2023-w1916 - 12 June 2023

Shirley Motshegoane Mokgotho to ask the Minister of Health

Which measures have been put in place to ensure effective waste management in the Dr George Mukhari Academic Hospital in Ga-Rankuwa, where waste has piled up and poses a health risk?

Reply from the Minister of Health on 12 Jun 2023

According to the Gauteng Department of Health, the problem with the former service provider was resolved through the appointment of another service provider who ensured that the collection of medical waste is done in line with the Service Level Agreement, and the hospital also confirmed that they have never experienced similar problems since the appointment of the new service provider.


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2023-w1793 - 12 June 2023

Vuyolwethu Zungula to ask the Minister of Health

(1)Whether he will implement the remedial actions from the Public Protector’s report on allegations of undue delay by the National Department of Health to address the challenges experienced by Clinical Associates that was released on 30 November 2021 (details furnished), in the 2023 calendar year; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) whether he has directed a facilitation of the negotiations within the first quarter of 2023, to correct the occupation specific dispensation omission, in line with the remedial action from the Public Protector’s report on allegations of undue delay by his department in respect of the challenges experienced by Clinical Associates that was released on 30 November 2021 (details furnished); if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (3) whether he will fast track the creation of posts and reviewing the clinical associates programme (details furnished), as more clinical associates are forced to seek employment outside the public sector which is contrary to the initial purpose of the programme; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details? (2) whether he has directed a facilitation of the negotiations within the first quarter of 2023, to correct the occupation specific dispensation omission, in line with the remedial action from the Public Protector’s report on allegations of undue delay by his department in respect of the challenges experienced by Clinical Associates that was released on 30 November 2021 (details furnished); if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (3) whether he will fast track the creation of posts and reviewing the clinical associates programme (details furnished), as more clinical associates are forced to seek employment outside the public sector which is contrary to the initial purpose of the programme; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the Minister of Health on 12 Jun 2023

1. Yes, the Minister is implementing the remedial actions from the Public Protector’s report guided by prescripts of the law. As such, the DPSA are dealing with the issue of Occupational Specific Dispensation (OSD) through a process lead. DPSA has commissioned Price Waterhouse Coopers (PWC) to conduct a Personnel Expenditure Review (PER), that includes the review of OSDs in the public sector.

2. Yes, the National ...

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2023-w1733 - 12 June 2023

Magdalena Duduzile Hlengwa to ask the Minister of Health

What amount of his department’s annual budget has been set aside as emergency funds in preparation for another global pandemic such as COVID-19, as it has been seen how ill-preparedness poses a threat to humanity globally?

Reply from the Minister of Health on 12 Jun 2023

The National Department of Health does not have specific emergency funds in preparation for another global pandemic, the emergency funds are enshrined in the Disaster Management Act and is the competency of the Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs through the National Treasury. Funds are released when the President of the Republic of South Africa declares a disaster through the Department of Cooperative ...

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2023-w1612 - 12 June 2023

Paulnita Marais to ask the Minister of Health

After an SIU investigation led to the uncovering of wide scale corruption where an extraction syndicate scored over R250 million in dodgy tenders at Thembisa Hospital and given where one company, Minzorex, was red-flagged by the SIU, is still being awarded tenders to the value of R985 100 by the Edenvale Hospital as recently as January 2023, despite being already red-flagged, what is (a) the number and value of tenders awarded to Minzorex, or any of its subsidiaries, in the last 12 months, (b) what is the status of the investigation into the alleged dodgy tenders awarded to Minzorex, and what are the details in this regard, and (c) what are the reasons and details for Minzorex, or any other subsidiary, being allowed to continue to apply for tenders despite being red-flagged by the SIU? by most public hospitals in each province?

Reply from the Minister of Health on 12 Jun 2023

According to the Gauteng Provincial Department of Health, Edenvale Hospital did not award any tenders to Minzorex and its subsidiaries.

a) The Gauteng Department of Health has not awarded any tenders to Minzorex and its subsidiaries in the past twelve months.

b) The investigations by the Special Investigating Unit (SIU) are still in progress and the Department will implement the recommendations once investigation is ...

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2023-w1801 - 12 June 2023

Naledi Nokukhanya Chirwa to ask the Minister of Health

In light of how Jeremiah Moeca met his unfortunate and untimely death outside Batho Clinic in Bloemfontein, Free State, after being turned back and told Batho Clinic was no longer a 24/7 clinic, what (a) is the current status of Batho Clinic regarding its opening times, (b) are the reasons that the specified person was refused healthcare and not taken to an alternative facility and (c) measures has his department taken to remedy the situation and ensure his family gets justice?

Reply from the Minister of Health on 12 Jun 2023

a) According to Free State province, Batho clinic has been operating on extended service hours (07:00 -19:00) since 12 July 2022 after consultation was done with the clinic committees and local communities. Further awareness was done daily both to the internal customers and still continues. Batho clinic still operates 07:00 – 19:00 hours and the same operational hours are displayed on the service board ...

