2017-w1187 - 06 June 2017

Ross Kriel Purdon to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

In light of the now observed and quantifiable threat posed to Cape Vultures by wind farms within the draft Cookhouse Renewable Energy Development Zones (REDZ) and which has been communicated to her department by a certain company (name and details furnished), why has her department not (a) immediately invoke the National Environmental Management Act, Act 107 of 1998, as amended, and prescribe a risk-averse and cautious approach, (b) institute an immediate halt to the proposed Spitskop West wind farm application, within the subject draft REDZ(s) and (c) why has her department failed to engage the local expertise of certain companies (names furnished) in this critical matter?

Reply from the Minister of Environmental Affairs on 6 Jun 2017

(a) The department has, and will continue to apply the requirements of the National Environmental Management Act, Act 107 of 1998, as amended, as well as its subordinate legislation and will continue to ensure that it uses, among other things, a risk-averse and cautious approach in its assessments.

(b) DEA cannot “halt applications” and its Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) processes once an application is ...

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2017-w1218 - 06 June 2017

Annelie Lotriet to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

Whether (a) her Department and (b) each entity reporting to her has (i) procured any services from and/or (ii) made any payments to the Decolonisation Foundation; if not, in each case, what is the position in this regard; if so, what (aa) services were procured, (bb) were the total costs, (cc) is the detailed breakdown of the costs, (dd) was the total amount paid, (ee) was the purpose of the payments and (ff) is the detailed breakdown of the payments in each case?

Reply from the Minister of Environmental Affairs on 6 Jun 2017

1. South Africa National Parks (SANparks)

(a) Not applicable.

(b) (i) No

(ii) No request was received from the foundation.

(aa) Not applicable.

(bb) Not applicable.

(cc) Not applicable.

(dd) Not applicable.

(ee) Not applicable.

(ff) Not applicable.

2. iSimangaliso Wetland Park

(a) Not applicable.

(b) (i) No

(ii) No request was received from the foundation.

(aa) Not applicable.

(bb) Not applicable. ...

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2017-w1185 - 06 June 2017

Ross Kriel Purdon to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

(1)Whether any (a) record and/or (b) correspondence, including emails and verbal liaison, relating to the proposed Spitskop West Wind Energy facility has occurred between any member or employee of a certain company (name furnished) and her department; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details in each case; (2) whether any record or correspondence relating to the proposed facility (a) refers to (i) AVDS Environmental Consultants, (ii) a certain person (name furnished) or (iii) any of the specified person’s clients or (b) excluded the (i) specified consultants or (ii) persons, either as recipients or via absence of physical or audible presence; if not, in each case, why not; if so, what are the relevant details in each case; (3) whether she will furnish Mr R K Purdon with copies of all records and correspondence in this regard; if not, why not; if so, by what date?

Reply from the Minister of Environmental Affairs on 6 Jun 2017

1. (a) and (b)

Yes, I am advised that there was correspondence between the Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) and employees of the company whose name was furnished, as is required by the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations (EIA), 2014. There has been, for example, comments on reports that have been submitted and formal letters such as an acknowledgement of the application and reports, as well ...

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2017-w1061 - 19 May 2017

Thomas Zwelakhe Hadebe to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

(1)(a) What is the final cost for construction of the Skukuza Safari Lodge, (b) were tenders for this project issued in terms of prescribed procedure and (c) were any tenders re-issued to preferred partners; (2) (a) whether construction costs are reflected in the annual statements of the SA National Parks, (b) what amount will be paid by her department and (c) on what anticipated date will occupancy revenue break even with construction costs?

Reply from the Minister of Environmental Affairs on 19 May 2017

1. (a) The final construction cost will only be determined when the construction work is completed. Two tenders were awarded in February 2017:

  • Skukuza Safari Lodge main building tender: R 227 484 000 (VAT Incl.)
  • Skukuza Safari Lodge bulk services: R 22 726 856 (VAT Incl.)

    (b) Yes. Tenders were issued in line with the Supply Chain Management Procedures and processes outlined ...

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2017-w1062 - 18 May 2017

Thomas Zwelakhe Hadebe to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

(a) What is the estimated cost for the construction of the Shangoni Gate accommodation and tourist complex in Giyani, (b) what is the budget for the upgrade of roads within the Kruger National Park, (c) will the roads be tarred, and (d) will the gate facilitate (i) entry and (ii) exit to Mozambique for local and foreign nationals?

Reply from the Minister of Environmental Affairs on 18 May 2017

(a) The estimated construction cost (2017) for the Shangoni Entrance Gate, tourism facilities (Camping site, tented site and picnic site) and tar road is R263 million.

