2018-w1976 - 03 July 2018

Thomas Zwelakhe Hadebe to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

What are the time frames for the appointment of industry managers to take over contracts entered into by the Waste Bureau?

Reply from the Minister of Environmental Affairs on 3 Jul 2018

The process associated with the time-frames for possible take-over of contracts will depend on my decision as the Minister, relating to the submitted plan/s, once the current process is complete.

The approval and/or rejection of Industry Waste Management Plans is regulated by section 32(1) of National Environment Management: Waste Act (Act no 59 of 2008) as amended. The Department is currently consolidating the comments ...

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2018-w2090 - 03 July 2018

Johanna Steenkamp to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

How do the current levels of the Waste Management Bureau’s (WMB) offtake compare to the Recycling and Economic Development Initiative of South Africa, (b) what recycling rates were achieved in 2018 under the management of the WMB, (c) what is currently being done with regard to the off-the-road (OTR) tyres collections backlog and (d) what volume of OTRs have been recycled?

Reply from the Minister of Environmental Affairs on 3 Jul 2018

(a) The table below shows the comparison between the Waste Bureau and Redisa in term of waste tyres processed on an annualised basis. It shows that if exports are excluded, then the Waste Bureau performs better than Redisa.


Oct17-Mar18 Annualised

Dec16-Jul17 Annualised


Recycled (Tons)


Waste Bureau



3 277



7 945

4 482


3 616

6 357 ...

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2018-w1930 - 03 July 2018

Xalisa, Mr Z R to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

(1)What (a) is the total number of incidents of sexual harassment that were reported to the human resources offices of entities reporting to her in (i) 2016 and (ii) 2017 and (b) are the details of each incident that took place; (2) was each incident investigated; if not, why not in each case; if so, what were the outcomes of the investigation in each case?

Reply from the Minister of Environmental Affairs on 3 Jul 2018

Department of Environmental Affairs

1) (a) (i) Nil

(ii) Four (4).


Two (2) Incidencies reported

  • against the same manager, of sexual assault and/or harassment.

One (1) incident reported

  • against a manager making sexual advances.

One (1) incident reported

  • against an official, of touching of shoulders when walking by/past the complainants work station.

(2) Yes.


Two (2) Incidencies reported

  • Basis ...
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2018-w1974 - 03 July 2018

Johanna Steenkamp to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

(a) What portion of the off-the-road (OTR) waste tyre budget is allocated to the Mogalakwena project and (b) what is the full budgeted cost, including (i) site establishment, (ii) collection, (iii) equipment, (iv) downsizing operations and (v) transport, up- to off-take of OTR waste management, per kilogram?

Reply from the Minister of Environmental Affairs on 3 Jul 2018

(a) There is no total budget allocated to Mogalakwena project. The service provider is contracted to preprocess post levy tyres at an agreed rate per kilogram.

(b) (i) Refer to a

(ii) Refer to a

(iii) Refer to a

(iv) Refer to a

(v) Refer to a


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2018-w1977 - 03 July 2018

Thomas Zwelakhe Hadebe to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

(a) How sustainable are the remuneration changes to the participants of the Waste Bureau network into the future, (b) what plans has the Waste Management Bureau put in place to deal with the off-the-road waste tyre backlog and collections and (c) will she provide Mr T Z Hadebe with a full and detailed list of all legal tyre depots in the country?

Reply from the Minister of Environmental Affairs on 3 Jul 2018

(a) The sustainability of the remuneration to participants is dependent on budget allocation.

(b) Redisa did not adequately address the recycling of waste tyres. The stockpiles created by Redisa as well as waste tyres collected from collection points are sorted and pre-processed at depots prior to being delivered to processors and/or secondary industries. The Waste Bureau is gradually increasing its OTR pre-processing capability by ...

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2018-w2088 - 03 July 2018

Johanna Steenkamp to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

What are the reasons that the Waste Management Bureau is issuing tenders for new properties where current owners are not more than 51% compliant as opposed to setting out a roadmap for them to become black empowered?

