2023-w3082 - 11 October 2023

Jacobus Frederik Smalle to ask the Minister of Health

(1)What is the (a) number of (i) mortuaries, (ii) pathologist who are allocated to each mortuary and (iii) bodies examined in each mortuary in each month and (b) current backlog of bodies to undergo postmortem; (2) where is each mortuary located; (3) whether there are regulations in place that give effect to the period for (a) postmortems and (b) temperature-controlled environment; if not, why not; if so, who regulates the conditions?

Reply from the Minister of Health on 11 Oct 2023

1. (a)(i) is indicated in Table 1 below as received from Provincial Departments of Health.

Table 1: (i)Number of Forensic Mortuaries including holding Facilities.



Eastern Cape


Free State


KwaZulu Natal








Northern Cape




Western Cape





(1)(a)(ii)(iii) and (b) is indicated Table 3 below as received from the ...

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2023-w3087 - 11 October 2023

Madeleine Bertine Hicklin to ask the Minister of Health

(1)With respect to the devastating fire that occurred in Johannesburg and claimed the lives of 76 people, 12 of whom were children, (a) what are the reasons that the bodies were taken to the mortuary in Diepkloof and not the Hillbrow mortuary for postmortems and (b) to what extent is the Stage 6 load shedding affecting the identification of bodies given that very few mortuaries have generators; (2) how effective has the biometric system been in helping to identify the bodies of the 76 victims whose remains can still be identified bearing in mind that many of the victims are believed to be immigrants; (3) whether he has been informed that an amount of R700,00 has been demanded from the family members collecting and/or identifying the bodies or remains of their loved ones before the bodies or remains are released to them; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what (a) steps will he take regarding allegations of the illegal practice as neither the Gauteng Department of Health nor the Gauteng Forensic Pathology Services are allowed to charge for rendering the specified services and (b) consequences will there be for officials who have been found guilty of contravening the law by demanding illegal payment for the services rendered?

Reply from the Minister of Health on 11 Oct 2023

1. (a) Bodies were taken to both Hillbrow (Johannesburg) and Diepkloof Forensic mortuaries.

  • The Diepkloof Forensic Mortuary was used for postmortem examination, but also as a central storage for bodies so that families can access one central point for identification of family members.
  • The Hillbrow (Johannesburg) was also used to conduct advanced scientific investigation such as DNA harvesting, Fingerprint taking and use of the ...
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2023-w3132 - 11 October 2023

Sophie Suzan Thembekwayo to ask the Minister of Health

What are the relevant details of the steps that he has taken to deal with the challenge of cats roaming inside the wards of patients in the Siloam District Hospital, in Vhembe, Limpopo?

Reply from the Minister of Health on 11 Oct 2023

According to Limpopo Department of Health;

Cats in Siloam District Hospital, in Vhembe, Limpopo come from nearby households for the purpose of food. The cats increase in numbers due to reproduction. The hospital has an informal agreement with farmers from the area to periodically collect cats to assist them with rodents on their farms. The first collection already happened in September 2023. The NDoH ...

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2023-w3051 - 11 October 2023

Michéle Odette Clarke to ask the Minister of Health

Whether he has been informed of electricity bills of hospitals; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what (a) is the total amount in outstanding electricity bills at each hospital in each province and (b) measures has the provincial health departments put in place to mitigate the outstanding debts?

Reply from the Minister of Health on 11 Oct 2023

The responsibility for the payment of electricity bills resides with the respective provincial Departments of Health. Indicated below are the amounts owing as received from the provinces for various hospitals as appears in the tables:

a) The amounts owing to the various municipalities shown here are as the end of July 2023.




Outstanding Debt


Sarah Baartman



Sarah ...

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2023-w2958 - 28 September 2023

Lorato Florence Tito to ask the Minister of Health

What (a) are the details regarding the case of Oscar Banele, whose body was found missing from the KwaMhlanga State Mortuary in Mpumalanga, with claims that it was buried by the State with no grave number and (b) reprieve will be provided to the Banele family that is still searching for his remains?

Reply from the Minister of Health on 28 Sep 2023

(a) The Mpumalanga Department of Health indicates that an enquiry was opened with the Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation in Middelburg on 07 October 2021. This was followed by an internal Department of Health investigation which is about to be concluded. In addition, a case of theft has been opened at Kwa Mhlanga Police Station, CAS number 357/08/2023.

