?

Reply from the Minister of Economic Development on 11 Nov 2016

The Competition Tribunal does not have a post for Deputy Commissioner. A nomination for the position as Deputy Chairperson of the Competition Tribunal was approved by Cabinet on 17 November 2016 and the appointment is expected to be made shortly.


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NW2947E - 11 November 2016

Michael John Cardo to ask the Minister of Economic Development

What are the (a) names, (b) summaries of (i) professional qualifications and (ii) experience, (c) names of previous employers, (d) job descriptions and (e)(i) dates of hiring and (ii) length of contract of each of his advisors?

Reply from the Minister of Economic Development on 11 Nov 2016

The Department does not currently have an advisor on contract. Advisors are contracted when needed.


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NW2948E - 11 November 2016

Michael John Cardo to ask the Minister of Economic Development

Who (a) will administer the R1,25 billion socio-economic development fund created by agreement between six construction companies (names furnished) and the Presidential Infrastructure Co-ordinating Commission and (b) are the intended beneficiaries of the specified fund?

Reply from the Minister of Economic Development on 11 Nov 2016

(a) The Settlement Agreement provides for National Treasury to appoint an administrator.

(b) The intended beneficiaries are communities and small construction companies, with provisions for funding of training of engineers and artisans, social infrastructure, small business working capital and technical capacity within the state. Further details will be publicised in due course.


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NW2623E - 21 October 2016

Joey De Vos to ask the Minister of Economic Development

Whether any (a) internal and/or (b) external forensic reports pertaining to (i) his department and/or (ii) each entity reporting to him were completed from 1 January 2009 up to the latest specified date for which information is available; if not, in each case, why not; if so, what is the (aa) name, (bb) subject matter and (cc) date of conclusion of each of the specified forensic reports?

2016-w1997 - 11 October 2016

Michael John Cardo to ask the Minister of Economic Development

Whether, with reference to the International Trade Administration Commission of South Africa’s steel sector tariff increase on certain steel products and the increased prices of importing coking coal, his department has developed a detailed plan to ensure that the country leverages its large coking coal deposits, particularly in Limpopo, to become a leading manufacturer and exporter of coking coal; if not, (a) why not and (b) when will such a plan be developed; if so, what are the relevant details?

2016-w1996 - 11 October 2016

Michael John Cardo to ask the Minister of Economic Development

(1)How many tonnes of gypsum does the phosphoric acid plant owned by the Industrial Development Corporation (name furnished), discard annually into the ocean; (2) whether any feasibility studies have been conducted to determine how much sulphur could economically be extracted from the discarded gypsum; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

2016-w1995 - 07 October 2016

Michael John Cardo to ask the Minister of Economic Development

Whether, with reference to the Public Protector’s Report No 21 of 2013 / 14 entitled Docked Vessels, the Competition Commission received a request from the Public Protector to investigate alleged collusive conduct by entities within a certain group (name furnished); if so (a) when was the specified request received and (b) what action has been taken by the Competition Commission? NW 2306E

2016-w2052 - 07 October 2016

Tandeka Gqada to ask the Minister of Economic Development

Whether each Head of Department (HOD) of his department signed a performance agreement since their appointment; if not, (a) what is the total number of HODs who have not signed performance agreements, (b) what is the reason in each case, (c) what action has he taken to rectify the situation and (d) what consequences will the specified HOD face for failing to sign the performance agreements; if so, (i) when was the last performance assessment of each HOD conducted and (ii) what were the results in each case; (2) whether any of the HODs who failed to sign a performance agreement received a performance bonus since their appointment; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, (a) at what rate and (b) what criteria were used to determine the specified rate; (3) whether any of the HODs who signed a performance agreement received a performance bonus since their appointment; if so, (a) at what rate and (b) what criteria were used to determine the rate?

2016-w1828 - 23 September 2016

Michael John Cardo to ask the Minister of Economic Development

What amount in funding did the Industrial Development Corporation commit to the establishment of the Beijing Automobile International Corporation automotive assembly plant at the Coega Industry Development Zone?

2016-w1830 - 23 September 2016

Michael John Cardo to ask the Minister of Economic Development

How does the Industrial Development Corporation intend to place its subsidiaries, (a) Scaw Metals and (b) Foskor, on a commercially sustainable footing given that the former made a loss of R 1,1 billion and the latter R 568 million in the 2015-16 financial year?
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