2017-w2998 - 24 October 2017

Annelie Lotriet to ask the Minister of Economic Development

What is the (a) total amount that was paid out in bonuses to employees in his department and (b) detailed breakdown of the bonus that was paid out to each employee in each salary level in the 2016-17 financial year; 2. What is the (a) total estimated amount that will be paid out in bonuses to employees in his department and (b) detailed breakdown of the bonus that will be paid out to each employee in each salary level in the 2017-18 financial year?

Reply from the Minister of Economic Development on 24 Oct 2017

1. (a) R1 383 428.55 is the total amount that was paid out in bonuses to employees for the 2016/17 financial year.

(b) 1. Salary level 3 (3 employees) - R21 815.04

2. Salary level 5 (4 employees) - R30 787.35

3. Salary level 6 (4 employees) - R66 248.01

4. Salary level 7 (6 employees) - R112 082.79

5. Salary level 8 (12 employees) ...

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2017-w2481 - 16 October 2017

Michael John Cardo to ask the Minister of Economic Development

(a) what amount did the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) spend (i) in total and (ii) in each medium on advertising in the 2016-17 financial year and (b) what was the IDC’s budget for advertising in the specified financial year?

Reply from the Minister of Economic Development on 16 Oct 2017

I have been furnished with a reply by the CEO of the IDC, Mr Geoffrey Qhena, to the question, which follows below.

(a) The total amount spent by IDC on advertising was R33 833 079.89 in the 2016-17 financial year (see table below).

(b) The IDC’s budget for advertising in the specified financial year (2016/17) was R38 000 000.

IDC Advertising spend:


Yonder Media – nett

74 ...

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2017-w2879 - 16 October 2017

Anchen Margaretha Dreyer to ask the Minister of Economic Development

What is the detailed (a) breakdown of and (b) valuation for current and non-current assets and investments held by (i) his department and (ii) each entity reporting to him according to (aa) listed assets (aaa) directly held and (bbb) indirectly held and (bb) unlisted investments (aaa) directly held and (bbb) indirectly held by each of the entities, in each case breaking the current assets and investments down by 0-3 months, 3-6 months, 6-12 months and beyond 12 months?

Reply from the Minister of Economic Development on 16 Oct 2017

Details of current and non-current assets are available in the 2016/17 Annual Reports tabled in parliament for both the Department and its entities.

For the Economic Development Department, the details are contained from page 122 of the Audited Financial Statements. Similar details may be obtained in entity reports.


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2017-w2482 - 16 October 2017

David John Maynier to ask the Minister of Economic Development

(1)What (a) was the (i) value and (ii) purpose of the loan granted by the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) to a certain person (name and details furnished) and (b) were the repayment terms of the specified loan; (2) whether the Deputy Minister of Public Enterprises, Mr Ben Martins, played any role in securing the loan for the specified person; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details; (3) whether the IDC has taken any steps to recover the loan; if not, (a) why not and (b) by which date will the IDC be taking steps; if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the Minister of Economic Development on 16 Oct 2017

(1)What (a) was the (i) value and (ii) purpose of the loan granted by the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) to a certain person (name and details furnished) and (b) were the repayment terms of the specified loan; (2) whether the Deputy Minister of Public Enterprises, Mr Ben Martins, played any role in securing the loan for the specified person; if not, what is the ...

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2017-w2483 - 16 October 2017

David John Maynier to ask the Minister of Economic Development

With reference to his statement at the 11th Annual Competition Law, Economics and Policy Conference, which took place from 30 August to 1 September 2017, that South Africa loses about R27 billion of Gross Domestic Product and 76 000 potential jobs every year due to corruption, (a) on what research are these figures based, (b) how were the figures calculated and (c) in which sectors of the economy does the corruption occur?

Reply from the Minister of Economic Development on 16 Oct 2017

With reference to his statement at the 11th Annual Competition Law, Economics and Policy Conference, which took place from 30 August to 1 September 2017, that South Africa loses about R27 billion of Gross Domestic Product and 76 000 potential jobs every year due to corruption, (a) on what research are these figures based, (b) how were the figures calculated and (c) in which ...

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2017-w2567 - 22 September 2017

Moses Sipho Mbatha to ask the Minister of Economic Development

When are the application dates (a) opening and (b) closing for the board positions of all entities and councils reporting to him?

