2018-w2815 - 17 October 2018

Nqabayomzi Lawrence Saziso Kwankwa to ask the Minister of Higher Education and Training

By what date will she commit to finalise the payment of the outstanding (a) salary from April 2010 to October 2017, (b) the promised pension arrangement and (c) promised leave gratuity as undertaken by her department on 26 October 2017 to Mr Dyafta (details furnished)?

Reply from the Minister of Higher Education and Training on 17 Oct 2018

Mr Dyafta is not an employee of the Department of Higher Education and Training. Mr Dyafta was transferred to the Department of Education in the Eastern Cape after the migration process on 1 April 2015. The question should therefore be directed to the Department of Education in the Eastern Cape.

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2018-w2758 - 17 October 2018

Belinda Bozzoli to ask the Minister of Higher Education and Training

(1)Whether she has found that students who recently walked out of an examination at the University of Limpopo did so because the examination was deemed too difficult; if not, (2) whether she has found that the walk-out was staged due to a different reason; if so, what (a) was the reason, (b) are the further relevant details of the walk-out, (c) action will be taken to address the situation and (d) consequences will be faced by the students who walked out?

Reply from the Minister of Higher Education and Training on 17 Oct 2018

1. The University of Limpopo responded to the posed question as follows:

The session was not an examination paper as reported in social and mainstream print and electronic media. It was a scheduled test for the second semester Education Studies (HEDA032) module. While the preliminary outcome of the investigation indicates that the test content was of an appropriate standard, the test cover had mistakes, ...

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2018-w2623 - 17 October 2018

Anton De Waal Alberts to ask the Minister of Higher Education and Training

(1)Whether her department’s language policy on higher education, of which the concept was published in the Government Gazette of 23 February 2018, has already been finalised; if not, (a) which processes are still outstanding and (b) what is the timeframe for finalisation; if so, when will it be published; (2) whether her department received and considered submissions from (a) the SA Academy for Arts and Science, (b) the Afrikaans Language Board and (c) Afriforum; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details in each case; (3) whether, if the specified policy is not yet finalised, she will possibly consider hosting a symposium in order to refine it; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details; (4) whether she has found that the policy is in compliance with her obligation under subsection 6(4) of the Constitution, 1996, to regulate and monitor the use of official languages by means of legislative and other measures, as subsection 27(2) of the Higher Education Act, Act 101 of 1997, has the aforementioned as its underlying basis; (5) whether she will make a statement on the matter?

Reply from the Minister of Higher Education and Training on 17 Oct 2018






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2018-w2574 - 17 October 2018

Nontando Nolutshungu to ask the Minister of Higher Education and Training

(1)(a) What is the total number of (i) deputy directors-general and (ii) chief directors that are employed in (aa) an acting and (bb) a permanent capacity in her department and (b) what is the total number of women in each case; (2) (a) what is the total number of (i) chief executive officers and (ii) directors of each entity reporting to her and (b) what is the total number of women in each case?

Reply from the Minister of Higher Education and Training on 17 Oct 2018

1.The table below shows the total number of Deputy Directors-General and Chief Directors employed on an acting and permanent capacity in the Department and the total number of women in each case.


(aa) Acting

(bb) Permanent

Total Number

(a) (i) Deputy Directors-General




(b) Women





(aa) Acting

(bb) Permanent

Total Number

(a) (ii) ...

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2018-w2406 - 17 October 2018

Andricus Pieter Van der Westhuizen to ask the Minister of Higher Education and Training

(1)(a) What periods were set from the last examination session for the target dates for the bulk release of examination results for the (a) National Accredited Technical Education Diploma and (c) National Certificate (Vocational) at each public technical and vocational education and training college since the November 2015 examination cycle, (d) how do the periods differ from those set in the previous 10 years and (d) what are the reasons for any changes; (2) whether any delays were experienced in the publication of examination results for the specified programmes since the November 2015 examination cycle; if so, (a) why was the publication of the results delayed, (b) which subjects’ results were delayed, (c) for what amount of time were the results delayed and (d) what mechanisms have been put in place to eliminate these delays in the future?

Reply from the Minister of Higher Education and Training on 17 Oct 2018

  1. (a)-(c) The dates for the bulk release of examination results for the National Accredited Technical Education Diploma and National Certificate (Vocational) at each public Technical and Vocational Education and Training college since the November 2015 examination cycle are provided in the table below.


Examination cycle

Scheduled release dates

Actual dates

(exceptions are given in 2(a) below)

Engineering Studies (ES)

April 2015 ...

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2018-w2611 - 27 September 2018

Maroga Lazarus Mokoena to ask the Minister of Higher Education and Training

(1)Whether she has been informed of (a) the allegations and (b) the case that has been opened against the Chief Executive Officer and members of the board of the National Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, (2) has she instituted an investigation and/or followed up on the allegations and the case; if not, why; if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the Minister of Higher Education and Training on 27 Sep 2018

1. (a) The Minister has received two letters containing allegations of maladministration and corruption against the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and the Board from NIHSS staff, as well as a whistle-blower.

(b) The Minister has not been made aware of any case opened against the CEO or the Board.

2. The Director-General on 20 August 2018 requested the Board of NIHSS to investigate the ...

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2018-w2607 - 27 September 2018

Nontando Nolutshungu to ask the Minister of Higher Education and Training

What are the names of all institutions of higher learning where (a) cleaning, (b) gardening, (c) catering and (d) security staff are insourced?

Reply from the Minister of Higher Education and Training on 27 Sep 2018

The Department does not routinely collect information on the way in which services are managed at individual universities and the management thereof. The Department requested all universities to respond whether or not they have insourced cleaning, gardening, catering and security staff. The responses from universities are provided in the table below.


(a) Cleaning

(b) Gardening

(c) Catering

(d) Security staff

1. Cape Peninsula ...

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2018-w2340 - 19 September 2018

Nontando Nolutshungu to ask the Minister of Higher Education and Training

(1)(a) What is the total number of instances of corruption at each institution of higher learning in the country that have been reported to her department or which her department has been made aware of by the police in the 2017-18 financial year, (b) what are the reported allegations in each case, (c) was each allegation investigated, (d) what was the outcome of each investigation and (e) what is the name of each person who is implicated;

Reply from the Minister of Higher Education and Training on 19 Sep 2018

1. (a) In terms of South African criminal law, corruption is defined as follows: Anybody who accepts any gratification from anybody else, or offers or gives any gratification (benefit) to anybody else in order to influence the receiver to conduct herself, himself or itself in a way, which amounts to the unlawful or irregular exercise of any duties.

Six cases of corruption at universities ...

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2018-w2437 - 19 September 2018

Nontando Nolutshungu to ask the Minister of Higher Education and Training

What is the (a) name of each investing company that has invested on land owned by (i) her department and (ii) each entity reporting to her and (b)(i) nature, (ii) value and (iii) length of each investment?

Reply from the Minister of Higher Education and Training on 19 Sep 2018

(a) (i) None

(ii) None

(b) (i) None

(ii) None

(iii) None

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2018-w2384 - 11 September 2018

William Mothipa Madisha to ask the Minister of Higher Education and Training

What (a) were the (i) circumstances and (ii) reasons that informed the decision to place the National Student Financial Aid Scheme under administration and (b) are the terms of reference of such administration?

Reply from the Minister of Higher Education and Training on 11 Sep 2018

a) (i) The Minister has through engagement with the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) in 2018, raised serious concerns about the failure of NSFAS to effectively confirm funding for students and disburse funding timeously to students in Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges and universities. The Department with experts from the sector and support of the Board has provided support to ...

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