2017-w294 - 13 March 2017

Ross Kriel Purdon to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

(1) Whether (a) her department and (b) the SA National Parks (SANParks) have found that surrounding local communities have been influenced by and are participating in the illegal trade in wildlife and poaching in and around the Kruger National Park; if not, what are the relevant details; if so, what plans have been put in place by (i) her department and (ii) SANParks to regulate the illegal trade in wildlife and poaching in the surrounding communities; (2) whether SANParks has put a strategic plan in place to work with other government departments to combat poaching both inside and outside of the Kruger National Park; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the Minister of Environmental Affairs on 13 Mar 2017

(1) Yes, (a) (b) (i) and (ii) the department has found that some members of the local communities have been influenced to participate in the illegal trade in wildlife and poaching in and around the Kruger National Park. There have been instances where some of the community members are used by syndicates to pouch and support those pouchers.

Clarity needs to be given that the ...

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2017-w309 - 13 March 2017

Thomas Zwelakhe Hadebe to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

(1) Has her Department put any measures in place for monitoring, regulation and enforcement in the traditional healers industry with a view to ensure that the traditional healers are not in possession of endangered fauna and flora species; if not, (a) why not and (b) what is her Department doing to ensure that the traditional healers industry complies with the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species regulations; if so, (2) has her Department visited the Faraday Taxi Rank in Johannesburg; if so, (a) which endangered species were seen on the market and (b) were any individuals (i) penalised or (ii) arrested?

Reply from the Minister of Environmental Affairs on 13 Mar 2017

1.  The Department of Environmental Affairs has put various measures in place for monitoring, regulating and enforcement in the traditional healers industry as further expanded upon below:

The Department of Environmental Affairs has promulgated the National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act, 2004(Act 10 of 2004) (NEMBA), the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) regulations, as well as ...

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2017-w125 - 28 February 2017

Ross Kriel Purdon to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

(1)Has the proposed Intensive Protection Zone (IPZ) in the Kruger National Park been established; if not, (a) when will it be established and (b) why has it been delayed; if so, (i) when was it established and (ii) has she found it to be successful; (2) what (a) are the cost implications, (b) is the budget allocation and (c) systems are in place to measure the success or failures of the IPZ?

Reply from the Minister of Environmental Affairs on 28 Feb 2017

1. (a- b – ii)

The Intensive Protection Zone (IPZ) has been implemented by the end of 2016. As it is a partial solution due the cost of the equipment and technologies involved, outstanding priorities were determined carefully to serve as inputs into next phases of the project as and when donor money becomes available. The project contributed significantly to the Kruger National Park’s (KNP) ...

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2016-w2293 - 07 December 2016

James Vos to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

Whether any (a) internal and/or (b) external forensic reports pertaining to (i) her Department and/or (ii) each entity reporting to her were completed from 01 January 2009 up to the latest specified date for which information is available; if not, in each case, why not; if so, what is the (aa) name, (bb) subject matter and (cc) date of conclusion of each of the specified forensic reports?

2016-w2212 - 28 November 2016

Narend Singh to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

What is she doing in providing evidence that can assist in the trial proceeding against a certain person (name furnished) that has been linked to a web of corruption and implicated by other rhino poachers who claimed to have worked for the poaching kingpin while the person upon confrontation by the police confirmed his intention not to stop killing rhinos?

2016-w2213 - 28 November 2016

Narend Singh to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

Whether she is instituting investigations into recent reports of illegal trade in endangered species allegedly taking place at the Faraday Muthi Market, in Selby, Johannesburg, where it is alleged that animal parts from endangered species such as leopard, lion, chimpanzee, hyena, pangolin and vulture are being traded illegally; if not, when will an investigation be instituted into the trade practices of the Johannesburg Muthi markets so as to ensure that they are legally compliant as regards trade in wildlife; if so, what are the full details of any such investigation?

NW2939E - 11 November 2016

J Edwards to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

(1) Whether her department has completed its forensic audit of the Recycling and Economic Development Initiative of South Africa; if not, (a) why not and (b) by what date will the specified forensic audit be completed; if so, what are the outcomes of the forensic audit; (2) whether the report of the forensic audit will be distributed for public comment; if not, why not; if so, by what date?

2016-w2123 - 01 November 2016

Narend Singh to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

With regard to the trial of the alleged rhino poaching kingpin (name and details furnished), why has the syndicate of the specified person never been acknowledged at any of her department’s quarterly rhino poaching briefings presented by her?

2016-w2089 - 01 November 2016

Robert Alfred Lees to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

What amount did (a) her Department and (b) each entity reporting to her spent on advertising on the (i) Africa News Network 7 channel, (ii) SA Broadcasting Corporation (aa) television channels and (bb) radio stations, (iii) national commercial radio stations and (iv) community (aa) television and (bb) radio stations (aaa) in the 2015-16 financial year and (bbb) since 1 April 2016?

2016-w2198 - 01 November 2016

Johanna Steenkamp to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

(a) What are the latest numbers of (i) rhinos and (ii) elephants that were poached in each (aa) province and (bb) national game park from 1 April 2015 to 31 March 2016, (b) how many poachers were (i) caught and (ii) successfully prosecuted and (c) what punishments were enacted in each case?
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