Reply from the Minister of Economic Development on 22 Sep 2017

  1. The Competition Commission is not required to have a board. In accordance with Section 22 of the Competition Act 89 of 1998, The Minister appoints the Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner.
  2. The Competition Tribunal is not required to have a board. In accordance with Sections 29 and 30 of the Competition Act 89 of 1998, The President, on the recommendation of the Minister, appoints the ...
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2017-w2619 - 22 September 2017

Anton De Waal Alberts to ask the Minister of Economic Development

1. How many loans the Industrial Development Corporation has allocated to (a) individuals and (b) legal persons, including trusts, since 1 January 2000; 2. in respect of each person and/or legal person to whom the loan was allocated, what is the (a)(i) amount and (ii) basis of the loan, (b) what served as security for the loan, (c)(i) on which date was the loan allocated and (ii) what is the (aa) term and (bb) interest rate of the loan and (d) what amount of the loan has been repaid in each case; 3. (a) which of the loans will in all probability never be repaid, (b) what steps will be taken in respect of each one and (c) which loans will probably be converted into shares?

Reply from the Minister of Economic Development on 22 Sep 2017

The total number of transactions approved between January 2000 and March 2016 is 4450.

The IDC offers the following financing products:

  • term debt,
  • revolving credit facilities,
  • guarantees,
  • working capital loans,
  • business support loans and
  • quasi-equity (e.g. preference shares or subordinated loans).

The IDC may also take direct equity investments in companies at times.

The products and terms are structured in a way that will ...

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2017-w2605 - 22 September 2017

Moses Sipho Mbatha to ask the Minister of Economic Development

(a) What is the current status of the Masorini Steel Project and (b) what amount has the Government spent on the specified project since its inception?

Reply from the Minister of Economic Development on 22 Sep 2017

IDC initiated the Masorini Iron and Steel Project (the “Project”) in 2010. The rationale for the project was to beneficiate local raw material and export semi-finished goods like steel products. The IDC completed a Project pre-feasibility study (“PFS”) for establishing a low cost iron and steel facility in South Africa based on the utilisation of high quality domestic raw material resources including Palabora magnetite ...

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2017-w2558 - 11 September 2017

Mosiuoa Gerard Patrick Lekota to ask the Minister of Economic Development

(1) What are the circumstances that resulted in the decision of the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) to lay criminal charges laid against a certain person (name furnished); (2) whether he has found that the manner in which the IDC monitored matters related to the loan, including conditions attached thereto, was according to applicable regulations; (3) whether he has found that the manner in which the loan application to the IDC by the said businessperson was processed and approved by the IDC was in accordance with applicable regulations; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the Minister of Economic Development on 11 Sep 2017

I have been furnished with a reply by the CEO of the IDC, Mr Geoffrey Qhena, to the question, which follows below.

1. “The circumstances resulting in the IDC laying criminal charges against the client are as a result of an audit finding which found that there was a material misrepresentation made by the company in its request for funding to the IDC, which ...

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2017-w2497 - 11 September 2017

Patrick George Atkinson to ask the Minister of Economic Development

(1) What are the details of the cases that were being investigated on the laptops that were stolen from the Competition Commission’s Cartel Conduct Investigation Unit on or about 8 August 2017; (2) whether the (a) serial numbers and/or (b) Internet Protocol Addresses of the stolen laptops can be traced; if so, have the laptops been recovered; (3) what are the details of all security measures that are in place at the Competition Commission’s head office in Pretoria to prevent burglaries at its offices; (4) whether any evidence relating to the break-in have been recovered from closed-circuit television cameras; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (5) (a) what is the case numbers of the cases opened at the SA Police Services in respect of the stolen laptops and (b) what is the status of the progress made in this regard as at the latest specified date for which information is available?

Reply from the Minister of Economic Development on 11 Sep 2017

On 8 August 2017, there was a break-in at the offices of the Competition Commission during which laptops containing details of current investigationsa by the Commission, were stolen. The Commission reported the matter to the SAPS and obtained case number CAS 293/8/2017 from the Sunnyside SAPS station. The matter was raised by the Minister of Economic Development with the Minister of Police. The case ...

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