2017-w2642 - 27 September 2017

Gordon Mackay to ask the Minister of Energy

(1)(a) Whether the South African state-owned Strategic Fuel Fund (SFF) and Nigeria‘s Atlas Petroleum had allocated acreage in Equatorial Guinea’s latest licensing round, (b) what are the legislative or regulatory or any relevant sections of the founding mandate which allowed SSF to participate in petroleum exploration, (c) whether PetroSA was consulted as part of the transaction and (d) what costs were incurred by SFF with regard to the transaction: (2) (a) can she provide Mr G Mackay with documents indicating board and ministerial approval, (b) why was this approval granted given that the role of the SFF is to ensure that there is sufficient crude oil stock that can be accessed in case of an emergency, (c) what are the parameters and details for this project?

Reply from the Minister of Energy on 27 Sep 2017

(1) (a) Yes, (b) In terms of SFF Association’s memorandum of incorporation, SFF’s main business is to carry on the business of facilitating the exploitation of fuels and commodities which are or may become of strategic importance to the Republic of South Africa, not for gain but solely in the communal interests of the general public, and to perform any other acts towards this ...

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2017-w2583 - 27 September 2017

Marshall Mzingisi Dlamini to ask the Minister of Energy

When are the application dates (a) opening and (b) closing for the board positions of all entities and councils reporting to her?

Reply from the Minister of Energy on 27 Sep 2017

There is currently no new envisaged recruitment campaign for Boards of entities reporting to the Minister of Energy.

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2017-w2641 - 27 September 2017

Gordon Mackay to ask the Minister of Energy

Whether there is a trading unit operating within the Strategic Fuel Fund; if so, can her department provide to Mr G Mackay (a) a copy of a ministerial determination that established the trading division and (b) the full list of trades that have been executed since the establishment of the trading unit?

Reply from the Minister of Energy on 27 Sep 2017

(a) We can confirm that Strategic Fuel Fund has a trading unit. Minister received a request from SFF and an approval was granted by the then Minister and (b) Trading of crude oil allocation from the Nigerian National Petroleum Company.

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2017-w2648 - 27 September 2017

Tandeka Gqada to ask the Minister of Energy

(1) With reference to page. 36 financial performance overview report which indicates that her department underspent R30 million in the 4th quarter of the 2016-17 financial year due to delays in concluding collaboration agreements with selected municipalities, (a) what are the names of the municipalities, (b) what amount was underspent in each municipality and (c) how will the department rectify this understanding; (2) (a) what were the reasons for the underspending of R35,99 Million under the Electrification, Energy Program and Projects Management, as indicated on page 36 of her department’s performance overview report and (b) what is the department doing to rectify this?

Reply from the Minister of Energy on 27 Sep 2017

(1)(a) The names of the municipalities are as follows:

  • Ventersdorp/ Tlokwe Local Municipality;
  • Sol Plaatje Local Municipality; and

(b) The Department underspent in Ventersdorp/ Tlokwe Local Municipality by R 15, 410, 000.00 and in Sol Plaatje Local Municipality by R 15, 410, 000.00

and (c) the Department will conduct provincial, district and Local workshops in order to capacitate municipalities on the implementation aspects of programme ...

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2017-w1825 - 15 September 2017

Marshall Mzingisi Dlamini to ask the Minister of Energy

With reference to her reply to subdivision (c) of question 1084 on 2 June 2017, can the public access the latest submissions on the Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) and Integrated Energy Plan (IEP) revised assumptions, which were submitted by the end of March 2017; if so, how?

Reply from the Minister of Energy on 15 Sep 2017

The revised IEP and IRP will be released to the public after Cabinet Process and Approval. Once Cabinet has approved the final IRP and IEP they will be gazetted for access to Public and also submitted to Parliament.

2295. Mr M M Dlamini (EFF) to ask the Minister of Energy:

1. (a) Why has her department not yet signed the power purchase agreements for ...

