2018-w2419 - 11 September 2018

Hildegard Sonja Boshoff to ask the Minister of Higher Education and Training

What programmes for the Continuous Professional Training and Development of teachers at special needs schools are (i) currently being implemented and (ii) planned for future academic years and (b) what number of teachers are trained or will be trained in each programme?

Reply from the Minister of Higher Education and Training on 11 Sep 2018

a) The development of inclusive education competence begins in initial teacher education programmes, and deeper specialisation is developed through continuing professional development programmes.

Universities offer initial teacher education and continuing professional development qualification programmes for teachers based on the policy requirements stipulated in the Policy on Minimum Requirements for Teacher Education Qualifications (PMRTEQ) (Department of Higher Education and Training 2011, revised in 2015).

The ...

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2018-w2379 - 11 September 2018

Nontando Nolutshungu to ask the Minister of Higher Education and Training

Whether she intends to support a presidential pardon for the convicted Fees Must Fall activists since the Government has agreed to the principle that education must be free?

Reply from the Minister of Higher Education and Training on 11 Sep 2018

There is no provision in the relevant laws and regulations which allows for intervention or support by Ministers in the processing of Presidential pardons.

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2018-w2466 - 11 September 2018

Nontando Nolutshungu to ask the Minister of Higher Education and Training

What number of rape incidents took place at each institution of higher learning in 2017?

Reply from the Minister of Higher Education and Training on 11 Sep 2018

The Department does not collect such information as a matter of routine.

The Department requested all universities and Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) college to respond to the question. The table below provides the responses received from 20 universities.


Number of rape incidents

1. Cape Peninsula University of Technology


2. University of Cape Town


3. Central University of Technology ...

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2018-w2410 - 11 September 2018

Belinda Bozzoli to ask the Minister of Higher Education and Training

(1)Has the University of Cape Town (UCT) begun to (a) plan and/or (b) construct the new art gallery promised at the time of the Fees Must Fall protests; if not, (i) why not and (ii) by what date will planning and construction begin; if so, what progress has been made in each case; (2) has UCT made overtures to, or offered an apology to, artists whose artworks were damaged, destroyed or censored during the Fees Must Fall protests; if not, why not; if so, what (a) is the name of each artist with whom communication was made and (b) are the details of the communication that has taken place in each case; (3) (a) what number of artworks remain censored at UCT, either through being physically covered up or placed out of sight and (b)(i) which category of artworks remain censored and (ii) what is the name of each affected (aa) artist and (bb) artwork?

Reply from the Minister of Higher Education and Training on 11 Sep 2018

The University of Cape Town (UCT) has provided the following responses to the questions posed.

  1. UCT intends to construct an Art Gallery. However, this has not yet materialised due to competing capital projects and other priorities.
  2. UCT has not made any apologies to individual artists. However, UCT has condemned the vandalism and violence that led to the destruction of the Art Gallery.
  3. UCT does ...
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2018-w2317 - 10 September 2018

Nontando Nolutshungu to ask the Minister of Higher Education and Training

(1)(a) What number of labour disputes are currently being faced by (i) her department and (ii) the entities reporting to her, (b) what is the cause of each dispute, (c) what is the nature of each dispute and (d) on what date was each dispute (i) reported and (ii) resolved;

Reply from the Minister of Higher Education and Training on 10 Sep 2018

  1. (a)(i) There are 56 disputes currently faced by the Department.

(ii) There are 50 disputes currently faced by the entities reporting to the Department.

(b)-(d) The details of the cause, nature, date of dispute reported and resolved of each dispute are provided in the table below:


Number of Conciliations

(b) Cause of dispute

(c ) Nature of dispute

(i) Date reported

(ii) ...

