2018-w1714 - 14 June 2018

Nokulunga Primrose Sonti to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

(1)(a) What total amount of land owned by her department and the entities reporting to her in each province is (i) vacant and (ii) unused or has no purpose and (b) what is the (i) location and (ii) size of each specified plot of land; (2) (a) how much of the land owned by her department and the entities reporting to her has been leased out for private use and (b) what is the (i) Rand value of each lease and (ii)(aa) location and (bb) size of each piece of land?

Reply from the Minister of Environmental Affairs on 14 Jun 2018

Department of Environmental Affairs

1. (a) (i) None

(ii) None

(b) (i) Not Applicable.

(ii) Not Applicable.

(2) (a) None

(i) Nil.

(ii) (aa) Not Applicable.

(bb) Not Applicable.

South African Weather Service (SAWS)

1. (a) (i) Nil, SAWS has no vacant land (SAWS owns 59,29 hectares in Gauteng Province).

(ii) None.

(b) (i) Not Applicable.

(ii) Not Applicable.

(2) (a) None.

(i) Nil. ...

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2018-w1602 - 13 June 2018

Johanna Steenkamp to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

(1)What are the details of her Department’s plans to deal with the tyre stockpile; (2) (a) has she found that dumping the tyres at depots solves the problem, (b) why is her Department only talking about the rate of diverting tyres from landfills instead of focusing on the rate of recycling tyres; and (3) what does the target of diverting 50% of all tyres from landfills in the 2018-19 financial year as set by her Department amount to, in tons?

Reply from the Minister of Environmental Affairs on 13 Jun 2018

1. The stockpiles created by REDISA, as well as waste tyres collected from collection points, are sorted and pre-processed at depots prior to being delivered to processors and/or secondary industries. Stockpiles which do not fall within the category above (Historical waste tyre stockpiles) are dealt with in terms of Regulations 7, 8 and 9 of the Waste Tyre Regulations of 2017. Owners of Historical ...

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2018-w1606 - 13 June 2018

Thomas Zwelakhe Hadebe to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

(1)Whether, with reference to a detailed list of the various depots and their location that was received from her Department, she can provide clarity on (a) how the depots were chosen and (b) what are the criteria for these depots; and (2) are any of the depot owners and/or employees at the depots related to or in a relationship with anyone working for / or contracted to her Department; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the details of each person involved in each case?

Reply from the Minister of Environmental Affairs on 13 Jun 2018

(1) (a) The depots which were existing and operational with REDISA are currently being operated by the Waste Bureau on the basis of a closed tender which was approved by Treasury.

(b) The criteria below was considered for the depots:

    • Depot to be registered with REDISA.
    • Have space to operate the depot from.
    • Display knowledge (what will be needed at a new place to ...
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2018-w1817 - 13 June 2018

Yusuf Cassim to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

(1)Whether (a) her spouse and/or (b) an adult family member accompanied her on any official international trip (i) in each of the past five financial years and (ii) since 1 April 2018; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what (aa) is the name of the person(s), (bb) was the (aaa) purpose and (bbb) destination of the trip and (cc) was the (aaa) total cost and (bbb) detailed breakdown of the costs of the accompanying person(s) to her department; (2) whether each of the specified trips were approved by the President in terms of the provisions of Section 1, Annexure A of the Ministerial Handbook; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the Minister of Environmental Affairs on 13 Jun 2018

Sections 3 and 6 and subsequent subsections of the Ministerial Handbook allows the Executive Members to be accompanied by their spouses or an adult family member instead of their spouses in their official journeys abroad at departmental expenses/costs. Yes, the Minister has been accompanied to a Conference of the Parties (COP) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) by her son ...

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2018-w1466 - 30 May 2018

Pieter Van Dalen to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

(1) Whether, with reference to the reply of the President, Mr C M Ramaphosa, to the debate on the State of the Nation Address on 22 February 2018 to implement lifestyle audits, (a) she, (b) senior management service members in her department and/or (c) any of the heads of entities reporting to her have undergone a lifestyle audit in the past three financial years; if not, have any plans been put in place to perform such audits; if so, in each case, what are the details of the (i) date of the lifestyle audit, (ii) name of the person undergoing the audit, (iii) name of the auditing firm conducting the audit and (iv) outcome of the audit; (2) Whether she will furnish Mr P van Dalen with copies of the lifestyle audit reports?

Reply from the Minister of Environmental Affairs on 30 May 2018

Government has put in place a Financial Disclosure Framework for all Middle Management Staff (MMS), Senior Management Staff (SMS) and all employees entrusted with public funds. This framework is aimed at preventing conflict of interests by requiring designated employees to disclose their financial interests.The said employees are required to disclose shares and other financial interests held in any private or public company or any ...

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2018-w1554 - 30 May 2018

Vuyokazi Ketabahle to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

With reference to the reply to question 2342, on 24 August 2017, (a) what number of (i) random DNA samples were taken and (ii) the specified DNA samples were analysed to test for compliance and (b) what was the result of the analysis?

Reply from the Minister of Environmental Affairs on 30 May 2018

(a) (i) and (ii)) According to the results of inspection conducted by the officials, twenty five (25) exhibit bags from OR Tambo International Airport Cargo office for the Department of Environmental Affairs were analysed by the National Zoological Garden (NZG) forensic laboratory in April 2018. A ziplock bag was used to randomly collect DNA samples of the pieces of lion bones exported. Each ziplock ...

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2018-w1549 - 30 May 2018

Xalisa, Mr Z R to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

Where was each of the 800 lions exported to under the annual agreement to export 800 lions?

Reply from the Minister of Environmental Affairs on 30 May 2018

There has not been an annual agreement to export 800 lions, but a lion bone quota for export of 800 Lion skeletons as set for 2017. The export of such lion skeletons or bones were as follow:

















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2018-w1548 - 30 May 2018

Phindisile Pretty Xaba-Ntshaba to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

On what basis was a licence issued to a certain person (name furnished) to trade in lion bones?

Reply from the Minister of Environmental Affairs on 30 May 2018

The Department is responsible for the allocation of the lion bone quota to provincial authorities who are responsible for the issuance of the export permit. As per the information received from the provinces, the Department does not have records of any of the provinces having issued an export permit for lion bone trade to the person referred to.


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2018-w1550 - 30 May 2018

Xalisa, Mr Z R to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

What is being done to resolve the increasing trend of donkeys being kept in poor welfare conditions to be slaughtered for their skins or to feed captive lions?

Reply from the Minister of Environmental Affairs on 30 May 2018

The Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) does not regulate domestic animals:

  • The welfare of both domestic and wild animals is regulated by two Acts of Parliament, namely the Animals Protection Act, 1962 (Act No. 71 of 1962) and the Performing Animals Protection Act, 1935 (Act No. 24 of 1935 as amended).
  • Both the above acts fall under the administration of the Minister of Agriculture, ...
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2018-w1187 - 21 May 2018

Ross Kriel Purdon to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

What (a)(i) is the total number of predator breeding facilities in the country and (ii) is the detailed breakdown of the number of the specified facilities registered with the (aa) SA Predators Association and (bb) other associations, (b) are the names of each of the other associations and (c)(i) is the type of each predator and (ii) is the number of each type of predator found at each of the specified facilities?

Reply from the Minister of Environmental Affairs on 21 May 2018

(a) (i) The current estimate is that there are 300 lion breeding facilities in South Africa. This is based on reports provided by the provincial issuing authorities.

(ii) (aa) the lion breeding facilities register with the Provincial Authorities as competent Authorities; hence the data referred to in (a) (i) (the Department, therefore, does not have information on the detailed breakdown of the number of ...

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