2016-w1829 - 23 September 2016

Michael John Cardo to ask the Minister of Economic Development

What are the reasons for the profits of the Industrial Development Corporation dropping by 87% from R 1, 65 billion in the 2014-15 financial year to R 223 million in the 2015-16 financial year?

NW2398E - 23 September 2016

Robert Alfred Lees to ask the Minister of Economic Development

What amount did (a) his department and (b) each entity reporting to him spend on advertising on the (i) Africa News Network 7 channel, (ii) SA Broadcasting Corporation (aa) television channels and (bb) radio stations, (iii) national commercial radio stations and (iv) community (aa) television and (bb) radio stations (aaa) in the 2015-16 financial year and (bbb) since 1 April 2016?

Reply from the Minister of Economic Development on 23 Sep 2016

The Economic Development Department, the Competition Tribunal and ITAC did not spend any amount on advertising on the ANN7 channel, SABC and or community television and radio stations.

Spending details for the Competition Commission were mostly for the 2015 4th BRICS Competition Conference, the Private Healthcare Inquiry and the Grocery Retail Inquiry. The IDC spent advertising amounts for the 75 years of development funding. ...

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NW2363E - 23 September 2016

Tandeka Gqada to ask the Minister of Economic Development

(1) Whether each Head of Department (HOD) of his department signed a performance agreement since their appointment; if not, (a) what is the total number of HODs who have not signed performance agreements, (b) what is the reason in each case, (c) what action has he taken to rectify the situation and (d) what consequences will the specified HOD face for failing to sign the performance agreements; if so, (i) when was the last performance assessment of each HOD conducted and (ii) what were the results in each case; (2) whether any of the HODs who failed to sign a performance agreement received a performance bonus since their appointment; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, (a) at what rate and (b) what criteria were used to determine the specified rate; (3) whether any of the HODs who signed a performance agreement received a performance bonus since their appointment; if so, (a) at what rate and (b) what criteria were used to determine the rate?

Reply from the Minister of Economic Development on 23 Sep 2016

  1. Yes the Acting HOD signed a performance agreement for his acting period starting 1 April 2016. No performance assessment has been conducted since the appointment is for this financial period.
  2. Not applicable
  3. Not applicable. Acting DG only appointed from 1 April 2016


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NW2328E - 23 September 2016

Leonard Jones Basson to ask the Minister of Economic Development

What formal qualifications does each of his department’s (a)(i) Chief Financial Officers and/or (ii) acting Chief Financial Officers and (b)(i) Directors-General and/or (ii) acting Directors-General possess?

Reply from the Minister of Economic Development on 23 Sep 2016





Mr Malcom Simpson

Acting Director General

  • BSc Chemical Engineering
  • Matric

Mr Steven Hlahane

Acting Chief Financial Officer

  • BTech: Internal Audit
  • ND: Internal Audit
  • Matric


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NW2308E - 23 September 2016

Michael John Cardo to ask the Minister of Economic Development

Whether, with reference to the International Trade Administration Commission of South Africa’s steel sector tariff increase on certain steel products and the increased prices of importing coking coal, his department has developed a detailed plan to ensure that the country leverages its large coking coal deposits, particularly in Limpopo, to become a leading manufacturer and exporter of coking coal; if not, (a) why not and (b) when will such a plan be developed; if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the Minister of Economic Development on 23 Sep 2016

South Africa’s main coking coal resources occur in the Greater Soutpansberg Coalfield with a total Coal Resource of approximately 8.7 billion tonnes. Of this resource, only 2.4 billion tonnes are mineable and of this mineable resource 400 million tonnes (20%) is hard coking coal. The challenge is the relatively low yield of the hard coking coal.

Blast Furnace technology uses coke to produce steel, ...

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NW2307E - 23 September 2016

Michael John Cardo to ask the Minister of Economic Development

(1) How many tonnes of gypsum does the phosphoric acid plant owned by the Industrial Development Corporation (name furnished), discard annually into the ocean; (2) whether any feasibility studies have been conducted to determine how much sulphur could economically be extracted from the discarded gypsum; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the Minister of Economic Development on 23 Sep 2016

1)   Foskor’s acid plant discards approximately 2.0 Million tons of gypsum annually at the current acid production level of 500 000 tons per annum. In general the acid plant produces approximately four tons of gypsum for each ton of acid production. FOSKOR believes that there are no negative environmental consequences of dumping gypsum into the sea and FOSKOR advanced the following reasons:

a.   The chemical formula ...

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NW2306E - 23 September 2016

Michael John Cardo to ask the Minister of Economic Development

Whether, with reference to the Public Protector’s Report No 21 of 2013/14 entitled Docked Vessels, the Competition Commission received a request from the Public Protector to investigate alleged collusive conduct by entities within a certain group (name furnished); if so, (a) when was the specified request received and (b) what action has been taken by the Competition Commission?

Reply from the Minister of Economic Development on 23 Sep 2016

I am advised by the Office of thr Competition Commissioner of the following in respect to the question:

“On the 12th of March 2014, the Competition Commission (“Commission”) received information from the Public Protector contained in the “Docked Vessels” Report No. 21 of 2013/14 dated December 2013. The information suggested that Sekunjalo Investments Limited (“Sekunjalo Investments”), Sekunjalo Marine Services Consortium, Premier Fishing SA (Pty) ...

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2016-w1691 - 12 September 2016

Patrick George Atkinson to ask the Minister of Economic Development

Whether, with reference to his reply to question 1624 on 20 June 2016, the Industrial Development Corporation received the next capital instalment of R 37,5 million from Oakbay Resources and Energy which was due in June 2016; if not, why not, if so, on what date?

Reply from the Minister of Economic Development on 12 Sep 2016

I have been furnished with a reply by the CEO of the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC), Mr Geoffrey Qhena, a copy of which is attached hereto.


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NW2139E - 09 September 2016

Michael John Cardo to ask the Minister of Economic Development

How does the Industrial Development Corporation intend to place its subsidiaries, (a) Scaw Metals and (b) Foskor, on a commercially sustainable footing given that the former made a loss of R1,1 billion and the latter R568 million in the 2015-16 financial year?

Reply from the Minister of Economic Development on 9 Sep 2016

I have drawn to the IDC’s attention the need to fast-track a turnaround strategy for Scaw Metals and Foskor and requested the IDC Board to regularly review progress with such turnaround strategy. Both companies are in significant sectors of the economy, namely in the metal and fertiliser value-chains and their products are used in downstream industries.

The Chief Executive Officer of the IDC advises ...

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NW2138E - 09 September 2016

Michael John Cardo to ask the Minister of Economic Development

What are the reasons for the profits of the Industrial Development Corporation dropping by 87% from R 1,65 billion in the 2014-15 financial year to R223 million in the 2015-16 financial year?

Reply from the Minister of Economic Development on 9 Sep 2016

The IDC posted a profit of R 223 million for the year ended 31 March 2016 compared to a profit of R1, 65 billion for the year ended 31 March 2015. The main contributor to the reduced profits for the year was increased levels of impairments (an increase of R 1, 6 billion) caused by difficult operating conditions including the impact of the drought. ...

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