2018-w1647 - 15 June 2018

Veronica Van Dyk to ask the Minister of Energy

(a) What number of cases relating to the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act, Act 12 of 2004, as amended, have been referred to the (i) SA Police Service (SAPS) and (ii) Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation (DPCI) by (aa) his department and (bb) each entity reporting to him for further investigation since the Act was assented to and (b) what number of the specified cases have (i) been investigated by SAPS and DPCI, (ii) been followed up by the respective accounting officers and (iii) resulted in a conviction in each specified financial year since 2004?

Reply from the Minister of Energy on 15 Jun 2018

There is one (1) case from South African National Energy Development Institute (SANEDI). It is currently being investigated by SAPS.

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2018-w1740 - 15 June 2018

Jan Adriaan Esterhuizen to ask the Minister of Energy

Whether, with reference to Eskom’s pricing model that is fundamentally flawed as tariff increases must fund expenses instead of focusing on reducing costs and increase efficiencies, he has found that Eskom can reform and become an efficient entity; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the Minister of Energy on 15 Jun 2018

The National Energy Regulator of South Africa (NERSA) continues to work with Eskom to advise on Eskom’s pricing model, in line with Electricity Regulation Act, 2006 (Act No. 4 of 2006). The aim is to safeguard and meet the interests and requirements of present and future electricity customers and end users.

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2018-w1848 - 15 June 2018

Marshall Mzingisi Dlamini to ask the Minister of Energy

Whether, with reference to the reply to question 1363 on 23 May 2018, the (a) directors and/or (b) shareholders of the specified companies who are serving in more than one company have declared their involvement in multiple companies; if not, why not; if so, what steps did his department take to deal with conflict of interest and collusion, particularly with regard to bid price and the fact that equivalent annual tariffs were used to determine price scoring in the awarding of contracts?

Reply from the Minister of Energy on 15 Jun 2018

The Bid Submission for REIPPP Projects in Bid Window 4 was on 18 August 2014, a total number of 77 bids were received and evaluated based on stringent qualification and evaluation criteria. Accordingly these four projects were selected as preferred bidders based on the outcome of the evaluation. The shareholding of each project company was disclosed at bid submission as bid criteria include South ...

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2018-w2016 - 15 June 2018

Stevens Mokgalapa to ask the Minister of Energy

What are the details of the (a) number of accidents that vehicles owned by his department were involved (i) in each of the past three financial years and (ii) since 1 April 2018, (b) cost for repairs in each case and (c)(i) number of and (ii) reasons for vehicles being written off in each case; (2) whether all vehicles owned by his department have tracking devices installed

Reply from the Minister of Energy on 15 Jun 2018

The Department owns seven (7) vehicles of which six (6) of them have tracking devices and one (1) vehicle is currently in the process of being installed with tracking device. No road accidents were reported in the period in question.

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2018-w1542 - 01 June 2018

Tandeka Gqada to ask the Minister of Energy

(1)What is his plan to address (a) labour unions concerns with the independent power producers (IPP) programme and (b) coal truck drivers’ concerns and alleviate job losses in the sector; (2) whether he intends to extend the bidding window for the (a) IPP programme and (b) purchase power agreement programmes; if so, what will be the scale of power in megawatts for the new bid windows?

Reply from the Minister of Energy on 1 Jun 2018

Labour unions raised concerns relating to IPP programme being the reason for de-commissioning of coal fired power plants. It is important to note that the de-commissioning of coal plants is not due to introduction of new power plants (such as REIPPP) but due to existing coal plants reaching end of life.

Any bidding window will be informed by the revised IRP which is expected ...

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2018-w1543 - 01 June 2018

Tandeka Gqada to ask the Minister of Energy

(1)With reference to his reply to question 505 on 18 April 2018, what is the status of the (a) court proceedings, (b) invalidation of the contracts and (c) forensic probe into the sale of the strategic fuel reserves as at the latest specified date for which information is available; (2) whether the court proceedings have been finalised; if not, on what date will it be finalised; if so, on what date will the forensic report be available to the relevant portfolio committee(s); (3) whether the country has access to 10 million barrels of oil; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details; (4) whether he will provide all legal opinions which have been supplied to his department to date regarding the sale of the strategic fuel reserves, to Ms T Gqada; (5) whether he intends to proceed with the prosecution of certain persons (names and details furnished), who are implicated in the sale of the strategic fuel reserves?