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2023-w1792 - 12 June 2023

Vuyolwethu Zungula to ask the Minister of Health

Whether, with regard to the implementation of remedial action from the Public Protector’s report on allegations of undue delay by the National Department of Health to address the challenges experienced by Clinical Associates that was released on 30 November 2021 (details furnished), his department has notified the National Treasury about the remedial actions recommended by the Public Protector; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the Minister of Health on 12 Jun 2023

At this stage, it is premature to approach National Treasury to lobby for additional funding for the remedial actions from the public protector. The matters of conditions of service for Clinical Associates have been presented to the Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA) and are being considered as part of the wider process of the Personnel Expenditure Review exercise that includes the review ...

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2023-w1754 - 12 June 2023

Rosina Ntshetsana Komane to ask the Minister of Health

With reference to his reply to question 1089 on 11 April 2023, (a) on what date (i) did the satellite clinic in Ward 29 Makolokwe, Rustenburg, in North West start operating and (ii) was it replaced by a mobile clinic and (b) what (i) is the structure currently being used for, as there was money used to build the structure and (ii) are the reasons for the security company contracted to guard the unused premises?

Reply from the Minister of Health on 12 Jun 2023

(a) (i) The satellite clinic in Ward 29 Makolokwe, Rustenburg, in North West started operating in 2002.

(ii) The satellite clinic in Ward 29 Makolokwe, Rustenburg was replaced by a mobile clinic since 2005. Currently, the mobile clinic station is at the community hall.

(b) (i) This structure, built by Bophuthatswana Government, was used as  a storage area for some of the Sub-district equipment, ...

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2023-w1604 - 02 June 2023

Vuyolwethu Zungula to ask the Minister of Health

(1)Whether he convened a meeting for the purposes of synthesizing the task team report with the Executive Committee and provincial departments within 60 working days after the Public Protector’s report on allegations of undue delay by his department was issued to address the challenges experienced by Clinical Associates that was released on 30 November 2021; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) whether his department engaged with the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) to request that the matter of prescribing rights be finalised without further delay within 30 working days after the Public Protector’s report on Clinical Associates was issued; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (3) whether his department re-engaged with the Department of Public Service and Administration to motivate for the holistic review of the Occupational Specific Dispensation as a remuneration framework in the Public Health Sector that is inclusive of Clinical Associates within 60 working days after the Public Protector’s report on Clinical Associates was issued; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (4) whether his department will meet the deadline of 30 November 2023 to conduct and finalise the review of the Clinical Associates performance programme to assess various aspects of the programme, including uptake since its establishment, impact on health services, career pathing and/or advancement prospects of Clinical Associates, status of mid-level policy interventions generally and other parameters that may be of relevance to guide decisions on the programme; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the Minister of Health on 2 Jun 2023

1. The Clinical Associates matters raised in the Task Team report as well as the proposals for addressing some of the concerns raised in the report were presented to the National Health Council Technical Advisory Committee (NHC Tech) which is a forum that consist of the NDoH’s Executive Committee with Provincial Heads of Health Departments on 18 November 2021.

NHC Tech accepted the proposal ...

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2023-w1734 - 02 June 2023

Magdalena Duduzile Hlengwa to ask the Minister of Health

Considering that the Government is still in possession of more than 25 million vaccine doses despite a decline in the number of persons who come in for vaccinations and booster shots, what (a) number of vaccine doses is the Government expecting to go to waste as the World Health Organisation has recently declared an end to the COVID-19 global health emergency and (b) is the monetary value of the specified vaccine doses?

Reply from the Minister of Health on 2 Jun 2023

(a) The estimated number of doses of vaccine that may go for waste is:

  • Janssen® COVID-19 vaccine (Janssen vaccine) is 20 780 450.
  • Comirnaty® vaccine (mRNA COVID-19 vaccine) (Pfizer vaccine) is 7 479 930

(b) Monetary value of these vaccines is:

  • Janssen vaccine = R 2 677 716 836
  • Pfizer vaccine = R 1 208 569 690


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2023-w1603 - 02 June 2023

Vuyolwethu Zungula to ask the Minister of Health

Following reports of a Congolese national arrested for practicing medicine without being registered with the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA), what (a) total number of persons have been caught practicing medicine without HPCSA registration and (b) steps has (i) he and (ii) his department taken to prevent unregistered doctors from practicing medicine and putting the lives of persons at risk?

Reply from the Minister of Health on 2 Jun 2023

a) Section 17 of the Health Professions Act (Act no.56 of 1974) makes registration with the Council a prerequisite to practice any health professions registrable in terms of the Act and practicing while not registered amounts to a criminal offence.

According to the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA/Council), 124 persons have been arrested for practicing medicine without registration with the HPCSA.

b) ...

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