Reply from the Minister of Environmental Affairs on 3 Jul 2018

The Waste Bureau has to issue new tenders for storage and preprocessing facilities because most of the contracts with current owners are expiring on 30 September 2018 and cannot be extended further due to the fact that National Treasury only permitted the contracts to be for a maximum period of
12 months, which 12-month period now expires on 30 September 2018.


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2018-w2089 - 03 July 2018

Johanna Steenkamp to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

Whether her department has any plans in place to ensure that the Waste Management Bureau depot at Klerksoord is compliant as it is missing a fence and has no water for fire safety which renders it noncompliant; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the Minister of Environmental Affairs on 3 Jul 2018

The fence at Klerksoord Depot was erected in March 2018. The depot landlord has arranged to be in compliance with fire safety requirements by end of June 2018. The process of erecting a borehole following a lack of response to an application for water connection from City of Tshwane is underway.


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2018-w2092 - 03 July 2018

Thomas Zwelakhe Hadebe to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

On what date will the Waste Management Bureau complete the process of filling the key corporate governance positions, (b) what is the composition of the Board of the Waste Management Bureau and (c) to whom does the Chief Executive Officer account currently?

Reply from the Minister of Environmental Affairs on 3 Jul 2018

(a) The process to fill the key positions in the Waste Management Bureau is underway and this is in line with Section 34D of the National Environmental Management Waste Act. The department is anticipating to conclude the process once the listing of the Bureau is effected.

Section 34D of the Act states that “the objects of the Bureau are to –

(e) progressively build ...

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2018-w1973 - 03 July 2018

Johanna Steenkamp to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

(a) Has (i) her Department or (ii) the Waste Bureau issued any authorisations to add post-tyre levy on off-the-road (OTR) waste tyres to stockpiles, (b) how does her Department and the Waste Bureau ensure that stockpile owners comply with the registered waste tyre stockpiles abatement plans, particularly in terms of time-frames for abatement and adequacy of their abatement budgets, (c) what is the status of stockpile owners’ compliance with the abatement plans nationwide, (d) how is her Department currently dealing with non-compliant stockpile owners, (e) how is the Waste Bureau monitoring compliance with the Waste Tyre Regulations of OTR stockpiles, and (f) what are her Department and the Waste Bureau’s current options to enable collections and recycling of the OTRs nationwide?

Reply from the Minister of Environmental Affairs on 3 Jul 2018

a) (i) No, the stockpiles must be dealt with by the stockpile owners who must fund the management of their stockpile.

(ii) No, the Waste Bureau has not issued any such authorisation.

b) The stockpile owners, on approval of their stockpile abatement plans, are issued with an approval letter, with conditions. These conditions include time-frames for the implementation of the abatement plan. The letter ...

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2018-w1604 - 02 July 2018

Thomas Zwelakhe Hadebe to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

(1)(a) Whether a certain person (name furnished) occupies any official position in the staff structure of the Waste Management Bureau; if not, why did the specified person make a presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Environmental Affairs on 13 March 2018; (2) (a) what official position is occupied by each person who handled the presentation to the committee on the specified date and (b) on what grounds did the Director-General of her Department state that the specified person is acting as Chief Executive Officer; and (3) with reference to the specified person’s statement during the presentation, (a) in whose name (i) were the processors, processing machinery and/or equipment bought, and (ii) was the processing machinery and/or equipment registered, (b) where was it bought and (c) was it locally produced; if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the Minister of Environmental Affairs on 2 Jul 2018

1. (a) The said person is appointed on the official position of Executive Programme Manager additional to the establishment.

2. (a). The second person reffered to is a Senior Executive Manager: Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR), and the third person is an Executive Manager: Business Development and Knowledge Management, The fourth person is the Head: EPR General Waste.

(b) The Director-General of the Department did ...

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