2017-w2967 - 12 October 2017

Tandeka Gqada to ask the Minister of Energy

Whether her department has a policy in place allowing Eskom to charge 5 hectare smallholdings over R1 300 per day extra for electricity lines between 1 500 meters and 3 500 meters from the outskirts of towns, as if they were rural lines; if not, (a) what is the position in this regard and (b) on what statutory grounds is Eskom relying to treat the specified smallholdings on the outskirts of towns as if they were big commercial farms; if so, what are the (i) details of the policy and (ii) reasons for having put the policy in place? NW3286E

Reply from the Minister of Energy on 12 Oct 2017

The Department received the question, reviewed its contents against its mandate and has determined that the most appropriate respondent should be Eskom through the Department of Public Enterprises.

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2017-w2966 - 12 October 2017

Tandeka Gqada to ask the Minister of Energy

Why does Eskom disagree with the creation of a national basket for maintenance that will require a percentage from municipality revenue as stipulated by her department, (b) what is the alternative plan from Eskom in this regard, (c) what is Eskom’s plan to deal with the maintenance backlog that the national basket for maintenance attempts to address, (d) what is the total cost of the backlog and (e) what percentage of the tariff increase requested by Eskom will be allocated to maintenance; 2) What is the current allocation of revenue that is allocated to Eskom for maintenance?

Reply from the Minister of Energy on 12 Oct 2017

The Department received the question, reviewed its contents against its mandate and has determined that the most appropriate respondent should be Eskom through the Department of Public Enterprises.

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2017-w2880 - 02 October 2017

Anchen Margaretha Dreyer to ask the Minister of Energy

What is the detailed (a) breakdown of and (b) valuation for current and non-current assets and investments held by (i) her department and (ii) each entity reporting to her according to (aa) listed assets (aaa) directly held and (bbb) indirectly held and (bb) unlisted investments (aaa) directly held and (bbb) indirectly held by each of the entities, in each case breaking the current assets and investments down by 0-3 months, 3-6 months, 6-12 months and beyond 12 months?

Reply from the Minister of Energy on 2 Oct 2017

(a) (i)Assets

As at

30 June 2017

2016/17 Financial Year

Current Assets


406 139


74 191

Non - Current Assets


2 235


2 238

Total Assets


408 374


76 429


(aa) Not applicable

(aaa) Not applicable

(bbb) Not applicable

(bb) Not applicable

National Nuclear Regulator

(a)& (b) Assets as at 31 March 2017

Current assets


Non-current ...

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2017-w2344 - 29 September 2017

Gordon Mackay to ask the Minister of Energy

Whether, in relation to recent activities at the Central Energy Fund, she will furnish Mr G Mackay with copies of (a) a letter drafted by a certain person (name furnished) to her predecessor to obtain a ministerial directive on 6 October 2015, (b) her predecessor’s response dated 3 June 2016 and (c) the subsequent ministerial directive of her predecessor; if not, in each case, why not; if so, by what date in each case?

Reply from the Minister of Energy on 29 Sep 2017

The investigation on the sale of strategic fuel fund is still not concluded and therefore all documents that relates to the matter will not be released until all process are concluded. Once all processes have been concluded all reports and all any other documents will be referred to Parliament’s Portfolio Committee for consideration. We are expecting that all the work will be concluded by ...

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2017-w2295 - 29 September 2017

Marshall Mzingisi Dlamini to ask the Minister of Energy

(a) Why has her department not yet signed the power purchase agreements for renewable energy with independent power producers and (b) by what date is it envisaged that the power purchase agreements will be signed; 2) does she intend to oppose the application for an interdict preventing the power purchase agreements from being signed; if not, why not?

Reply from the Minister of Energy on 29 Sep 2017

1. (a) The Minister has addressed the nation on the matter of outstanding Power Purchase agreements for bid window 3,5 and 4 on Friday 01 September 2017 during the media briefing.

(b) It was committed that the PPA for bid window 3,5 and 4 will be signed by the end of October 2017.

(2) Yes, as the interdict will prevent government from being able to ...

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2017-w2296 - 29 September 2017

Marshall Mzingisi Dlamini to ask the Minister of Energy

Whether the draft Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) and Integrated Energy Plan (IEP) as contemplated in the Electricity Regulation Act, Act 4 of 2006, will be re-published for comment; if not, why not; 2) on what dates will the IRP and IEP be promulgated; 3) whether she intends to remove the restraints on renewable energy from the draft IRP and IEP before it is published; if not, why not; 4) why does the draft IRP and IEP make provision for new coal-fired and nuclear power when it has comprehensively been shown by the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research that renewable energy with additional storage capacity and gas is the most cost-effective and feasible plan for South Africa’s energy future?