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2018-w2370 - 10 September 2018

Sibongile Mchunu to ask the Minister of Higher Education and Training

In view of the recent 6th BRICS Education Ministers’ meeting that was held in Cape Town recently under the theme Deepening BRICS Education Partnerships and Exchanges, where the Ministers reflected on the successes and challenges related to earlier education commitments made by the BRICS countries, how has she found the reflections made by the BRICS partners on university partnerships, technical and vocational education and training, work-based learning and digitisation can assist in strengthening the country’s post-school education and training system?

Reply from the Minister of Higher Education and Training on 10 Sep 2018

The Department hosted the 6th BRICS Education Ministers Meeting on 10 July 2018 under the theme “Deepening BRICS Education Partnerships and Exchanges”. The meeting aimed to reflect on the successes and challenges related to earlier education commitments made by the BRICS countries. The meeting ensured the exchange of best practices to improve education and training systems as well as pursuing opportunities for skills development. ...

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2018-w2369 - 10 September 2018

Risimati Thompson Mavunda to ask the Minister of Higher Education and Training

With reference to the 23 member Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Reference Group which was recently appointed as part of the implementation of Phase 1 of the Recognition of Prior Learning Coordination Policy, to what extent will the work and implementation of the RPL Coordination Policy be underpinned by the findings and recommendations of the 2013 RPL Ministerial Task Team Report?

Reply from the Minister of Higher Education and Training on 10 Sep 2018

The Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Coordination Policy was published on
31 March 2016. The conceptual framework for the RPL policy was the findings and recommendations contained in the Report of the Ministerial Task Team (MTT). The MTT for RPL recommended that RPL must be used for access and credit, and advancement. The RPL policy establishes these as principles of RPL. The establishment of ...

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2018-w2367 - 10 September 2018

Mathews Wolmarans to ask the Minister of Higher Education and Training

With reference to the SA Human Rights Commission Report on Transformation at Universities which recommended that her department takes a leading role in the transformation of institutions of higher learning and that universities should report annually on their state of transformation, what work has been put in to address recommendations which have not yet been addressed?

Reply from the Minister of Higher Education and Training on 10 Sep 2018

In 2014, the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) promulgated
the revised Regulations for Reporting by Public Higher Education Institutions
(R464, Government Gazette No. 37726 of 9 June 2014) which impose a duty on all university councils to report on transformation in their annual reports. In terms of the Regulations, public higher education institutions are required to adopt, implement and report on policies ...

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2018-w2368 - 10 September 2018

Cornelia Carol September to ask the Minister of Higher Education and Training

In view of the Centres of Specialisation Artisan Programme which was launched at the beginning of 2018 as an initiative that involves the provision of apprenticeships for young people by employers, the provision of training by colleges and the provision of funding by her department to support the initiatives through funding, how will the specified partnerships strengthen the link between education and the workplace which include areas of work such as artisan trades and the apprenticeship system?

Reply from the Minister of Higher Education and Training on 10 Sep 2018

The Centres of Specialisation (CoS) Programme has two key objectives; firstly, to accelerate the rate at which 13 priority trades are produced; and secondly, to build the capacity of the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges to play their part in delivering these priority trades. The 13 priority trades were identified after a period of intensive research into the skills required for ...

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2018-w2070 - 07 August 2018

Belinda Bozzoli to ask the Minister of Higher Education and Training

What (a) was the total monetary value of the damages to each (i) university and (ii) technical and vocational education and training college due to Fees Must Fall protests in the (aa) 2015-16, (bb) 2016-17 and (cc) 2017-18 financial years and (b)(i) is the name of each specified institution and (ii) are the details of the main incidents related to damages that contributed to the specified value?

Reply from the Minister of Higher Education and Training on 7 Aug 2018

a) (i) The table below shows the monetary value of damages reported by 13 universities over the (aa) 2015/16, (bb) 2016/17 and (cc) 2017/18 financial years. It is important to note that not all universities have provided information.


(aa) 2015-16

(bb) 2016-17

(cc) 2017-18

Details of Damages

Cape Peninsula of Technology

R3 600 000

R35 000 000

R6 900 000

Security control office and sports ...

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