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2017-w2080 - 12 September 2017

Marshall Mzingisi Dlamini to ask the Minister of Energy

Whether (a) her department and/or (b) any entities reporting to her are funding, including by way of discretionary funding, any institution of research and development (i) domestically and/or (ii) internationally; if so, (aa)(aaa) what are the names of the specified institutions and (bbb) what are their functions, (bb) from what date has her department or any entity reporting to her been funding them and (cc) what amount has her department contributed towards such funding?

Reply from the Minister of Energy on 12 Sep 2017

a) (i) The Department of Energy does not fund including by way of discretionary funding any institution of research and development, and/or (ii) Internationally, all entities reporting to the Department with exception of PetroSA a subsidiary of CEF and SANEDI does not fund institution of research and development, and does not have a discretionary funding.

(aa) Not applicable

(aaa) Not applicable

(bbb) Not applicable ...

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2017-w2423 - 31 August 2017

William Mothipa Madisha to ask the Minister of Energy

(1)What were the circumstances surrounding and reasons for the suspension of a certain person (name and details furnished); (2) has the matter been investigated and resolved; if not, why not; if so, what were the findings and outcomes?

Reply from the Minister of Energy on 31 Aug 2017

(1) The suspension of Mr Aphane is still a matter between the department and the employee. The circumstance leading to the suspension cannot be disclosed to anyone as this is still under investigation. This cannot be revealed as it might taint the integrity of the investigation.

(2) The matter is still under investigation and the processes are within the 60 days prescribed by the ...

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2017-w1616 - 21 August 2017

Petrus Johannes Groenewald to ask the Minister of Energy

(1)Whether, with reference to the answer given to question 1148 on 29 April 2016, any solar energy systems were installed in accordance with the Solar Water Heating programme in the financial years (a) 2015-16 and (b) 2016-17; if not, why not; if so, how many; (2) whether any systems were purchased; if so, (a) how many and (b) where are they being stored; (3) (a) what does it cost to store the acquired systems and (b) when will the installation be done; (4) whether she will make a declaration about the matter? NW1821E

Reply from the Minister of Energy on 21 Aug 2017

1) (a) and (b) No, as indicated in question 1148, the procurement process on the installations had not yet begun. The delay in the installation process is premised on the need to finalize the necessary controls and systems to mitigate the occurrence of the problems experienced in the previous rollout model. The systems include (i) a GPS verification and tracking system, that will enable ...

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2017-w1718 - 14 August 2017

Lungiswa Veronica James to ask the Minister of Energy

Whether any staff of (a) her department and (b) each entity reporting to her were awarded any contracts or agreements to conduct business with any state entity in the (i) 2014-15, (ii) 2015-16 and (iii) 2016-17 financial years; if so, what are the (aa)(aaa) names and (bbb) professional designations of the staff members and (bb)(aaa) details of the contract(s) and/or agreement(s) awarded and (bbb) amounts in each case?

Reply from the Minister of Energy on 14 Aug 2017

(a) There were no employees from the Department of energy and (b) and entities reporting to the Department of Energy who were awarded any contracts or agreements to conduct any business with the state or any state entity in the (i) 2014-15; (ii) 2015-16 and (iii) 2016-17 financial years. (aa) (aaa)Not applicable and (bbb) Not applicable and (bb) (aaa) Not applicable and (bbb) not ...

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2017-w1824 - 14 August 2017

Marshall Mzingisi Dlamini to ask the Minister of Energy

Why does her department still intend to pursue the nuclear energy option, in view of the findings contained in the 2016 report of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, which indicates an increased annual cost of R90 billion compared to the cost of renewable energy (details furnished)?

Reply from the Minister of Energy on 14 Aug 2017

Pursuing the nuclear energy option is a declared intention of Government guided by the Nuclear Energy Policy of 2008 and Integrated Resource Plan 2010-2030 (IRP 2010-2030). This option exists to ensure that key that key objectives of the National Development plan 2010-2030, especially on socio-economic development and job creation, are achieved. Since 2010, the IRP 2010-2030 has guided procurement of other technology options, some ...

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