Reply from the Minister of Energy on 29 Sep 2017

1. The process for consultation on IRP and IEP has been concluded with the public. The current process is to finalise the policy document and gazetting the final document for implementation. Consultation on the policy is concluded and final documents will be published.

2. Target for promulgation is end of February 2018.

3. Minister will not interfere with the policy development process outside the ...

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2017-w2373 - 28 September 2017

Gordon Mackay to ask the Minister of Energy

With reference to the reply to question 507 on 3 April 2017 and her department’s presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Energy on 24 May 2017, where it was indicated that the Central Energy Fund (CEF) received US$ 280 million for the sale of strategic fuel stocks, (a) why does the CEF’s financial statements only reflect an amount of R2,1 billion from the sale of the specified strategic fuel stocks when the prevailing exchange rates at the time of payment would have amounted to R4,3 billion, (b) where is the remaining R2 billion received from this payment and (c) where will the proceeds from the sale be transferred to following its move from the Strategic Fuel Fund to the equalisation fund?

Reply from the Minister of Energy on 28 Sep 2017

(a)The Annual Financial Statements of SFF Association do not only reflect R2.1 Billion for the sale of strategic fuel stocks, but they reflect the total proceeds of $280 million. The funds were accounted as follows:

Income Statement:

  • Credit: Revenue at R3.9 Billion
  • Debit: Cost of Sales at R1.8 Billion
  • Debit: Transfer to EQF of R2.1 billion

Balance Sheet

Included in the Cash and cash ...

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2017-w2640 - 28 September 2017

Gordon Mackay to ask the Minister of Energy

Whether she will provide the full list of PetroSA Board Members to Mr G Mackay, including the (a) full CV’s and (b) the number of years of relevant experience of each board member with regard to (i) the petroleum sector, (ii) the petroleum exploration sector and (iii) membership of previous boards?

Reply from the Minister of Energy on 28 Sep 2017

(a) The Interim Board is well-capacitated with the relevant skills to provide PetroSA with strategic direction, as per the short summary provided below. Collectively, the PetroSA Board members have experience in (amongst other things) the Petroleum industry, Oil and Gas Regulatory industry, Energy Policy formulation, Energy Strategy formulation, Financial Modelling, Energy Modelling, Investment Profiling, Industrial Gas applications and Macro-Economics.

(b)The Interim PetroSA Board members ...

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2017-w1891 - 27 September 2017

Marshall Mzingisi Dlamini to ask the Minister of Energy

Whether (a) her department and (b) each entity reporting to her appointed transaction in the advisors for tenders period 1 January 2012 to 31 December 2016; if so, (i) who were the transaction advisors that were appointed for the tenders, (ii) for which tenders were they appointed, (iii) what was the pricing for the tenders in question and (iv) what amount were the transaction advisors paid? Whether the Department appointed transaction advisors for tenders in the period 1 January 2012 to 31 December 2016.

Reply from the Minister of Energy on 27 Sep 2017

Reply: the Department

(a) Yes


(i)Name of the Transactional Advisor

1 January 2012 - 31 December 2012


1 January 2013 – 31 December 2013


1 January 2014 – 31 December 2014


1 January 2015 – 31 December 2015


1 January 2016 – 31 December 2016

Mahlako-A-Phahla Investment (Pty)

(ii) To review the state of readiness on the Nuclear New ...

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2017-w2793 - 27 September 2017

Marshall Mzingisi Dlamini to ask the Minister of Energy

With reference to her reply to question 245 on 10 March 2017, (a) what number of independent power producers currently supply Eskom with electricity, (b) how does each specified supplier produce their electricity and (c) how much electricity do they supply in each case?

Reply from the Minister of Energy on 27 Sep 2017

a) There are currently fifty eight (58) Independent Power Producers supplying Eskom with energy. These IPPs are located in different parts of the country but mostly in the Northern Cape (1 small hydro IPP, 2 wind IPPs and 24 solar IPPs), Eastern Cape (12 wind IPPs and 1 solar IPP) and the Western Cape (4 wind IPPs and 5 solar IPPs).

b) The combined ...

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