2023-w2435 - 30 June 2023

Michéle Odette Clarke to ask the Minister of Health

What total number of staff members were involved in the incident where newborn babies were placed in cardboard boxes and (b) consequence management steps will be taken with regard to each staff member who was involved in the incident?

Reply from the Minister of Health on 30 Jun 2023

(a) According to the report from the North West Provincial Department of Health, there are 5 staff members who were involved in the incident where newborn babies were placed in cardboard boxes.

(b) The consequence management process is under way and the steps to be taken will be determined after the completion of the investigation.


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2023-w2308 - 30 June 2023

Terri Stander to ask the Minister of Health

(1) What total number of crematoriums across the Republic are currently over capacity; (2) what total number of crematoriums are currently non-functional; (3) how does his department intend to address the specified matter; (4) whether he will make a statement on the matter; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details? NW2625E

Reply from the Minister of Health on 30 Jun 2023

  1. The question on the operational issues related to the running of Crematoria in the Country should be directed to the Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, which is the relevant department responsible for the crematoria regulation and monitoring.
  1. This question should also be referred to the Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs.
  1. The above-mentioned department would be in a better position to ...
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2023-w2457 - 30 June 2023

Michéle Odette Clarke to ask the Minister of Health

Regarding the case of medical negligence that the Health Professions Council of South Africa failed to investigate (details furnished), in what way will his department assist the forensic investigator to get to the bottom of all the queries and/or allegations?

Reply from the Minister of Health on 30 Jun 2023

The Honourable Member is advised that this Question is a repeat of the Honourable Member’s Question 2046 on the same matter, which we have already responded to. The Honourable Member is referred to that response accordingly.


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2023-w2187 - 19 June 2023

Michéle Odette Clarke to ask the Minister of Health

Whether he will furnish Mrs M O Clarke with the 2017 Tambo Memorial Hospital Report; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the Minister of Health on 19 Jun 2023

The Honourable Member is kindly requested to specify what report she is referring to exactly (the proper name of the report), to enable the Minister to respond to this question appropriately.


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2023-w2244 - 19 June 2023

Sophie Suzan Thembekwayo to ask the Minister of Health

Whether he has been informed that more than 100 nurses were offered employment at the Jubilee District Hospital during the recent cholera outbreak and that after working for 12 hours they were asked to go home since there was no more work for them, yet the specified hospital is short-staffed; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details of the steps he will take to intervene in the matter?

Reply from the Minister of Health on 19 Jun 2023

The Minister was not informed about the 100 nurses who were offered employment at the Jubilee District Hospital during the recent cholera outbreak.

According to the Gauteng Provincial Department of Health, a group of 137 Nurses presented at the Hospital on the 22nd of May 2023. It is not clear who had made arrangements for the group to come to the hospital as there ...

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2023-w2185 - 19 June 2023

Michéle Odette Clarke to ask the Minister of Health

(1)(a) What are (i) the age demographics of all nurses employed in the public health sector and (ii) their specialisation as a percentage of each category and (b) in which provinces are they employed; (2) what is the (a) current vacancy rate for all the specified nursing specialties in each province and (b) envisaged time frame to fill the vacant positions?

Reply from the Minister of Health on 19 Jun 2023

1. (a) (i) In accordance with the Persal data set as extracted for the month of May 2023 below is the table of the age demographics of all nurses employed in the public health sector and

(ii) Persal does not provide the breakdown percentage of each specialized category since they are all grouped under category specialty

(b) The data also specifies the Provinces in ...

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2023-w2256 - 19 June 2023

Sophie Suzan Thembekwayo to ask the Minister of Health

Whether there are any plans to build a clinic for the residents of Goba in Ward 11 in the Nkomazi Local Municipality; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the Minister of Health on 19 Jun 2023


According to the Mpumalanga Department of Health, Goba in Ward 11 has an estimated population of 860. The nearest Primary Health Care (PHC) facility is 6km away in Mbangwane. The population size does not meet the norm of 8 000 - 10 000 which allows for a fixed PHC facility to be constructed. Currently, a mobile clinic is visiting the village once a ...

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2023-w2098 - 19 June 2023

Naledi Nokukhanya Chirwa to ask the Minister of Health

(1)Following the reported crisis of food shortages at the Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital earlier in the month, what intervention measures were implemented to date to resolve the crisis other than the visit by the Member of the Executive Council of Health for Gauteng to the specified hospital; (2) how is his department monitoring the day-to-day status of the hospital and other hospitals facing similar concerns; (3) what (a) total number of other hospitals have reported similar concerns over food shortages and (b) are the names of such hospitals; (4) what (a) was the initial cause of the food shortage crisis at the Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital and (b) is the long-term solution of his department to avoid the specified situation from occurring again in future?

Reply from the Minister of Health on 19 Jun 2023

1. Key intervention to ensure continuity of protein supply was to substitute meat with beans which is also a source of protein.

(2) (a) Only one hospital reported food shortages.

(b) Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital

3.(a) The initial cause was the supplier is contracted to supply a number of hospitals in Johannesburg South with the inclusion of Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic hospital and ...

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2023-w2146 - 19 June 2023

Magdalena Duduzile Hlengwa to ask the Minister of Health

(1)In light of the urgent need at the time to attend to the babies who were placed in cardboard boxes, what has been the position of his department in this regard; (2) whether any action will be taken against the specified nurses who placed newborn infants in cardboard boxes; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (3) what are the reasons that his department does not have contingency plans in place in all hospitals, such as emergency incubators in the event that such a problem arise?

Reply from the Minister of Health on 19 Jun 2023

Background to the reply: 

A hospital that has the deliveries of 56 babies at a time, would generally require a minimum of approximately 25 Midwives at a particular time to ensure maximum coverage. This means that these midwives would have to take care of the 56 newborn babies, while also continuing to monitor the new arrival and those mothers who are in the active ...

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2023-w2255 - 19 June 2023

Anthony Matumba to ask the Minister of Health

(1)What are the reasons that the Figtree Clinic at Ward 11 in the Nkomazi Local Municipality was left in a dilapidated state since it was constructed without any maintenance and/or upgrades despite the increase in the population it serves; (2) whether there are any plans to upgrade the specified clinic; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the Minister of Health on 19 Jun 2023

1. The Figtree clinic is not dilapidated. A major renovation was last done in 2017 and minor maintenance is done as and when the need arises. The current challenges are that it still has a pit latrine and the fence that has become worn.

The clinic has an average monthly headcount of 2445 visits, which equates to an average of 122 patients per day. ...

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