Whether he will furnish Mr T K S Letlape with a complete breakdown of all official travel for (a) him and (b) the Deputy Minister since they assumed office, including the (i) purpose and justification for each trip, (ii) destination details, (iii) costs incurred, including but not limited to transport, accommodation, meals and other related incidental expenses, (iv) names and roles of all accompanying support staff and their respective costs and (v) additional costs associated with each specified trip; if not, why not, in each case; if so, what are the relevant details in each case?
(1) Whether, with reference to allegations about a case of medical negligence (details furnished) which resulted in the death of a patient (name and details furnished) on 31 May 2023, the (a) full patient file and (b) post-mortem reports have been released to the (i) deceased's brother, (ii) the investigating officers, and (iii) the Office of Health Standards Compliance (OHSC) for investigating purposes; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, on what date in each case;
(2) what are the reasons that (a) the deceased’s brother was charged R483,00 for deceased’s file and (b) the file was incomplete?
With reference to patients who have been diagnosed with drug-sensitive Tuberculosis (TB), (a) what total number of households contacts in each province have been treated with TB preventative treatment (TPT) in 2024 in accordance with the new TPT guidelines, (b) in which provinces is Rifapentine available as TPT, (c) what is the current cost of a three-month course of TB and (d) what total amount has been spent on Rifapentine treatment in each province?
(1) In providing anti-retroviral treatment (ART) to persons living with HIV, what (a) is the total amount being spent on the (i) Chronic Dispensary Unit in the Western Cape and (ii) Central Chronic Medicines Dispensing and Distribution in the other eight provinces and (b) would be the saving to his department’s budget if the six month multi-month dispensing (6MMD) was available to all stable patients on ART;
(2) in light of potential savings and the clear benefit to patients, what are the reasons that his department has not pushed for the 6MMD to be rolled out at every single clinic and hospital in the Republic?
What (a) is the total number of (i) public and (ii) military hospitals that are accredited by the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) for medical internship in each province, (b) are the names of the hospitals and (c) total number of (i) internship posts are accredited at each hospital by the HPCSA and (ii) posts have been allocated to be filled/funded at each hospital in 2025?
Whether she was informed that the Mandela Sisulu Clinic and Mofolo Community Health Centre are failing to provide adequate services to the community, even after several complaints have been sent to her department; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what interventions have been taken in this regard?
The Minister is not informed that the Mandela Sisulu Clinic and Mofolo Community Health Centre are failing to provide adequate services to the community. All complaints are handled as per the complaints, compliments and suggestions guidelines at the facility level and if not addressed satisfactorily patients or complainants are advised to escalate their complaints to a higher level.
The two mentioned facilities are providing services ...
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(1) With reference to the reply to question 262 on 18 September 2024, what are the reasons that approximately 6 000 caregivers in the Ngaka Modiri Molema District Municiality, North West, have not been permanently employed by his department, but are only given contracts that are renewed on an annual basis;
(2) what facilities does his department make available to the caregivers working at the Montshioa-Stadt Clinic in Mahikeng?
Whether, with reference to the allegations regarding the death of Ms E. Munien at Durban hospital in December 2014 due to medical malpractice, and in view of the fact that since January 2016 the family of the deceased had been trying to get her brain and heart back, which had been removed by the pathologist, in order to bury it in her grave, despite having approached the Health Professions Council of South Africa but without any resolution, he will the ensure that the family receives the deceased’s organs; if not, (a) what are the reasons and (b)(i) how and (ii) on what date will his department communicate with the family; if so, by what date can the family expect delivery of the organs?
I am unable to answer this question because we have requested Honourable Clarke to provide me with the name of the hospital because we do not have a hospital named Durban Hospital in the country.
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(1) Whether he and/or his department is responsible for the conditions at the Gugulethu Clinic which are totally unacceptable (details furnished); if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, by what date will the specified facility be improved to serve the community;
(2) whether his department has the power to relocate current (a) personnel and (b) patients from the unsafe and life-threatening facility; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details?
What are the full details of the progress of the implementation of each of the recommendations the Health Ombud made regarding the Rahima Moosa Mother and Child Hospital in Johannesburg?
The former Chief Executive Officer of Rahima Moosa hospital Dr Mkabayi has been transferred to the Provincial Department of Health for the duration of her contract. Dr Mkabayi is receiving professional support and training required and she is adapting very well in the new environment and her performance is good. There are no challenges experienced thus far as she has knowledge, skills and abilities ...
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