(b) The department is constantly in ...

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2023-w2951 - 28 September 2023

Sophie Suzan Thembekwayo to ask the Minister of Health

Whether he is informed of the operational requirements of hospitals; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, (a) what is the full staff complement provided for in the organogram for the SS Gida Hospital in Keiskammahoek in the Eastern Cape, (b) what total number of the specified positions are occupied in each category of staff at the specified hospital and (c) by what date will the rest of the positions be filled?

Reply from the Minister of Health on 28 Sep 2023

The Minister is aware of the requirements for hospitals to function optimally.

(a) In relation to SS Gida Hospital, a small district hospital with number of 122 usable beds, the staff establishment as per approved posts on the PERSAL system is 459. The Minister is also aware that the bed occupancy rate is at 42.5%, which necessitates a review of the staff complement appropriate ...

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2023-w2974 - 28 September 2023

Ntokozo Khonziwe Fortunate Hlonyana to ask the Minister of Health

Whether his department is responsible for ensuring that provincial departments devise programmes regarding prevention and education on cancer awareness; if not, what is the position in this regard, if so, (a) what programmes have been devised by the KwaZulu-Natal Health department regarding prevention and education on cancer awareness in the specified province and (b) how does the staff reach the most remote areas of the province?

Reply from the Minister of Health on 28 Sep 2023

The Department has developed the National Policy Framework and Strategy on the Prevention and Control of Cancer. This policy informs implementation of services, starting with prevention and awareness through to management and treatment and concluding with palliative care.

The Department is also administering Human Papilloma (HPV) vaccine to grade 5 girls aged 9 years and older for cancer prevention, since 2014. Other education measures ...

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2023-w2975 - 28 September 2023

Ntokozo Khonziwe Fortunate Hlonyana to ask the Minister of Health

Whether his department is responsible for providing around-the-clock emergency services that are readily available in rural areas; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what (a) measures has he put in place to ensure that emergency services are readily available in rural areas around the clock and (b) steps has his department taken to address shortages in emergency services that severely affect communities particularly in the rural areas?

Reply from the Minister of Health on 28 Sep 2023

Yes, Emergency Medical Services is provided on a 24 hour, 7 days a week basis in all 52 health districts by approximately 3000 ambulances operational from 483 EMS stations located strategically throughout South Africa, in both, rural and urban settings.

a) Ambulances are further strategically assigned within the districts into municipal areas based on community needs, that is, the population density, location of district ...

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2023-w3016 - 28 September 2023

Michéle Odette Clarke to ask the Minister of Health

What (a) total number of patients were treated for mental healthrelated illness in (i) psychiatric hospitals, (ii) emergency departments and (iii) outpatient departments in (aa) 2019, (bb) 2020, (cc) 2021, (dd) 2022 and (ee) 2023 and (b) is the breakdown of the total in terms of (i) provincial and (ii) regional hospitals?

Reply from the Minister of Health on 28 Sep 2023

The information provided below was accessed the National Health Information System (DHIS)


Psychiatric hospitals

Provincial hospital

Regional hospital


Total number of patients treated for mental health related illness in psychiatric hospitals (outpatients departments)

Total number of patients treated for mental health related illness in emergency and outpatients’ departments (ambulatory services)

Total number of patients treated for mental health related illness in emergency ...

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2023-w3015 - 28 September 2023

Michéle Odette Clarke to ask the Minister of Health

(1)What (a) total number of healthcare workers have reported being victims of violence by mental healthcare users at public psychiatric facilities (i) in each of the past four years and (ii) since 1 January 2023, (b) are the relevant details of each incident, (c) are the details of the facilities where the incidents occurred in each case and (d) are the details of safety protocols and procedures are in place to protect healthcare workers at psychiatric facilities; (2) whether each province has different safety protocols and procedures; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details; (3) whether his department has mechanisms in place to monitor the implementation of safety protocols and procedures in each province; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (4) whether he will furnish Mrs M O Clarke with a copy of the occupational health and safety policy for public healthcare facilities; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the Minister of Health on 28 Sep 2023

1. The information on the tables below was obtained from provinces. Western Cape Province data includes all violent incidents by patients towards staff and not just mental health care users.

(a)(i); (b)(i); (c)(i)












Eastern Cape





Staff physically assaulted or manhandled (kicked, punched, bitten, slapped, pulled) by ...

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