2023-w1914 - 12 June 2023

Sophie Suzan Thembekwayo to ask the Minister of Health

(1)Whether he has been informed of theft of anti-retroviral medicine amounting to R125 000 that was stolen from more than once facility in the Free State; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what (a) total number of facilities in the province were affected, (b) is the name of the health department employee that was found with stolen medication and (c) repercussions emanated from that event; (2) whether his department has taken any steps to increase security at the affected facilities; if not, why not; if so, what steps have been taken?

Reply from the Minister of Health on 12 Jun 2023

According to the Free State Provincial Department of Health,

1. The incident happened at Boshoff Clinic, the theft of anti-retroviral medicine amounting to the value of R85 000. Only 1 facility (Boshoff clinic) is affected. The employee was arrested by the police. He was charged criminally (SAPS Case number 27/01/2023) and departmentally. The employee was suspended from the 2nd of March 2023 and is ...

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2023-w1925 - 12 June 2023

Sophie Suzan Thembekwayo to ask the Minister of Health

In light of the National Institute for Communicable Diseases having confirmed mumps outbreak in the Republic, what are the relevant details of his department’s contingency plan to curb the spread of the specified disease in the Republic?

Reply from the Minister of Health on 12 Jun 2023

A retrospective review of data from National Health Laboratory Service data shows that outbreaks occur approximately every three to six years. Mumps is considered a common and mild disease with few complications which does not pose a major public health threat to the country. The Department has responded by providing information to the public and other stakeholders. Individuals with mumps are advised to stay ...

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2023-w2076 - 12 June 2023

Magdalena Duduzile Hlengwa to ask the Minister of Health

With regard to the recent cholera outbreak in Hammanskraal, Gauteng, that has claimed 10 lives and saw the hospitalisation of more than 37 residents in a critical condition, and noting that the City of Tshwane has come out to caution the residents against drinking tap water while the Free State has confirmed six cases of cholera with 76 residents in the province being sent for testing, what (a) kind of support has the national Government afforded the City and the residents of Hammanskraal and surrounding areas during this time and (b) has the national Government done to contain the outbreak?

Reply from the Minister of Health on 12 Jun 2023

(a) Support the national Government afforded the City and the residents of Hammanskraal and surrounding areas

The national, provincial and respective district outbreak response teams were activated to coordinate the response to the outbreak. Ward-based Outreach Teams (WBOTs) were also activated to facilitate community-based interventions. The teams assisted with conducting contact tracing, active case finding linked to diagnosed cases within the community and visiting ...

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2023-w2075 - 12 June 2023

Magdalena Duduzile Hlengwa to ask the Minister of Health

With regard to the two cases of diphtheria, which is a vaccine-preventable serious infection that have been detected in the Republic, and in light of the hesitation from the public concerning vaccines which led to the Government being in possession of more than 30 million doses of the COVID-19 vaccines, what consistent and successful campaigns has the Government kicked off in bringing and restoring trust to the public in terms of the culture of vaccinations?

Reply from the Minister of Health on 12 Jun 2023

  • Diphtheria vaccine is part of routine childhood immunisation programme, and it is administered and recorded on the child road to health booklet.
  • The department, in partnership with non-governmental organization (NGOs) and the United Nations agencies have developed the following strategies and interventions that address vaccine hesitancy with an intent to restores vaccine confidence among the members of the public. These interventions are aimed at ...
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2023-w1886 - 12 June 2023

Magdalena Duduzile Hlengwa to ask the Minister of Health

Whether his department has any alternatives in place should the current negotiations with private hospitals to admit detainees needing pretrial psychiatric assessments fail; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, (a) what are the relevant details of the alternatives and (b) how does his department intend to ensure that the standard of the services offered are of the same quality as the services offered in private hospitals?

Reply from the Minister of Health on 12 Jun 2023

The response is based on an assumption that the term pre-trial psychiatric assessments refers to an enquiry into a mental condition of an accused in terms of Section 77, 78 and 79 of the Criminal Procedure Act, 1977 (Act No 51 of 1977) as amended.

