2016-w2125 - 31 October 2016

Narend Singh to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

Whether she visited the Hluhluwe-Imfolozi Game Reserve to assess the escalating incidence of rhino poaching (details furnished); if not, when does she plan to visit the specified game reserve?

2016-w2054 - 31 October 2016

Alan Ross Mcloughlin to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

(1)Whether each Head of Department (HOD) of her Department signed a performance agreement since their appointment; if not, (a) what is the total number of HODs who have not signed performance agreements, (b) what is the reason in each case, (c) what action has she taken to rectify the situation and (d) what consequences will the specified HOD face for failing to sign the performance agreements; if so, (i) when was the last performance assessment of each HOD conducted and (ii) what were the results in each case; (2) whether any of the HODs who failed to sign a performance agreement received a performance bonus since their appointment; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, (a) at what rate and (b) what criteria were used to determine the specified rate; (3) whether any of the HODs who signed a performance agreement received a performance bonus since their appointment; if so, (a) at what rate and (b) what criteria were used to determine the rate?

2016-w2019 - 31 October 2016

Joyce Vuyiswa Basson to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

What formal qualifications does each of her Department’s (a)(i) Chief Financial Officers and/or (ii) Acting Chief Financial Officers and (b)(i) Directors-General and/or (ii) Acting Directors-General possess?

NW2625E - 21 October 2016

Joey De Vos to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

Whether any (a) internal and/or (b) external forensic reports pertaining to (i) her department and/or (ii) each entity reporting to her were completed from 1 January 2009 up to the latest specified date for which information is available; if not, in each case, why not; if so, what is the (aa) name, (bb) subject matter and (cc) date of conclusion of each of the specified forensic reports?

Reply from the Minister of Environmental Affairs on 21 Oct 2016

The results of forensic related investigations are often detailed in a forensic report.

These reports are often used for several purposes. It is important to take note of the legally privileged and confidential information contained in forensic reports. Due process and protocols of releasing such information should be followed especially if such reports have not been released to the public domain.

It is advisable ...

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NW2540E - 21 October 2016

Naran Singh to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

Whether she is instituting investigations into recent reports of illegal trade in endangered species allegedly taking place at the Faraday Muthi Market, in Selby, Johannesburg, where it is alleged that animal parts from endangered species such as leopard, lion, chimpanzee, hyena, pangolin and vulture are being traded illegally; if not, when will an investigation be instituted into the trade practices of the Johannesburg Muthi markets so as to ensure that they are legally compliant as regards trade in wildlife; if so, what are the full details of any such investigation?

Reply from the Minister of Environmental Affairs on 21 Oct 2016

Nature conservation is a concurrent competence between national and provincial government and any investigation into illegal trade in endangered species allegedly taking place at the Faraday Muthi Market, in Selby, Johannesburg will have to be done by the Gauteng Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (GDARD) which is the conservation authority responsible for law enforcement in the Gauteng Province.

However, due to increasing reports ...

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NW2439E - 21 October 2016

Naran Singh to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

What is she doing in providing evidence that can assist in the trial proceeding against a certain person (name furnished) that has been linked to a web of corruption and implicated by other rhino poachers who claimed to have worked for the poaching kingpin while the person upon confrontation by the police confirmed his intention not to stop killing rhinos?

Reply from the Minister of Environmental Affairs on 21 Oct 2016

Please note that neither the Department of Environmental Affairs nor I can provide evidence that can assist in the trial of the person referred to in the question. However, the South African Police Service’s Directorate: Priority Crime Investigation (DPCI) arrested the said person and associates on 18 December 2014 and the investigation was successfully finalised. The syndicate members were consequently brought before the Hluhluwe ...

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NW2520E - 14 October 2016

J Edwards to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

(a) What are the latest numbers of (i) rhinos and (ii) elephants that were poached in each (aa) province and (bb) national game park from 1 April 2015 to 31 March 2016, (b) how many poachers were (i) caught and (ii) successfully prosecuted and (c) what punishments were enacted in each case?

Reply from the Minister of Environmental Affairs on 14 Oct 2016

(a) (i) (aa) and (bb) It should be noted that statistics related to rhino are reported in line with calendar years rather than financial years in order to align with international reporting mechanisms.

From April 2015 to March 2016, 1 131 rhinos were poached, with 35 Elephants in each province, as reflected below:









NW ...

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NW2438E - 14 October 2016

Naran Singh to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

Whether she visited the Hluhluwe-Imfolozi Game Reserve to assess the escalating incidence of rhino poaching (details furnished); if not, when does she plan to visit the specified game reserve?

Reply from the Minister of Environmental Affairs on 14 Oct 2016

I have not recently visited the Hluhluwe-Imfolozi Game Reserve personally to assess the escalating incidence of rhino poaching. However, I am briefed on a regular basis by my staff regarding pertinent issues and am satisfied that all roleplayers, but more specifically the South African Police Service (SAPS) which has included the area in Operation Rhino 7 is focusing its efforts to intensify rhino protection ...

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NW2436E - 14 October 2016

Naran Singh to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

With regard to the trial of the alleged rhino poaching kingpin (name and details furnished), why has the syndicate of the specified person never been acknowledged at any of her department’s quarterly rhino poaching briefings presented by her?

Reply from the Minister of Environmental Affairs on 14 Oct 2016

During these media briefings, law enforcement matters are usually covered by my colleagues from the Security Cluster, particularly as it is the mandate of the South African Police Service to investigate and disrupt syndicates. Where law enforcement aspects are included in the briefings, this information is provided by the Security Cluster and there may be various reasons why sensitive information is not included.

- ...

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NW2400E - 23 September 2016

Robert Alfred Lees to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

What amount did (a) her department and (b) each entity reporting to her spend on advertising on the (i) Africa News Network 7 channel, (ii) SA Broadcasting Corporation (aa) television channels and (bb) radio stations, (iii) national commercial radio stations and (iv) community (aa) television and (bb) radio stations (aaa) in the 2015-16 financial year and (bbb) since 1 April 2016?

Reply from the Minister of Environmental Affairs on 23 Sep 2016

Currently the department’s above-the-line advertising campaigns are placed through the Government Communication and Information System (GCIS), in compliance with the Cabinet Memorandum No. 1 of 2011 which was adopted on 8 June 2011.

GCIS uses an independent tool to assist in determining the best mediums to procure from for any specific media campaign request. The mediums chosen are based on the Telmar software tools ...

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