(b) The current funding available is R25 million.

(c) Yes, the roads will be tarred.

(d) The new Shangoni Entrance gate will be used for (i) entry and (ii) exit of all nationals visiting the park.


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2017-w1050 - 18 May 2017

Ross Kriel Purdon to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

(1)(a) What is the total number of rhinos that have been poached within the Hluhluwe-Imfolozi Park in the (i) 2014-15, (ii) 2015-16 and (iii) 2016-17 financial years, and (b) what is the total amount of budget allocated to combat poaching in the Ezemvelo KwaZulu-Natal Wildlife; (2) whether Ezemvelo has any anti-poaching plans; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; and (3) (a) whether her Department has approached the private sector for any (i) assistance, (ii) guidance and/or (iii) funding, and (b) what measures has her Department put in place to curb poaching outside the park?

Reply from the Minister of Environmental Affairs on 18 May 2017

1. (a) (i) 2014-15: 14

         (ii) 2015-16: 44

         (iii) 2016-17: 148

(b) 2016/2017: R116 148 679.00 and 2017/2018: R112 013 603.00.

2. Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife does have anti-poaching plans, and these are aligned to the National Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) Strategy (National Strategy for the Safety and Security of Rhinoceros Populations in South Africa); and the Cabinet approved Integrated ...

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2017-w1060 - 18 May 2017

Thomas Zwelakhe Hadebe to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

(1)(a) How many bookings were made by (i) private and (ii) government entities for the Nombolo Mdhluli conference centre in Skukuza since its completion in 2011 and (b) what amount has been generated from the bookings thus far; (2) whether the money generated from such bookings is reflected in the annual statements of the SA National Parks; (3) (a) what was the cost for construction of the conference centre and (b) were any private contractors used to complete the project

Reply from the Minister of Environmental Affairs on 18 May 2017

(1) (a) Since 2011, 613 reservations for a total of 36 299 persons were made.

(b) Since 2011, revenue has been R16, 358 million excluding Vat and the amount indicated is a net profit. The Conference Centre was built as a preparation to test the market for the Skukuza Lodge. It is envisaged that Conference Centre will make significant profits once the construction of ...

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2017-w750 - 06 May 2017

Pieter Van Dalen to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

(1)With reference to the decision of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) in September 2016, (a) what is the total number of lion bones that were exported from South Africa in (i) October, (ii) November and (iii) December 2016, (b) what is the total number of export permits that were granted during the specified period and (c) to whom were the permits awarded; (2) how was the proposed quota of 800 lion skeletons established; (3) (a) why are lions not listed as large predators in terms of the Threatened or Protected Species regulations and (b) what plans does she have in place to remedy the situation?

Reply from the Minister of Environmental Affairs on 6 May 2017

(1) (a) The following exports were endorsed at OR Tambo International Airport: (i) October – 150 skeletons, (ii) November – 84 skeletons, (iii) December – 144 skeletons.

(b) and (c) The provincial conservation departments are the issuing authorities for permits relating to the export by the private sector. The following information was obtained from the provincial conservation departments:


October 2016

November 2016

December ...

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2017-w844 - 24 April 2017

Johanna Steenkamp to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

Whether, with reference to her reply to question 354 on 17 March 2017, she will provide the details of the (a) make, (b) model, (c) price and (d) date of purchase of each vehicle that was purchased for use by (i) her and (ii) her deputy in 2014; if not, why not; if so, what are the details in each case?

Reply from the Minister of Environmental Affairs on 24 Apr 2017



  1. Audi A8
  2. 2014
  3. R 944 000
  4. Purchase date: 27 October 2014


Deputy Minister:

PRETORIA                                              CAPE TOWN

  1. F15 BMW X5 30d (PTA) and             BMW 520D (Cape Town)
  2. 2015             ...
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2017-w845 - 18 April 2017

Johanna Steenkamp to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

With reference to the Minister of Arts and Culture’s reply to Question 528 on 27 March 2017, (a) by what date will the Government proclaim the Vredefort Dome as a heritage site in accordance with the proclamation of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation on 14 July 2005 that the specified site is the country’s seventh world heritage site; and (b) what are the reasons for the Government’s delay in proclaiming the site a heritage site?

Reply from the Minister of Environmental Affairs on 18 Apr 2017

a) Vredefort Dome will be proclaimed as soon as consensus is reached with the landowners on critical issues around governance and management models, and in particular the establishment of the Management Authority. Landowners have demanded that proclamation and governance issues be addressed simultaneously. This is despite a previous arrangement that the proclamation of the Site be processed while the resolution of the governance ...

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