(a) The Department is not aware of any negotiations regarding private hospitals admitting detainees needing pre-trial psychiatric assessment.

(b) ...

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2023-w1918 - 12 June 2023

Mothusi Kenneth Montwedi to ask the Minister of Health

What are the relevant details of the form of pre and postcounselling his department offers to patients diagnosed with cancer?

Reply from the Minister of Health on 12 Jun 2023

Pre -, during and post-counselling services are an essential component of treatment of patients with cancer. Counselling is provided by their treating doctor, including the Medical and Radiation Oncologists, as well as the multidisciplinary palliative care team of which social workers are key team members. Counselling is prioritised in palliative care services which commences at the point of diagnosis of the cancer and continues ...

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2023-w1989 - 12 June 2023

Mothusi Kenneth Montwedi to ask the Minister of Health

(a) What plans are in place to deal with dilapidated health facilities and (b) at what total cost in the current financial year?

Reply from the Minister of Health on 12 Jun 2023

a) The National Department of Health has developed a 10-year infrastructure plan regarding the needs of our health facilities. The programme is focusing on projects that are still in planning (pre-tendering phase) while projects that are already under construction and in the tender phase will continue in the processes that have already commenced. Facilities that require part or full rehabilitation or replacement and infrastructure ...

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2023-w2046 - 12 June 2023

Michéle Odette Clarke to ask the Minister of Health

In what way will his department assist regarding the disciplinary hearings of certain doctors (names furnished) pertaining to medical negligence at Mediclinic Bloemfontein (details furnished), the allegation made by a certain doctor (name furnished) against the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) that it failed to investigate the matter and instead mishandled it and the allegation by a certain doctor (name furnished) that the HPCSA has failed him (details furnished)?

Reply from the Minister of Health on 12 Jun 2023

1. According to the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA),

  • Mr Naas Ferreira had lodged a complaint of unprofessional conduct against Drs Piek, Mostert and Laubser. At inquiry held by the Professional Conduct Committee of the Medical and Dental Professional Board (“the Committee”), Dr Piek and Dr Laubser pleaded guilty and were found guilty of unprofessional conduct.
  • Dr Mostert pleaded not guilty. Mr ...
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2023-w2045 - 12 June 2023

Michéle Odette Clarke to ask the Minister of Health

Whether he will furnish Mrs M O Clarke with documents regarding allegations of fruitless and wasteful expenditure (a) 00254121_d ANONYMOUS (5) - Copy) in the appointment of private legal practitioners by the Northwest Department of Health in dealing with disciplinary proceedings and (b) the Public Protector’s report; if not, why not; if so, on what date?

Reply from the Minister of Health on 12 Jun 2023

a) According to the North West Provincial Health, they are not aware of the Public Protector’s Report and the anonymous reference number referred to in the question. They would like to request the Honourable Ms MD Hlengwa to provide them with this information in order to provide a proper respond.

b) Fruitless and Wasteful expenditure are disclosed in the Annual Report and presented to ...

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2023-w2044 - 12 June 2023

Michéle Odette Clarke to ask the Minister of Health

(1)With reference to the DA having received complaints that 4th year B Nursing students are working double the number of hours required by the SA Nursing Council (SANC) and that they might not graduate at the end of May 2023 due to this discrepancy and the impact of the Nehawu strike earlier this year, what number of work-integrated learning hours are 4th-year B Nursing students required to complete in order to graduate; (2) should the specified students meet the 1 830 hours required by SANC, but not the 3 000 hours, (a) would he ensure that they are assisted to graduate and (b) in what way will the students be assisted to graduate?

Reply from the Minister of Health on 12 Jun 2023

1. According to the North West University (NWU), the B. Nursing curriculum outlay, the number of work-integrated learning hours as per accreditation document submitted and approved by the South African Nursing Council (SANC). The total required clinical hours over the 4 years, are 3000 hours. This is in line with South African Nursing Council’s Nursing-Education-and-Training-Standards, page 12, Bachelor degree (Regulation R174). The 3000 hours ...

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