2018-w1464 - 04 June 2018

Pieter Van Dalen to ask the Minister of Economic Development

Whether, with reference to the reply of the President, Mr C M Ramaphosa, to the debate on the State of the Nation Address on 22 February 2018 to implement lifestyle audits, (a) he, (b) senior management service members in his department and/or (c) any of the heads of entities reporting to him have undergone a lifestyle audit in the past three financial years; if not, have any plans been put in place to perform such audits if so, in each case, what are the details of the (i) date of the lifestyle audit, (ii) name of the person undergoing the audit, (iii) name of the auditing firm conducting the audit and (iv) outcome of the audit; (2) Whether he will furnish Mr P van Dalen with copies of the lifestyle audit reports?

Reply from the Minister of Economic Development on 4 Jun 2018

Fighting corruption is a major part of the focus of the Administration, and as shown by research results previously released, corruption can have a damaging effect on economic growth and job creation. Lifestyle audits can play an important part in identifying corruption and following the President’s pronouncement on the matter, consideration is being given to lifestyle audits in circumstances where on a risk-analysis basis, ...

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2018-w1441 - 04 June 2018

Michael John Cardo to ask the Minister of Economic Development

(1) Whether his department has received any recommendations on amendments to the price preference system (PPS) for scrap metal from the International Trade Administration Commission of South Africa; if so, (a) on what date were the recommendations submitted, (b) what are the details of the recommendations, (c) what is the position of his department regarding the recommendations and (d) by what date will the amendments to the PPS be finalised?

Reply from the Minister of Economic Development on 4 Jun 2018

The International Trade Administration Commission of South Africa (ITAC) and the Economic Development Department has on an on-going basis considered the impact of the price preference system (PPS) for scrap metals, which looked inter alia at declared levels of exports, feedback from individual companies affected by the PPS and consideration of the efficacy of the rules that are in place.

The International Trade Administration ...

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2018-w1442 - 04 June 2018

Michael John Cardo to ask the Minister of Economic Development

Did the International Trade Administration Commission of South Africa appoint Genesis Analytics to conduct an assessment of the economic impact of the price preference system for scrap metal; if so, what are the relevant details of the (a) terms of reference, (b) costs and (c) findings of the assessment?

Reply from the Minister of Economic Development on 4 Jun 2018

The International Trade Administration Commission of South Africa (ITAC) and the Economic Development Department has on an on-going basis considered the impact of the price preference system (PPS) for scrap metals, which looked inter alia at declared levels of exports, feedback from individual companies affected by the PPS and consideration of the efficacy of the rules that are in place. One input into the ...

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2018-w1104 - 21 May 2018

Nontando Nolutshungu to ask the Minister of Economic Development

What (a) number of consulting firms or companies are currently contracted by (i) his department and (ii) the entities reporting to him and (b)(i) is the name of each consultant, (ii) are the relevant details of the service provided in each case and (iii) is the (aa) start date, (bb) time period, (cc) monetary value in Rands of each contract and (dd) name and position of each individual who signed off on each contract?

Reply from the Minister of Economic Development on 21 May 2018

I have been furnished by the named entities with the information furnished below.

a) ITAC has a total number of four (4) consulting firms or companies currently contracted to provide services within the organisation. Refer to the table below:

Name of Consultant

Service Provided

Start Date / Time Period / End Date

Monetary Value in Rands

Name and Position of each individual who signed ...

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2018-w968 - 23 April 2018

Michael John Cardo to ask the Minister of Economic Development

(1)(a) What number of (i) case backlogs does the Competition Commission have and (ii) days has each case been backlogged for, (b) what was the average time line, in days, from receiving a complaint to resolving a case in (i) 2015, (ii) 2016 and (iii) 2017 and (c) how does the commission monitor the (i) settlement agreements reached and (ii) progress on each agreement; (2) have any cases been referred to the National Prosecuting Authority for prosecution; if so, what are the details of the cases

Reply from the Minister of Economic Development on 23 Apr 2018

1. (a) What number of (i) case backlogs does the Competition Commission have and (ii) days has each case been backlogged for, (b) what was the average time line, in days, from receiving a complaint to resolving a case in (i) 2015, (ii) 2016 and (iii) 2017 and (c) how does the commission monitor the (i) settlement agreements reached and (ii) progress on each ...

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2018-w826 - 20 April 2018

Michael John Cardo to ask the Minister of Economic Development

What (a) are the relevant details of the work that has been undertaken by the Industrial Development Corporation in partnership with the Public Investment Corporation to assess the economic cost of public sector corruption and (b) were the findings in this regard?

Reply from the Minister of Economic Development on 20 Apr 2018

I am not aware of any work undertaken by the Industrial Development Corporation in partnership with the Public Investment Corporation to assess the economic cost of public sector corruption. The question may be referring to work undertaken for the PICC (Presidential Infrastructure Coordinating Commission) by the IDC, on the potential economic cost of corruption, details of which were provided to the Honourable Member last ...

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2018-w978 - 20 April 2018

Choloane David Matsepe to ask the Minister of Economic Development

How much land does (a) his department and (b) the entities reporting to him (i) own, (ii) have exclusive rights to and/or (iii) lease from the State to (aa) use and/or (bb) occupy?

Reply from the Minister of Economic Development on 20 Apr 2018

The Economic Development Department, ITAC, Competition Commission and Competition Tribunal do not own land and currently rents office space. Attached as Annexure ‘A’ is information on land which IDC owns. The properties are part of the IDC’s overall portfolio.



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2018-w825 - 20 April 2018

Michael John Cardo to ask the Minister of Economic Development

Whether the National Empowerment Fund (a) has officially become a subsidiary of the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) and (b) has withdrawn from the R500 million loan facility it secured from the IDC for the 2017-18 financial year; if not, in each case, why not; if so, what are the relevant details in each case?

Reply from the Minister of Economic Development on 20 Apr 2018

(a) The NEF has not yet been incorporated as a subsidiary of the IDC. Technical work has been completed and includes an assessment of the regulatory and governance requirements to ensure that all applicable regulatory framework, including the PFMA, are complied with. Following completion of a review of legislative implications, the modalities of incorporation will then be considered by Cabinet.

(b) The R500 million has ...

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2018-w824 - 20 April 2018

Michael John Cardo to ask the Minister of Economic Development

What (a) amount has the Industrial Development Corporation co-invested with the China Construction Bank to finance industrial development and infrastructure projects since signing a cooperation agreement in 2015 and (b) are the relevant details of each project?

Reply from the Minister of Economic Development on 20 Apr 2018

The funding relationship between the IDC and China Construction Bank (CCB) is in the form of both co-funding and access to lines of credit. This is included in the cooperation agreement between the two institutions. In the financial year ending 31 March 2016, the IDC raised USD50 million and USD75million in the year ending 31 March 2017, through lines of credit from the China ...

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2018-w453 - 23 March 2018

Manuel Simão Franca De Freitas to ask the Minister of Economic Development

What incentive programmes are currently in place in respect of the importation of electric cars into the country; (2) Are there any plans regarding the high import duties; if not, why not; if so, (a) will this affect the high import duties and (b) what incentive programmes are planned?

Reply from the Minister of Economic Development on 23 Mar 2018

1. South Africa does not generally incentivise the importation of goods into the economy, as policy is directed at building local industrial capacity. In terms of tariff support, the Automotive Production and Development Programme (APDP) provides an incentive for promoting local manufacturing of motor vehicles and not imports. The duty credits earned by the industry on production under the APDP can be used, among ...

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