2023-w2585 - 18 September 2023

Kavilan Brandon Pillay to ask the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation

With the current difficulties in numerous institutions in the post-schooling and education sector, how is his department preparing for next year’s academic period for higher learning institutions (details furnished) and skills development expansion planning?

Reply from the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation on 18 Sep 2023

The Department is preparing for next year's academic period for higher learning institutions and skills development expansion planning in various ways. The details of preparations are provided below:

1. Enrolments for the 2024 academic year

The enrolment applications for TVET colleges for the 2024 academic year opened on 1 September 2023. All TVET colleges will use online application system to enrol new and returning ...

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2023-w2549 - 18 September 2023

Chantel King to ask the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation

With reference to the 16 independent assessor reports that his department has commissioned since 2000, what are the relevant details of the areas the University of South Africa’s independent assessor report flagged as matters of concern?

Reply from the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation on 18 Sep 2023

The Independent Assessor’ s report is lengthy (316 pages) and makes reference to the following concerns, amongst others:

  • Governance Structures: Council functioning found not to be optimal with an outdated statute, bloated committee structure and excessive meetings over the years. The student governance model found not to be optimal with an outdated SRC Constitution, SRC structure not fit for purpose, the centralised model ...
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2023-w2610 - 18 September 2023

Annacleta Mathapelo Siwisa to ask the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation

(1)(a) What has he found is the crisis at universities that calls for the Higher Education Act, Act 101 of 1997, to be reviewed and (b) how do those who have called for the review of the specified Act, propose to his department that it will assist in resolving the crisis; (2) whether the review they have proposed to his department will be inclusive of gradually ridding the higher education sector of tenderpreneuring and ensure that the capacity of his department is increased; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation on 18 Sep 2023

1. There have been some calls for the Act to be reviewed, particularly in the context of governance challenges over the years. Some of the issues and proposals are as follows:

  • The current Act is seen to limit the framing of the Code of Conduct of councils to principles and practices for avoiding conflicts of interest. Provisions for Council to discipline members for misconduct ...
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2023-w2584 - 18 September 2023

Bafuze Sicelo Yabo to ask the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation

What systematic interventions are required to curb the levels of maladministration and acknowledged levels of corruption in relation to the persisting governance challenges at the University of South Africa?

Reply from the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation on 18 Sep 2023

The Independent Assessor Reports over the years have highlighted a number of factors that contribute to governance failures. These range from the inability of councils, and in some cases the chairperson and deputy chairperson in particular, to provide strategic leadership and direction resulting in the abdication of its responsibilities to the Management; role confusion and contestation; fraught relationships between Council and Management; the phenomenon ...

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2023-w2531 - 18 September 2023

Vuyolwethu Zungula to ask the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation

(1)What is the total number of illegal institutions of higher learning that have been (a) identified and (b) closed down by his department because they were (i) operating without being registered with (aa) his department, (bb) the sector education and training authorities and/or (cc) other relevant bodies and (ii) defrauding parents and learners while offering them fake qualifications that are not registered on the National Qualifications Framework in the past financial year; (2) how does his department ensure that every institution of higher learning (a) meets the minimum requirements and (b) is registered to provide education and genuine qualifications to students?

Reply from the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation on 18 Sep 2023

(1) (a) My Department, which is the Department of Higher Education and Training, has identified nine (9) illegal institutions of higher learning in the past financial year and (b) all 9 of them were closed down because they were (i) (aa) operating without registration with the Department as either Private Higher Education Institutions in terms of the Higher Education (HE) Act 101 of 1997 ...

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2023-w2390 - 13 July 2023

Chantel King to ask the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation

Whether the National Student Financial Aid Scheme has found that there are beneficiaries who received duplicate funding due to identity document fraud in the 2021-22 and 2022-23 financial years; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what (a) total number of beneficiaries received duplicate funding in the specified financial years, (b) was the total monetary value in Rand of the duplicate funding in each financial year and (c) are the names of the universities in which duplicate funding was found in each financial year?

Reply from the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation on 13 Jul 2023

The Department has not been exposed to challenges with duplicate funding related to identity document fraud in the years 2021-2023 financial years. This may be attributed to the fact that NSFAS application processes confirm an applicant’s identity details with assistance of the Department of Home Affairs.

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2023-w2497 - 13 July 2023

Nokulunga Primrose Sonti to ask the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation

With reference to the fatal stabbing of a female student at a residence of the Nelson Mandela University, (a) what steps does he intend to take to mainstream security features across all institutions of higher learning to avoid incidents of gender-based violence and femicide continue to haunt institutions of higher learning and (b) by what date will the efforts be initiated?

Reply from the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation on 13 Jul 2023

The strategic interventions put in place by the Minister to combat gender violence and femicide in the sector include the publication of the Policy Framework to address Gender-Based Violence in the Post-School Education and Training System. The framework compels all PSET institutions to raise awareness about GBV; prevent the occurrence of GBV; and support survivors by having procedures for reporting and dealing with GBV. ...

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2023-w2495 - 13 July 2023

Nokulunga Primrose Sonti to ask the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation

With reference to the recommendations contained in the report submitted to him by Professor Norman Duncan, in which it is stated that students claimed that they were scammed by the employees of the Central University of Technology, (a) what steps will he take to intervene in the matter, (b) in what way will the involved parties be held accountable and (c) on what date is it envisaged that consequence management will take place?

Reply from the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation on 13 Jul 2023

I have shared the Report with the Council of the University, as required by the Higher Education Act No 101 of 1997 as amended; and requested the Council to respond to the findings and recommendations of the Report.

I will then consider the response of the Council; and decide on the appropriate action as provided for and guided by the Higher Education Act, considering ...

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2023-w2473 - 13 July 2023

Sibongiseni Ngcobo to ask the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation

(1) Considering the rising levels of gender-based violence and other crimes in institutions of higher learning and training, what are the reasons that his department is deferring the full implementation of the Safety and Security Minimum Norms and Standards to the 2024-25 financial year; (2) what steps is his department currently taking to ensure the safety and security of students and staff in institutions of higher learning and training across the Republic?

Reply from the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation on 13 Jul 2023

The Department of Higher Education and Training (the Department) has been working towards finding mechanisms to address the scourge of violence on campuses. The work on the development of safety and security blueprint for universities which will serve as a framework for universities to have minimum norms and standards on the provision of safety and security measures at the universities is underway. The department ...

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2023-w2090 - 30 June 2023

Sanele Sethembeni Zondo to ask the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation

What are the details of the plans that his department has in place to prevent and address the common and recurring problems students are faced with that result in student protests being a yearly occurrence, which has recently prompted his strong condemnation due to concomitant incidents of violent disruptions, arson, vandalism and intimidation such as those that occurred during student protests at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology and the University of the Western Cape?

Reply from the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation on 30 Jun 2023

The Department of Higher Education and Training always engages with university management teams, Student representative Councils (SRC), South African Union of Students (SAUS) and the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) to resolve genuine student concerns raised with me and the Department. Some of these discussions’ pre-date the registration period as challenges is experienced during registration period. The Minister holds meetings with Vice-Chancellor (through ...

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