Reply from the Minister of Energy on 1 Jun 2018

The response to question 505 still stands. The matter is before the Courts.

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2018-w1544 - 01 June 2018

Tandeka Gqada to ask the Minister of Energy

In light of two of the seven Bills that the department indicated in its 2015-16 Annual Performance Plan that it intended to conclude at the end of March 2016 and March 2017 respectively and which were carried over into the 2017-18 financial year, what are the (a) reasons that there has been a delay by the department in executing its policy mandate, (b) reasons that the department missed the deadlines for tabling the specified Bills and (c) new deadlines that the department has set for itself for the legislation to be passed by Parliament?

Reply from the Minister of Energy on 1 Jun 2018

At the Portfolio Committee meeting on 8 May 2018, the department submitted the attached document giving an update on the Legislative Program.

Approved / Not Approved

Mr J T Radebe, MP

Minister of Energy


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2018-w1465 - 23 May 2018

Pieter Van Dalen to ask the Minister of Energy

Whether, with reference to the reply of the President, Mr C M Ramaphosa, to the debate on the State of the Nation Address on 22 February 2018 to implement lifestyle audits, (a) he, (b) senior management service members in his department and/or (c) any of the heads of entities reporting to him have undergone a lifestyle audit in the past three financial years; if not, have any plans been put in place to perform such audits; if so, in each case, what are the details of the (i) date of the lifestyle audit, (ii) name of the person undergoing the audit, (iii) name of the auditing firm conducting the audit and (iv) outcome of the audit; (2) Whether he will furnish Mr P van Dalen with copies of the lifestyle audit reports?

Reply from the Minister of Energy on 23 May 2018

Neither the department nor its Entities have conducted lifestyle audits. The department and its Entities will implement any directive in this regard that is developed for the Public Service of the Republic.

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2018-w1364 - 23 May 2018

Marshall Mzingisi Dlamini to ask the Minister of Energy

What (a) was the total amount that each company (details furnished) bid for and (b) services did they offer in their bid to provide energy for the Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer Procurement Programme contracts?

Reply from the Minister of Energy on 23 May 2018

The bid prices offered by each company in ZAR/kWh 2014 Terms is as follows:

Project Company

Tariff Offered ZAR/kWh 2014 Terms

Main Street (RF) (Pty) Ltd


Ramizone (RF) (Pty) Ltd


Amstilinx (RF) (Pty) Ltd


Amstilite (RF) (Pty) Ltd


The services in the bid of each company to provide new generation capacity for the Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer Procurement Programme ...

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2018-w1363 - 23 May 2018

Marshall Mzingisi Dlamini to ask the Minister of Energy

(1) What are the names of the (a) directors and (b) shareholders of certain companies (details furnished)that were awarded contracts for the Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer Procurement Programme; (2) whether the (a) directors and/or (b) shareholders of the specified companies who are serving in more than one company declared their involvement in multiple companies; if not, why not; if so, what steps did his department take to deal with conflicts of interest and collusion, particularly with regard to bid price and the fact that equivalent annual tariffs were used to determine price scoring in the awarding of contracts? (2) whether the (a) directors and/or (b) shareholders of the specified companies who are serving in more than one company declared their involvement in multiple companies; if not, why not; if so, what steps did his department take to deal with conflicts of interest and collusion, particularly with regard to bid price and the fact that equivalent annual tariffs were used to determine price scoring in the awarding of contracts? NW1465E

Reply from the Minister of Energy on 23 May 2018

1. (a) The directors of the four specified project companies at bid submission were, as per the table below. Please note that the tenure of directors of any company is not indefinite and the directors may change from time to time.



Main Street (RF) (Pty) Ltd

  • The CEO and Executive Director is Jasandra Nyker
  • The Chairman of the Board and Non-Executive Director: ...
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