2018-w3468 - 29 November 2018

Risimati Thompson Mavunda to ask the Minister of Higher Education and Training

In view of the Maruleng Municipality in Limpopo that have applied for the establishment of a technical and vocational education and training college and her department's acknowledgement of receipt of the application, how long will it take her department to conduct inspections of the area in order to start with the establishment of a TVET college in the Maruleng municipal district?

Reply from the Minister of Higher Education and Training on 29 Nov 2018

The Director of Building and Development and Maintenance conducted the site assessment on 19 October 2017 accompanied by the Principal of Mopani South East Technical and Vocational

Education and Training (TVET) College. The findings of the assessment were as follows:
- the site is unusable;

- buildings are dilapidated; and

- the site is approximately 11 O kilometres from the Mopani South East TVET ...

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2018-w3233 - 22 November 2018

Denise Robinson to ask the Minister of Higher Education and Training

What (a) amount did (i) her department and (ii) each entity reporting to her borrow from any entity in the People’s Republic of China (aa) in each of the past three financial years and (bb) since 1 April 2018, (b) is the name of the lender of each loan, (c) conditions are attached to each loan and (d) are the repayment periods for each loan in each case?

Reply from the Minister of Higher Education and Training on 22 Nov 2018

a) The Department and its entities have not borrowed money from any entity in the People’s Republic of China.

b) Not applicable.

c) Not applicable.

d) Not applicable.

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2018-w3160 - 22 November 2018

Nontando Nolutshungu to ask the Minister of Higher Education and Training

What was the (a) total number of students, (b) total number of staff including the (i) position and (ii) qualifications of each staff member and (c) budget of each faculty at each institution of higher learning in the country in the past five academic years?

Reply from the Minister of Higher Education and Training on 22 Nov 2018

A) The total number of students at universities in the 2017 academic year was 1 036 984.

B) The table below provides the Instructional Research Professionals by rank and qualification:

Highest most relevant qualification


Associate Professor

Vice Rector


Associate Director

Senior Lecturer


Junior Lecturer

Below Junior Lecturer



University Qualification

Undergraduate Diploma or Certificate (1 or 2 years)


0 ...

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2018-w3174 - 22 November 2018

Gerhardus Cornelius Oosthuizen to ask the Minister of Higher Education and Training

(1) Whether she has been informed of the offer by the George Local Municipality to the South Cape Technical and Vocational Education and Training College for a land swap which will alleviate the limitations to extend the facilities on the current George campus site; if so, does her department support the plans; (2) What would the estimated budget be for the construction of a completely new campus; 3) Whether her department is currently seeking funding for the project; if so, what are the relevant details; (4) Has an action plan been drafted and approved; if so, (a) what are the relevant details, (b) what would the next step be in the action plan and (c) who will be responsible for the execution thereof?

Reply from the Minister of Higher Education and Training on 22 Nov 2018

  1. The Department granted permission to the South Cape Technical and Vocational Education and Training College to exchange its George Campus for the specified vacant municipal land on 13 December 2017, if both parties enter into a formal agreement.
  2. The estimated budget for the construction of the new campus will be R565 million.
  3. The College has solicited funding from the Services Sector Education and Training ...
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2018-w3175 - 22 November 2018

Gerhardus Cornelius Oosthuizen to ask the Minister of Higher Education and Training

(1)Whether her department has done any demographic studies in order to determine priorities for the future expansion or establishment of public technical and vocational education and training college campuses and hostel accommodation; if so, what (a) criteria were used to determine the future needs and (b) were the findings in each case; (2) to what extent are priority projects for future infrastructure investment in college campuses and hostels influenced by factors not related to demographic figures, but by the availability of buildings or the offer of land by local governments and other land owners; (3) does her department have a priority list for the expansion of college infrastructure, including hostels, beyond the bids that were advertised in 2016; if so, (a) which projects appear on the currently ranked list of priority projects and (b) which of the specified projects have been included in the medium term budget by her department; 4) (a) what requests for the construction of facilities have been submitted by public technical and vocational education and training college councils since January 2015, (b) on what dates have the requests been received, (c) which of the proposed projects have been considered in terms of a prioritisation list and (d) on which of the specified projects have formal feedback been given to college councils?

Reply from the Minister of Higher Education and Training on 22 Nov 2018






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2018-w2829 - 21 November 2018

Andricus Pieter Van der Westhuizen to ask the Minister of Higher Education and Training

(a) How the National Qualification Forum (NQF) is constituted, (b) who is the chairperson of the forum and (c) what (i) is the role of the forum, (ii) are the topics that the forum has dealt with since its inception, (iii) advice or recommendations have emanated from the forum since its inception and (iv) are the reasons the NQF has not met since 1 January 2012?

