2023-w3889 - 14 December 2023

Michéle Odette Clarke to ask the Minister of Health

(1)(a) Who will form part of the delegation from the Republic to the Tenth Meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP) to the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control to be held in Panama from 20 to 25 November 2023 and (b) what are their expertise; (2) what is the (a) mandate and (b) position of the Government regarding the specified COP meeting?

Reply from the Minister of Health on 14 Dec 2023

1. (a) COP 10 did not take place in November 2023 as scheduled. It was due to take place in Panama but has since been postponed and indication is that it will probably take place in the first quarter of 2024. Ordinarily the delegates include a legal representative responsible for drafting legislations and an official responsible for policy formulation, that is the programme manager ...

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2023-w3891 - 14 December 2023

Michéle Odette Clarke to ask the Minister of Health

(1)What is the status of CAS4/06/2023; (2) what is the status quo of the medical case with the medico Legal Mortuary file number 1508/23; (3) whether the family has been given the postmortem report of a certain person (name and details furnished); if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the Minister of Health on 14 Dec 2023

1.  A CAS number is generated by the South African Police Service (SAPS);

2. The postmortem was conducted, and the histology analysis has also been concluded to confirm the cause of death;

3. The postmortem report is ready for collection by the Investigating officer for release to the family.


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2023-w3940 - 14 December 2023

Jan Naudé De Villiers to ask the Minister of Health

Whether (a) he, (b) the Deputy Minister and (c) any other official in his department attended the Rugby World Cup final in France in October 2023; if not; what is the position in this regard; if so, what (i) are the relevant details of each person in his department who attended the Rugby World Cup, (ii) is the total number of such persons and (iii) were the total costs of (aa) travel, (bb) accommodation and (cc) any other related costs that were incurred by his department as a result of the trip(s)?

Reply from the Minister of Health on 14 Dec 2023

(a)-(c) No, neither the Minister, the Deputy Minister nor any official of the National Department of Health attended the Rugby World Cup final in France in October 2023.

(i), (ii), (iii) (aa), (bb), (cc) Not applicable.


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2023-w4126 - 14 December 2023

Lorato Florence Tito to ask the Minister of Health

In light of the festive season approaching in a couple of weeks, what measures have been put in place to ensure that hospitals across the Republic are prepared for the increase in medical incidents?

Reply from the Minister of Health on 14 Dec 2023

In preparation for the busy festive season the following measures have been put in place in hospitals:

  • Contingency plans for the festive season are in place for all hospitals and Emergency Medical Services as is done annually.
  • Contingency plan is in place for extra personnel in Accident and Emergency units, surgical and orthopaedic wards throughout the festive period due to expected increase in the ...
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2023-w4179 - 14 December 2023

Michéle Odette Clarke to ask the Minister of Health

(a) What are the full details of all the investments that were made to the public health sector by foreign (i) governments, (ii) private companies and/or corporations and (iii) individuals in each specified financial year since 1 April 2019, (b) what is the total amount of each investment and (c) how was each investment utilised?

Reply from the Minister of Health on 14 Dec 2023

a) (i),(ii),(iii) Donor funds

b) Total per each investment

a) (i) (ii) (iii)








b) Total: Centre for Disease Control and Prevention














b) Total: European Union














b) Total: Germany


877 ...

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2023-w4142 - 14 December 2023

Annacleta Mathapelo Siwisa to ask the Minister of Health

What (a) number of doctors have been found to operate in public (i) hospitals and (ii) clinics without proper qualifications and (b) actions have been taken against the officials that allowed the specified doctors to have access to the hospitals and clinics?

Reply from the Minister of Health on 14 Dec 2023

(a)-(b) According to the HPCSA they have no records of doctors employed and practicing in public hospitals or Clinics. It is important to appreciate that before a doctor can be employed in the public healthcare sector and paid in the public healthcare system he/she must be registered on the PERSAL system which would include a requirement that the doctor provides evidence of registration with ...

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2023-w4199 - 14 December 2023

Madeleine Bertine Hicklin to ask the Minister of Health

(1)With regard to the October 2023 medical and dental board (MDB) examination, what are the reasons that the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) and MDB (a) deviated from past practice of allocating three hours to the theory component of the board examination and (b) did not inform candidates of the deviation from the past practice; (2) (a) what are the reasons that the HPCSA forces candidates who wish to register as interns and candidates who wish to register as medical officers to write the same examination and (b) on what date is it envisaged that the HPCSA will rectify the situation and provide different examinations to suit the level of registration?

Reply from the Minister of Health on 14 Dec 2023

According to the HPCSA:

1. (a)-(b) The Scope and Guideline document for “Board Examination for Foreign Medical Practitioners wishing to practice in South Africa and for the purpose restoration” issued by the HPCSA’s Medical and Dental Professions Board dated July 2023 provides details on the content, length, and format of the Theory Examination. It is stated in the guideline document that the theory ...

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2023-w4063 - 14 December 2023

Madeleine Bertine Hicklin to ask the Minister of Health

What (a) total number of applications have been received for positions of community service nurses in 2024, (b) total number of applicants have already been placed as community service nurses and (c) is the deadline for final placement?

Reply from the Minister of Health on 14 Dec 2023

The National Department of Health opened the Internship and Community Service Programme (ICSP) application site from 4 October until 23 October 2023. Applicants and all relevant stake holders including students representatives by the form of Unions and Associations were informed accordingly.

As a result, it is appreciated that a total of 10 495 applicants headed a call and applied for medical internship and community ...

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2023-w4062 - 14 December 2023

Madeleine Bertine Hicklin to ask the Minister of Health

What (a) total number of applications have been received for positions of (i) interns and (ii) community service doctors in 2024, (b) number of applicants have already been placed in each case and (c) is the deadline for final placement in each case?

Reply from the Minister of Health on 14 Dec 2023

The National Department of Health opened the Internship and Community Service Programme (ICSP) application site from 4 October until 23 October 2023. Applicants and all relevant stakeholders including students representatives by the form of Unions and Associations were informed accordingly.

As a result, it is appreciated that a total of 10 495 applicants headed a call and applied for medical internship and community service ...

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2023-w4064 - 14 December 2023

Madeleine Bertine Hicklin to ask the Minister of Health

What (a) total number of applications have been received for positions of community service physiotherapist in 2024, (b) total number of applicants have already been placed as community service physiotherapists and (c) is the deadline for final placement?

Reply from the Minister of Health on 14 Dec 2023

The National Department of Health opened the Internship and Community Service Programme (ICSP) application site from 4 October until 23 October 2023. Applicants and all relevant stakeholders including students representatives by the form of Unions and Associations were informed accordingly.

As a result, it is appreciated that a total of 10 495 applicants headed a call and applied for medical internship and community service ...

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