Reply from the Minister of Higher Education and Training on 21 Nov 2018

(a} The National Qualification Forum (NQF} is formally constituted through the NQF Implementation Plan 2011-2015 and the System of Collaboration which guides the mutual relations of the South African Qualification Authority (SAQA} and Quality Councils (QCs} as per the National Qualifications Framework Act, sections 13(1 }(f}(i} and 33. Members of the NQF Forum are the Chairpersons and Chief Executive Officers (CEOs} of the Councils/Boards ...

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2018-w3065 - 21 November 2018

Andricus Pieter Van der Westhuizen to ask the Minister of Higher Education and Training

(1) (a) What qualifications will be offered by public technical and vocational education and training colleges on Level 6 of the National Qualifications Framework as was mentioned in the Minister of Basic Education's speech during her response to the State of the Nation Address 2018 and (b) how will the specified qualifications be named; (2) (a) on what date will the qualifications be introduced and (b) what would be the requirements of staff members' qualifications in order to offer these qualifications; (3) (a) what facilities will be needed to offer these qualifications and (b) how would this be financed?

Reply from the Minister of Higher Education and Training on 21 Nov 2018

(1 )(a) The White Paper on Post-School Education and Training makes provision for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET} colleges to offer both higher education and occupational qualifications at NQF level 6 on the Higher Education Qualifications SubFramework (HEQSF). Several colleges already offer Higher Certificates at NQF level 5, and some colleges will progress into the Advanced Certificates at NQF level 6. Three ...

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2018-w3064 - 21 November 2018

Andricus Pieter Van der Westhuizen to ask the Minister of Higher Education and Training

(1) What are the plans of her department regarding the future of the curricula currently on offer at public technical and vocational education and training colleges? (2) whether the National Certificate Vocational levels 2 to 4 will be offered in the future; if not, why not; if so, (a) will all curricula be reviewed, (b) by what date will the reviewed curricula be introduced and (c) will the choice of curricula be widened or narrowed down; (3) are there any plans to review the (a) curricula and/or (b) minimum periods of study of the National Accredited Technical Education Diploma levels 1 to 6; if so, what are the details and proposed roll-out dates for such changes; (4) will new curricula that cater for the changes in the skills needs which are required by the jobs market, for example for the repair of mobile phones, computer-based graphic design, fibre cabling and logistics, be developed and offered at public technical and vocational education and training colleges; if so, by what date will the renewal programme be rolled out?

Reply from the Minister of Higher Education and Training on 21 Nov 2018

(1) The Department is in the process of:

- Rationalising some of the Report 191 curricula, especially where there is poor uptake and where such subjects are no longer relevant. This involves 171 engineering-related subjects and 214 business studies-related subjects;
- Updating subjects, through the review process, where there are consistently high enrolments and where the skills sets are still relevant. Thirty-four subjects from ...

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2018-w3036 - 13 November 2018

Nontando Nolutshungu to ask the Minister of Higher Education and Training

What (a) will be the capacity of each faculty at each institution of higher learning in 2019 and (b) number of first year students will each specified institution of higher learning be able to accept in 2019?

Reply from the Minister of Higher Education and Training on 13 Nov 2018

(a) Universities have a variety of ways in which they name their faculties, and therefore, the programmes offered by faculties across institutions vary considerably. The enrolment plan for each university is not developed per faculty, but rather for the institution as a whole. It is therefore not possible to indicate the capacity of each faculty at each institution. However, it is possible to provide ...

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2018-w2828 - 09 November 2018

Gerhardus Cornelius Oosthuizen to ask the Minister of Higher Education and Training

Will the National Financial Student Aid Scheme (NSFAS) be (a) scrapping or (b) amending the so-called student-centred model adopted in 2018; if so, what are the features of the future system to disburse payments to students; (2) what does it mean that there has only been a 46% utilisation of the funds made available by the NSFAS by technical and vocational education and training colleges as at 30 August 2018?

Reply from the Minister of Higher Education and Training on 9 Nov 2018

  1. (a) No decision has been made on the scrapping of the student-centred model.

(b) Part of the Terms of Reference for the Administrator is to work with the Department of Higher Education and Training to review the business processes of the entity and make long-term recommendations on the future models, structures, systems and business processes necessary for an effective National Student Financial Aid Scheme ...

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